


AJ let out a sigh in relief after pounding the last peg into the ground. He smiled in satisfaction when he gently pushed the tent and saw that it was firmly mounted to the ground. He glanced around the area around him, looking at all the objects to ensure that he had everything. A tent for two, a small grill with a fire going for warmth, lanterns scattered around the site for light, and a cooler with drinks and snacks. It was the ideal camping set up.

“Oppa! I got the blankets!”

AJ turned around and smiled when he saw you, arms full from a stack of blankets, stepping out of the house and into the backyard.

You always asked AJ to take you camping. Due to his schedule, you realized that it was almost impossible for the two of you to actually see each other, let alone go camping. But the two of you managed to somehow plan this mini camping “trip”. Even though it was in the backyard of your house, it was still better than nothing.

You watched as AJ took a blanket from the stack in your arms and laid it down on the ground. You placed the other blankets to the side before sitting down and crossing your legs. AJ sat down next to you as you reached for one of the books on stars from a stack next to the opening to the tent.

“This was a great idea to borrow books with star charts from the library,” you said as you flipped through the book in your hands.

“Well, this was a great idea for a date,” he replied as he scooted closer to you and placed a hand on the blanket behind you while resting his chin on your shoulder, peering at the star chart that you were examining.

You grinned as you glanced up at the sky and back down at the book, trying to align the stars in the chart with the ones of your head.

“I can’t seem to match them up,” you mumbled with your eyebrows knitted together.

AJ let out a sigh and laid down on his back, “You have the chart upside down.”

You turned the book around and glanced up at the sky again, “Oh,” you mouthed to yourself when you saw that the stars lined up.

You frowned when you heard AJ break out in laughter behind you.

“Hey! Stop laughing at me!” you yelled as you whacked him with the book.

You pursed your lips and narrowed your eyes as AJ continued to clutch his stomach while laughing.

“Hey,” he softly poked your side when his laughter died down.

You shook your head stubbornly as you stared down at the book in your hands.

You yelped when you felt AJ’s arms wrap around your waist and pull your so your head rested on his chest. He locked one arm around your waist, keeping you in place as you tried to wiggle away from him, as he reached for a blanket and threw it over both of your legs.

“I’m sorry,” he smiled as the pressed his cheek to the top of your head, “But you’re just so cute when you get flustered like that.”

You sighed, lightly shaking your head as you looked up at the night sky. You already knew that you had forgiven him and didn’t blame him for laughing at you. Because let’s be honest, you knew that you would have reacted the same way if the roles were reversed.

The two of you fell into a comfortable silence, both of you admiring the shimmering stars that painted the sky.

“The stars are beautiful tonight,” you whispered.

AJ glanced down at you with a soft smile, “Yeah, they are.”

You looked up at AJ and closed your eyes and smiled when he placed a kiss on your forehead. You snuggled into his chest as he wrapped his arms around you. You listened to the rhythmic beating of his heart as you slowly fell asleep, still in your boyfriend’s arms, under the night sky. 

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congrats ;)
this is so... T.T sweet!
richKJM #3
congrats :)
Chapter 1: this is sweet and I like the way you write :D
especially love the idea that they're camping at their house
elliptical #5
congrats x
Coffee2s #6
Congrats ^^
Congrats :D
Chapter 1: It was short but really nice :) How I'd love that to happen in real life :')