6- Guitar String

SnowGirl Stories' Collection

♫ Guitar String  ♫
He was more than just a friend to me, he was my life. But to him I meant nothing but a good friend.
I have always thought that being alone is the best way to live, I mostly had no friends to lean on, My mother left me in a young age and my father doesn't care about me. So I was always teased as A lonely orphan even though I had both parents, but now neither than having a family, I missed that one thing they call *Love* until I met him... I wonder, will he be able to change my life? Will I be able to be happy again?.

Statut:tumblr_mes1nih2JA1s03gu0o1_500.gif   Title: Guitar String .Author: snowgirl Characters: Luhan, Lay, Hana (OC). Genre: Romance, Angst, Drama  Rated: No.  Chapter: On-Going
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