First Part

Parts of Our Love

"I'm... leaving".

That was all that was running through your head.

You tried to forget it but, you just couldn't.

Those words stabbed you so bad that you couldn't stop bleeding.

Nothing in this world could be the antidote at this moment.

All you felt like doing was just to run away and hide.

Hide from all these tears and memories.

He took his love away and left me with all these memories to deal with.

You can't forget them. You can't keep them either.

"What am I supposed to do?" you murmured to yourself.

God, help me.


10 years have passed since that incident. You are now living on your own. 

You know that it has been such a long time since that very day.

But, everything felt like it was just yesterday.

You would still cry whenever you think of it.

You just couldn't stand it.

He was your happiness.

He was your life.




You got a letter a few days later. You opened it and read the contents.

' Hi. Do you still remember me?

How are you? Are you eating well?

I know I must've hurt you so much before,

I'm so sorry. I just... was in a bad situation.

I bet you've been questioning yourself about why I left.

I honestly didn't want to leave you.

But, I was forced to, by my father.

He wanted me to move to a better school.

He said that I would get better chances to study somewhere else.

Right now I'm studying overseas. And I've got some, news.

I'm getting married.'

Your heart just sunk at that moment.

You found out that they guy that you've always been waiting for is now getting married.

You felt like your heart was stabbed a million of times. 

It was you who supposed to be walking down the isle with him. 

It was you who supposed to live happily ever after.

Now it all ruined.

You continued to read the letter.

'I'd like for you to come to my wedding.

I attached a plane ticket and wedding card at the back of this paper.

Well, I hope you can come.

See you there, maybe'

At the bottom of the letter was his signature.

Still the same old messy sign.

Nothing really much has changed about him.

Except for the fact that he's already engaged.

At that time, a million other things were running through your head.

'Should I go?'

'What am I going to wear?'

'What if his wife-to-be doesn't like me?'

You have an intense migraine now.

You take and asprin and went to bed.


The next morning,

You were woken up by your annoying 'Gangnam Style' ringtone.

You opened your eyes as wide as possible though it wasn't that possible. 

You pick up the phone and answer it with a shaky 'hello'.

"DEI! Where are you?" shouted Umy. 

Your earbuds practically burst. 

"Umhm.. I'm at home" you answered sleepily.


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