


With her pale face and messy hairdo, she staggered down the hallway towards her locker. She felt light headed and felt like she could crash down to the floor at any moment. But she kept on walking despite the fact that she was on the verge on blacking out. She had experienced this a few times but no one 
knows of her condition. 
She was an outcast of the school. No one knew her name. She was known as " that girl ". She would come to school early in the morning and leave school late. She would pay attention in class but she could never get good grades. As time passed, she felt like giving up. She wanted to talk to someone but never had the guts to do so. 
She would come back home with scolding and insults from her family. She never had a proper greeting from her family. She would always lock herself up in her room and would always cry herself to sleep.  To make her situation worse she was suffering from cancer that could take her life away if she did not undergo an operation.
Everyday her body became weaker. Her physical appearance changed. She became boney, her eyes were empty. She was empty. When she walked down the hallway, insults were thrown to her. She didn't understand why she was treated this way. What did she ever do to them till she got this unbearable treatment. 
Everyday she would try to talk to her parents. Wanting to inform them about her cancer. But she never had the chance. They weren't willing to listen to her. 
A month passed by, and she started to stop going to school. She did not want anyone to see her in a horrible state. She was weaker to the extend whereby she was not able to get out from bed but she forced herself to so that her parents would not scold her.
One day while she was waking pass her house, she heard her parents talking. They said that she was useless and they hoped that she would just disappear. She was hurt when her own parents said that. She ran away from her house and vowed that she would never return. Sad and tired she decided to go to a playground. She saw her classmates and heard them talking about her. All she heard was horrible stuff. She could not take the pain anymore. She ran till she reached the rooftop of a random building. 
" I hope that when I'm gone you all would be happy." she said while tears was streaming down her face. With one last final sigh she jumped down the building. When she hit the ground she felt pain everywhere. She smiled for the very last time. "Goodbye world" was her final words.
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reiyohiru #1
Chapter 1: Poor for this girl, can't imagined if I was her... :')
sosoFan #2
Chapter 1: this is sad!! can you make epilog about those who insulted her including her parents? i want them to realise their mistakes!!