a senior party

My Two-faced Prince

*pick up your phone~Pick up your phone~*

I opened my eyes weakly and saw my phone ring.

Should i pick it up? Should i sleep? i hesitated for a while and during that time the phone stopped ringing.

Oh whateve, i closed my eyes again

*pick up your phone~Pick up your phone~*


"Who the HELL CALLS IN .................11 in the morning?" omg!!!!!!!!! Im late for school.


Oh gosh !!!!!

I pick the phone up and it was Suzy

-Im so sorry i think i forgot to put the alarm on!!!! im so late for school!!! Are you at school??? what period is it now??? Should i go now????-


-woah woah calm down~~ 1 question in each time~~ does this mean your not at school?-


-me??? you mean your not at school too?-


-uh yeh theres a year party today-


-eh? whats that?-


-its this party thing..... only the seniors have it.. Once a month thingy-


-you mean the school allows it?


-OFCOURSE.....not.. hehe ^_^ but it doesnt matter. The nerds dont come... only ones who are important comes-


-oh you mean the troublemakers....- i translate


-mhm ^_^ so you coming?-


-uh,,,i shouldnt you know im a nerd and im not chosen-


-no its ok ^_^ I can bring friends ^_^ even Jonghyun is coming


-ok..........wait then why is Jonghyun coming? Isnt he the ANGELIC and NERDY student? and besides he's not a senior-


-oh you dont know? he's our school top student in like EVERYTHING so naturally everyone chooses him as our kingka. He can easily order people around... although he's too nice to do that.. and some chosen student who arent seniors can go...like me^_^-


-um.....well ok- i said giving up.


-we're going to Ari sunbae's house-


-Ari? whose that?-


-uh.....just come........ ill pick you up from the station...-


-why? tell me? who is that Sunbae?-


-shes......Jonghyun's ex................also the one who makes all the seniors stop other girls going near Jonghyun-






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Chapter 8: I have just seen everything! It is amazing! Please, please update soon.
Chapter 1: Man, I only had time to read the forward on what I have read it sounds like a really nice story. I'll read it later when I have time ok? I can't wait until I read more of it. SUBSCRIBE!
Iheartlife #3
LOL! He's so cutey petuey! I love him! Update soon :D
Asiihh this boy xD but still cute haha update soon! :)
He really is two faced..that cutey jonghyun..
OMG!!<br />
kill th !! ARI!!<br />
lol... updatee!!!
Thank you to the new readers <br />
Please enjoy and continue to comment plz ><
new reader :) nice story you've got there. Waiting for your update soon :)