chapter 3: red tag

mworago?!! O.O


*Your's POV*

For 17 years of life, i never had been experience the happiness like other girls do, as i get involved in delinquent life (yes, i had been through this when i was 11, :D )

And So in order to get a boyfriend of my life, i had swore myself that after that night, i'll be sparkly and shinyy girly girl! And So, the first day in this school, it's my chance to make up the last night to have new day as a new GIRLY ME!

"Uh...." I swallowed , as i huffed with a smile as i clasped my hand together like perky girl, yeah like the one that i used to read in shoujo manga(A/N: Is it? =.=" ) .

"Ehem...Hello there. My Name is Eun Jang !" with my girlish tone ever.

"I love playing barbie and sewing cloth, and i DEFINITELY not the delinquents!!"

"uhh?? barbie?" One of boy raised his hand, tilted his head innocently.

"UH! I mean I love cooking and girly stuff!" I corrected myself. "HIGHLIGHT IT! GIRLY!!"

"Ohhh" Everyone went ohhh and giggled with my sudden action. gosh, i feel so stupid *brushes hair instead of poking herself to death*

"Uh-Please take care of me!" I smiled and at the same time, i am nervous, seriously nervous, i wanted to die right now, thanks to that blonde-haired boy -whoforgottenaboutme-, and now he nearly laughed hearing my awesome introduction, grrr i am so going to kill him.

I took a glance to the class from which i saw,They all smiled and chorused "Nice to meet you" to me.

I am so moved, *wiped tears*, finally It is normal reaction that i want! Back then, everyone backed off whenever they saw me, and this time they greeted me, I MEAN THEY SAID SOMETHING TO ME.


I jumped happily at the back, exclaimed 'Wahhhh!! Bravo! ordinary people!'

"Alright, your seat, eun jang "

Epp! I instantly straight up as soon Mr.Park said, Please not beside him!' i said in my mind, because i saw the seat beside him are empty.

"Beside that blonde-hair guy"

NOT-"Behind there" I looked up, and saw teacher pointed to...Yes! not ELI! It's other guy! YAY! but still why i can see he smirking behind that. =.="

YES! That's mean i got a chance of having my prince, my idol boyfriend~ i'm now imagining a shadow and beach scenery behind it, hmmm don't ask me why, cause i have no experience with this kind of stuff.

I slowly walked to the side, where my seat is near to the window.

"Hello~" I said, with my 'adorable cute poses attack' after i sit down, to my neighbor behind me, but immediately drawn back.

"HMPPHH?" The only response that i received as this man behind my seat, glared to me. With his deadly glare ever and his growl, giving shiver on the spine..

OMG IS HE YAKUZA OR SOMETHING!? ust look at him! that messy hair, the messy cloth, okay,. Wait, he's not yakuza, cause he's not dyed his hair. ohhh, shinny black hairr~

"What are you touching my hair" that man voice snapped my thought away and that time i finally realized that i actually brushing his head, i mean HAIR!

Can't help it! It's just too SHINY!

"S-" Before i could start my sentences, he hold my wrist and glared to me directly.

"Touch it again, i would swear you will-" he paused at a moment....

"will what?"

"Doomed" He snapped back."keep that in mind, new student"

'W-What the heck-'I quickly withdrawn, looked to the front, and blinked a few time, get the feeling that guy behind me still staring at me. Aish, he doesn't have to be that meanie. =.=" although i usually did that when i WAS delinquent...

"Sorry about him." I heard the voice beside me, "Kibum-hyung always like that. You'd better not let it bother you"

"Uh, it's okay and oh-" I smiled, turned around and and paused for a moment, as i amazed with this boy look. sparkly white, as if he's an angel send by the God, So white and So pure, I don't know is it my imagination or is it the reality to the fact that i could see many chicks flying behind him."Hello, Nice to meet you" i startled a bit in the end.

"Hello," The blonde-haired boy said, as he faced to me,"Nice to meet you too."

"Oh yeah, my name is Kevin Woo." He smiled. "If you got any problem or something, just ask me okay?"

OMG, his smile.. is so puree and so nice' i smiled as i shed the tears of joys.

"Ah-Are you okay, Eunjang?" He said, and i am completely shock when he's actually that close to me, and in addition, he wiped my tear of joys away!??

"E-" I flushed in red, as i quickly withdraw back, and blinked in horror, when i saw... that angel is no where on sight... Okay fine, in a second thought, i saw someone pushed that angel away in harsh away. Or is it my imagination or something...

"Well, Hello there~" the female voice snapped my thought , and there is it, it was a girl with long hair smiled to me. She look so pretty! D:


"Kim Hyun-Ah" She exclaimed, flashing a friendly grin to me. "Nice to meet you!" OMG! that's so natural of her doing that.

"I know~" She replied, EH? DID SHE READ MY MIND?

"No, you idiot. You speak too loud" She smiled.


She giggled. "Oh yeah, for your information, beware of that angelic face of this guy" She pointed to Kevin beside her. "He's a pure "


"HEYY!" the blonde boy whined. "I'm not"

"Yes you do"

"No i'm not"

And those two kept on arguing until teacher have to shove those two with a thick book in their mouth.


*Break Time*

"You see this school is quite large, but too bad it divide into two section so yeah" Hyun-Ah explained to me, i nodded in return as i listen to hyun ah's explanation on the school inside and out. Hmm~ i wonder i would able to find a charming prince here, and with shoujo scene meeting with a prince.

like.. yeah Boys over flower scene! yes! Something like that!

"Oh yeah, Eunjang-ah"


"There's no hope on that"

eh? "You mean?"

"You won't able to find the prince of yours." Hyun-Ah turned around as she looked at me with 'thereseriouslynohope- face. "Because this is a devil's place"


*being so over-dramatic*


*No one's POV*

*In the class* 
"Why you act so meanie to her, hyung-ah" Kevin pouted, as he placed his hand on Kibum's table. "I thought you would act like a prince if the new student is a femalee~"

Kibum looked away, didn't want to reply Kevin's question.

"Yeah, ever since we got dejected by most of the girls in this school" Soohyun, who popped out from no where, sighed.

"Rejected" Eli corrected.

"Fine, Rejected"

"OH A FEMALE!? WHO IS IT HYUNGG!?" The red-haired boy spun to the group of boys. "IS SHE PRETTY!?"

"WOAH! easy there, eager boy" Xander budged in, pushing Dongho away. "SAY! WHO'S THE LUCKY GIRL HERE"

"Hyung, we must act cool" Kiseop shoved something on xander's mouth to keep his lousy mouth shut.

"AISH Not to my beautiful mouth" Xander whined.

"Thank god that this class is empty at this moment" Eli said as he looked around, yes, the class is completely empty except them.

"Cause they afraid of us =.=" " the maknae said. "What's about this girl we talking about" and they all began to talk about the girl except kibum who just stared outside the window and sighed.

He actually scared of that new girl, there's something about her. He could feel that girl's aura going to crush him at any moment back then =.=" and he sighed again.

"Kibum hyung in love~"


*Your's POV*
"Anyway, Let's back to the school story, like i said there's two sections in the school, that is east wing and west wing"

I made an o-shapped mouth.

"Here is East wing. and-"

'Crap' I immediately stopped as i sensed that my wallet fall from my pocket...somewhere.where is it!?

I turned over and saw there is it, not far away from behind me. I turned back and was going to call Hyun-Ah to pause for a moment but i noticed that hyun-ha already far ahead, aish, nevermind, i can catch up with her easily, but first! my dragon wallet!

And So i quickly ran to the area and crouched to pick up my wallet and as i happily get up from that position in rush ,so i could catch up with hyun-Ah...

but ended with..

Meeting with the son of the devil.

"You want your BOF Style so badly eh?" The dark-haired boy said. "Here have it!"

A red Tag.

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NaneNeko #1
nice story
please update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
syirahkissme1339 #3
i love this fic....XD
please updated soon ^^
eunjangwoo94 #4
sorry for not updating for so long~ T__T
<br />
Aegiya! You're writing! I love this!
nice ~ XD<br />
update soon XD !!
I'm looking forward to the next update ^^ <br />
It's really interesting :D Update soon (: