
Officially His Personal Maid


"You hardly ate breakfast this morning, are you sick?" Donghae asks.

All of them; Hyukjae, Donghae, Sungmin, Kyuhyun, Siwon and Leeteuk were on a private jet, on their way to Jeju Island. Donghae acted like a little kid going on an excursion in the beginning, looking around curiously as he had never sat on a plane in his entire life.

Hyukjae smiles wearily. "Oh sure, breakfast was great. The burnt pancakes, the wild-looking vegetables, the scrambled eggs..."

"It was an omelette.'' Donghae corrects him.

"I think only the milk was edible."

Hyukjae receives a kick at his leg and he grimaces in pain.

"He made breakfast?" Leeteuk gulps as he points at Donghae. Hyukjae simply nodded and gagged.

Donghae decides that hitting him in the rib this time was a better choice.

"We're here everyone, welcome to Jeju Island!" Sungmin sings as he hops off the jet an hour later, awaking the rest from their sleep. They certainly did attract a lot of attention when they were in the airport with their exceptionally good looks.

A girl had approached Donghae, asking for his phone number and Hyukjae had to hold his hand and said, "Sorry, he's mine." before walking off.

Donghae sends him a questioning look. "I'm yours?"

"Contract." Hyukjae smiles.

"You know, I'm so tempted to grab that neck of yours."

"And what will you do, kiss it?"

Donghae blushes at that thought. "No, I'll strangle it."

"Good luck trying." Hyukjae winks back.

"Um, lovebirds?" Siwon waves. "You guys are cute together and all but please stop PDA-ing."

It's Hyukjae's turn to blush and he quickly lets go of Donghae's hand.




Donghae takes five minutes to figure out how the key card works and when he opens the door, he and Hyukjae are welcomed with an obnoxious display of-

"Those aren't rose petals, please tell me they aren't rose petals."

"They're rose petals," Hyukjae observes, "Definitely rose petals. On a bed."

"Please tell me we aren't sharing a bed."

"We are sharing a bed."

Hyukjae looks around the room and finds something interesting. "Look, they even prepared a bottle of lubricant and packets of condoms for us. How thoughtful."

"Why did you get the honey suite?"

"I just told them I wanted the best room they have, how'd I know this would happen?" 

"Don't you try anything funny with me, else." he takes out an umbrella and starts whipping it around.

Hyukjae suggests they watch the television while waiting for the rest to gather in their room. Donghae cautiously sits beside Hyukjae on the bed when suddenly, they hear sounds from the television. "An electronic device can moan?" Donghae's eyes are as wide as dining plates. Hyukjae looks at the television and smacks Donghae on the head. "No, you idiot, that's ."

"Oh . Wait— ?" Donghae shouts.

"Yes . P.O.R.N, . Now stop shouting and settle down!"

But the next channel was , so was the next, and the next next.

"Pass me the manual." Donghae orders.

"Who's the maid now." Hyukjae grumbles and reluctantly passes it to him.


Dear customer,

We thank you for booking our honey suite. We hope you will enjoy the programmes we offer. PS: All channels will be premiering  because we live up to our name after all. Channels 1-25 features between the opposite , Channels 26-50 premieres love between women and Channels 51-70 shows extreme  between men. We hope our programmes would allow you to be more comfortable with your companion, may you have an enjoyable stay with us!


Bad- Hotel


"Maybe we should watch channels 51 - 70?" Hyukjae suggests. 

"Oh my god."

Just then, Sungmin, Siwon, Kyuhyun and Leeteuk enters their room

Sungmin looks at their room and pouts. "Not fair, you guys got pink. Me and Kyuhyun got blue, but definitely not a honey suite.''

Donghae's eyes lit up. "We could do a trade if you want!" 

"No!" Hyukjae immediately cuts in and when Donghae sends him a puzzled look, he coughs. "I mean, no we shouldn't because I've already made myself comfortable here, it would be troublesome to move rooms as well."

Sungmin smirks. Kyuhyun asks Donghae to change into something more casual for they were heading out for outdoor activities. After waiting for five minutes and they passed the time by watching on channel 60, Siwon just couldn't resist the temptation any further.

Yes, he had commited a deadly sin but he couldn't give a about it as watching now was much more important than anything else.

Sungmin looks up and gasps in horror. "Donghae, what are you wearing?"

"What?" Donghae his head as he looks down at his outfit. He was wearing a collared short-sleeved top and bermudas which were both orange and had flower patterns on them. The only word which fit Donghae was, tourist. To worsen it, he was wearing a fishing hat.

Leeteuk claps. "A fashion terrorist is born! I can't wait to see how you'll battle with Sungmin."

Before Donghae could protest, he was already being pushed into the bathroom by Sungmin who was carrying a pile of clothes. "We, are going to do some serious makeover, now.''

"Don't you dare look at his crotch!" Hyukjae shouts as the toilet door closed.

"If you do, no for a week." Kyuhyun adds on and Sungmin kicks the door open, asks them to shut up before slamming the door shut again.


"You don't look that bad now.'' Siwon smiles at Donghae. The latter was wearing a pair of faded jeans, and a white basic tee. Sungmin smiles in satisfactory at his own masterpiece.

Siwon adds. "You'd look better if you wore a cross pendant though."

"Are you trying to make him look like a pastor."

"At least I have a hot body." Siwon shamelessly admits, causing everyone to roll their eyes and leave him all alone in the room as they head out.

"g-guys? wait for me!"




The boys, with a group of people in a mix of youngsters and families, were by the beach, listening to one of the instructors by the name of Lee Taemin.

"I've finished briefing you on the rules so if you're ready, board the speedboat." He says flatly.

Hyukjae crosses his arms and grumbles. "Who's the one who suggested this stupid idea on sight-seeing when we could be out there having a spa treatment and maybe meet some ladies?"

All five of them turns to look at Leeteuk accusingly.

"Come on, Jeju Island is a place for sight-seeing!" Leeteuk exclaims when he got interrupted by their instructor.

"Are you guys coming or not.'' Taemin snaps for everyone had boarded the speedboat except for them. They nodded meekly and the look on Taemin's face which spelt 'annoyance' was written all over it as he tapped his feet impatiently and cursed under his breath.

Siwon concluded that their instructor was a person to get easily annoyed and he prayed for God's guidiance. Leeteuk was the only one busy taking pictures of the scenic views while the rest were just listening to Taemin blabbering about the origins of the island.

"I'm done talking so you all can just sit there and enjoy the scenery while slurping on your...whatever." Taemin says while eyeing Kyuhyun drinking a rainbow coloured drink.

Donghae decides to start a conversation with Taemin for he was just behind him. "Hi!"

"Don't talk to me, just go look at the stupid view."

"Why are you working here, you don't look like you enjoy it."

Taemin purses his lips. "Try standing here everyday from 8 in the morning till 12 midnight, repeating the exact same sentences to tourists and seeing the same view over and over again, we'll see if you'll enjoy it. Just shut up and leave me alone."

Looks like someone had a big bowl of flakes today.

But Donghae wasn't giving up. "Um nice boat you got here.''

"Thanks, it belongs to my father.''

"I see, he's not here?"

"My dad died during a sail out to sea last year.''

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that but if you need me, i'm a good listener!.''

Taemin smiles warmly. "Of course, thanks, but I have a boyfriend so I'll be okay.''

Donghae widens his eyes at the word boyfriend.

"You're gay?" He whispers and the younger nods his head.

The brunette turns to look at the rest. Sungmin was lying on Kyuhyun's shoulder as they smile sweetly to each other and then his eyes fixed onto the sleeping Hyukjae beside him. Donghae gulped as he studied Hyukjae's features carefully before turning back to Taemin.

"Is being gay fun?"

"Er,'' Taemin thinks. "It's like a normal love relationship, just that it's with a male and some are gentle."

Guys are gentle in the act? Um, okay?

''And getting a shoved in between your two buttcheeks?" Donghae blurts.

Taemin chokes but nodded briefly. "Did you just have to say that in the most unpleasant way ever?"





"Bye Taeminnie!." Donghae waves to Taemin, not wanting to disturb Taemin and Minho's(his boyfriend) moment.

"Taeminnie? Since were you so close with him." Hyukjae frowns.

"So, where should we go now?" Sungmin cuts in. "Not some sight-seeing place again, please."

Siwon suggests. "A movie? A decent one.''

"Why not ?'' Hyukjae attempts at a very sad face.

Donghae sighs. "You can watch all the you want back at the hotel.. Why do I even have to bunk in with you in the first place? We can just sleep individually and everyone's happy."

"You just hurt my eunhae feelings." Hyukjae places his hand on his chest dramatically.

"Why am I even bottoming?!"

"Let's watch 'Ted'." Kyuhyun says lightly and all eyes turned towards him.




"Oh my gosh, I love Ted! He's so cute!" Sungmin squeals as they got out of the theatre and it was already seven in the evening.

Kyuhyun smiled. "See, it wasn't that bad."

Donghae added. "I loved the thunder song, let's sing it together!"

They link their arms around each other as they stood at the entrance of the theatre and start singing to their hearts content.

"When you hear the sound of thunder, don’t you get too scared. Just grab your thunder buddy and say these magic words: you thunder, you can my . You can’t get me thunder, cause you’re just God’s fart.” And they burst out laughing, ignoring the numerous glares they received.

Hyukjae suddenly felt his phone vibrate. "Oh look, it's a message from Kai."

"Kai? As in Kim Jongin?" Siwon asks and the blonde nodded while Donghae hadn't a single clue on who this Kai or Kim Jongin guy was.

"The one with the ridiculously hot signature smirk, like this?'' Leeteuk imitates, making him look like baby chick suffering from a mouth crisis.

As Hyukjae scrolls down the message, he smiles.

"Who's up for a huge party?"

Jennifer Lopez's 'Dance Again' was now playing as the loud music blasted throughout the 4-storey building. It really looked like a posh pub to Donghae; UV lightings, disco lights, large couches, a long table filled with food and drinks, and a huge dance floor.
They were at Kai's home and there were many others invited. Donghae was dressed in a black wifebeater, and a leather jacket over it, grey skinny jeans and a pair of Rick Owens sneakers (obviously with the help of Sungmin). 
Suddenly, a male holding a glass of champagne appears in front of them. "Hey guys, it's been awhile hasn't it?" He greeted as he went over to hug them one by one when he looked at Donghae. "Who's this?"
"I'm Donghae."
"Hey, I'm— ''
"Never knew I was this famous.'' Kai smirks. "Yes, I'm Kai. I have a feeling we'll be great friends Donghae.''
Hyukjae rolls his eyes. "You say that to everyone, even my mom.'' and Kai stepped on Hyukjae's foot before leading them to the table. "Help yourselves to the food and have a blast!" Kai waves to them before disappearing in the crowd.
''He's hot.'' Donghae says, gaze not leaving Kai.
Hyukjae stares in disbelief, ''Snap out of it. How about me?"

"Absolutely not.'' Donghae replies jokingly and he sniggers when he sees Hyukjae going to a corner to sulk.
Soon, a group of Kyuhyun's friends joins them. One of them was called Victoria and she was sitting exceptionally close to Kyuhyun, he dioesn't realize a surge ofdark energy emitting from Sungmin beside him. Siwon was busy chatting with Krystal and Sulli while Leeteuk was just dancing to some cheap dance moves at the dance floor by himself.
"Hey I'm Amber, you?"
Donghae looks up to see a boy. Or is it a girl. "I'm Donghae, hey you kinda resemble me!"
"You're right, then that makes me a mini Donghae!" Amber laughs. "Do you drink?"
"Uh," Donghae hesitates. In fact he hasn't drank alcohol in his entire life, but saying no would make him seem really unmanly. 
"Yes, I do.'' He lies and Amber hands him a drink. ''Cheers!"
God, what in the world is this colourful liquid.
"Drink up!'' Amber hollers.
Donghae does a one-shot while squinting his eyes. Whatever that drink was, it certainly did not taste good while Amber cheered beside him and brought him a different drink this time. "Sorry, I'm just a fan of alcoholic drinks. Aren't they beautiful?"
Beautiful? Are you insane? Donghae wants to cry out.
Donghae stares coutiously at Amber staring at the glass half-filled with alcohol passionately and smiles to herself. He feels that this girl is definitely a little loose in the mind. He glanced at Hyukjae, to see him drinking and laughing with three unknown guys. Probably his old friends but Hyukjae looked a little drunk.
Donghae automatically drank the liquid he was holding and, for some reason, he felt really happy out of a sudden. He drank and drank with Amber as they talk about hobbies, friends, family, vacations and how sad it was to be single. At Donghae's sixteenth glass of alcohol, he felt like he could fly. He walks unsteadily to the dance floor and started dancing.
He started dancing, oblivious to his surrounding. He did twists and turns, waves, glides and not forgetting to his lips in a sensual way. He swung his head to the music, sticking out from the crowd. Before Donghae could dance to the chorus part, he feels a strong grip on his arm and was pulled away from the dance floor. He looks up to see a very familiar face.
"Aye Siwon, wasuUuuUuUuuUUp?" Donghae slurrs.
Siwon cringes at the strong smell of alcohol. "Man, you stink. How much did you drink.''
"A hundred, no, a thousand!" Donghae laughs maniacally as he hung onto Siwon for support.
"Guys, we'd better head back to the hotel. We've got ourselves a drunkard.''
"Make it two.'' Kyuhyun corrects, pointing to Hyukjae beside them who was completely wasted.
Leeteuk groaned as the three of them struggled to get Hyukjae out of his seat.
"Let me go, I wanna drink s'more" he whines.
They had to drag Hyukjae away forcefully and they quickly bid goodbye to Kai before leaving. Minutes later, they maaged to hail a cab. Donghae is seated behind with Hyukjae when he yells, "Hey Hyukjae!!!"
Hyukjae smiles. "Hello there pretty.''
Sungmin nudges Hyukjae in the elbow to shut him up but he just laughs in respond. "What do you call a fake pasta? An impasta!" Donghae shouts and both of them laughs again like wild hyenas.
The taxi driver wipes off the cold sweat on his forehead, fearing that the both of them were lunatics and would vomit in his cab anytime soon, Leeteuk apologises to the taxi driver.
"I'M Y AND I KNOW IT, YEAH I WORK OUT." Eunhyuk and Donghae screams when the song came up through the radio and they burst out laughing, as usual.
After what seemed like years of torture, they finally got out of the taxi (even the driver was relieved). Siwon and Sungmin supported Donghae and Eunhyuk respectively to their room. They placed the two drunk men on the bed and quickly got out.
"Are you sure they'll be okay?" Leeteuk asks worriedly.
Kyuhyun simply shrugs. "Who knows."
They looked behind at Hyukjae and Donghae's room one last time before walking off.

yadong!hyuk, yes u've got ur wish.

reached over 300 subs *rolls buffalo style* for all of u who commented & subscribed *blows flying kiss to you* don't dodge.
I've read all of your comments and i really appreciate it. Not replying doesn't mean i don't read your comments and they never fail to crack me up HAHAHA
And 'TED' is hilarious, u can search the thunder song its on youtube!!!
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Chapter 5: I just read this, this is too funny xD hoping that you'll be back and update this <3
blueskitty #2
Chapter 4: I'm seriously cRYING THE OURAN REFERENCES ARE A+ <3 <3 <3
Chapter 5: lmao chapter 4 cracked me up a lot like ughhhh idk, isnt donghae suppossed to be afraid with hyukjae? why he acted like a smartass-bij all the time pmsl I cant get it xD I, actually, afraid to read this since you havent updated since God knows how long (since I dont like being left hanging with cliffhanger butttt who likes it tho) but the amount of subscribers and commenters lured me in AND I'M SOOOOO HAPPY I didn't over looked this story! this one worth a lot more and I hope you'll update soon n_n until next time~
Chapter 5: Update soon !
thisseemslikefun #5
I absolutely love your style, it is so funny! Such a pity you haven't updated for a very long time ): I would love to read more!
EunhyuradeLuffy #6
Chapter 4: I think I like this chapter, hae's character is better hehehehhehe
EunhyuradeLuffy #7
Chapter 3: The fisrt till middle story is nice, Hae is more obidient I guess but after that why he acted more annoying than es? *sighed* seriously !!!

Thank u :)
EunhyuradeLuffy #8
Chapter 2: Still don't like Hae, morever Hyuk,, no so manly *tho I'm Hyuk biases but if Hae more manly than Hyuk is a NO NO NO" thank u :)
EunhyuradeLuffy #9
Chapter 1: I don't like Hae's character, isn't he the 'bought one'.. I know he had pride to keep but at least he suppossed to know his place n do whatever Hyuk want !! And I think Hyuk is too soft with him, its more like Hyuk have a crush with Hae so made him so whipped, still I don't like it, Hyuk should be more demanding to Hae :(
But, this nice :)
altanar #10
Chapter 2: Woaahh!! I really laughed reading this chapter!
Really, this fic is hilarious!! You are really good writing stories!! Congratulations!!
Thank you very much!!