>.< Kim Kwang Soo!!

I'm NOT Park Jiyeon!

Kiss me baby I must stay here day by day~


Jiyeon's POV:


The whole of T-ara was backstage, practising for Day by Day.

Even though I have performed on stage many times, I'm nervous everytime I'm backstage.


But today I was more.

Because Hwayoung is injured.


I hate it when any T-ara members are injured.

I love them all so much, I'm hurt when they are.


"Wait, let me help you" I said, and went towards Hwayoung, who was trying to put on her plaster shoe.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine" I said, trying to comfort a nervous Hwayoung...


Haha, I shouldn't be saying that when I'm more nervous then maybe she is.


"Thanks Jiyeonnie" Hwayoung sweetly replied.

I smiled.


A small, 7 year old fangirl, came towards me,

"Hi Jiyeon unnie! I really love you! Please take this lollipop" said the little fangirl and gave me a big lollipop.



"Aww thanks sweety" I said.

I really appreciate the love I get from fans.

They are just like my family.


But I could see that Hwayoung needed more love due to her fractured leg.


"Here" I said as I gave Hwayoung my lollipop.

She looked at me.

"You love lollipops, right?" I said, sweetly

"Take it, I know your nervous, maybe this could help you relax" I said.


Hwayoung laughed.

"Thanks" she said and ttook it.


At that time, Kim Kwang Soo, our CEO, came out.

"Come on, it's time" he said

He saw Hwayoung eating the lollipop.


"YAA! Before a concert don't eat such things don't you have some sense?!?! You're throat might turn bad!!! how will you be able to sing??????" He yelled at Hwayoung in front of everyone.


That CEO....I really hate him....

He always acts this way to Hwayoung.....what has she done???


"Kim Kwang Soo, actually, I gave it to her" I said.

"Jiyeon-yah, I know you didn't, you're so nice, you like to take blame for everyone, it's okay, I'll deal with this girl" he said sweetly to me. 


This was not fair.

He always behaves sweetly to me, but rudely to rest of T-ara.

Especially Hwayoung.


"But-" I tried to say, but he shoved me away.


"I don't want to perform" Hwayoung suddenly said.


Kim Kwang Soo and I looked at her.


"What?!?" he said.

"Hwayoungie" I said.


"NO!" Hwayoung stood up from her wheelchair, even if she couldn't walk, 

"I can't take this anymore, YOU, the CEO, is always bullying me!!!!!!" Hwayoung said.


Everyone around heard it.


Hwayoung started crying.


I went towards her and hugged her.


*Poor Hwayoung* I thought.


"Jiyeon!! You have to perform, come on, leave her alone, we'll deal with this later" The CEO said and dragged me away.

And left Hwayoungie all alone there, backstage, by herself.


I didn't want to perform without my bestie.

But I didn't have a choice.

No worries, I'll talk to the CEO about this later on.


While Going Back


"Hwayoung.." said the CEO

"You're behaviour, is not suitable for an idol" he said

We all looked up at him.

"The way you yelled was unacceptable" he said


I really feel like punching him up his face....how dare he say this about Hwayoungie!!


"So, we don't have any other choice but to terminate your contract" he said.


There was silence.


Suddenly Hyomin spoke up.


"There's no way you can do that!" Hyomin said

"Why are you behaving so rudely Kim Kwang Soo?" Soyeon said


"YAA! Keep the voices down" he ordered.


"Kim Kwang soo" I said

He looked at me


"Please, could you-" but I was interrupted.


"There will be no words about this" he said and ended the conversation.


We all looked at Hwayoung.

Who was as shocked as we were.


We couldn't imagine T-ara without her.....she's a part of it!

I can't believe how the CEO has the nerve to do such a thing.


At Night


We all went to Hwayoung's room to talk to her.

Just us, T-ara

She was upset.


"Hwayoung, did you yell at the CEO?" Qri asked.

She nodded.

"It's all my fault" I said


Everyone looked at me.


"I shouldn't have given you that lollipop" I said

"Unnie, you just did that to make me less nervous! It isn't...." Hwayoung tried to say.


We all could have gone to talk to Kim Kwang Soo....but no one had the strength to....

We all have a personal dislike for him....but we don't have the nerve to say anything to him...


"He's forcing me to leave tomorrow" Hwayoung said.


"TOMORROW?!?!" we all said in shock.


"Gosh, he's such a beast!" Eunjung said.


"Guys we can't do anything now" Hwayoung said with a sad face.


"No matter what happens, we'll always be friends" Hyomin said and hugged Hwayoung.

"Aww" Eunjung said and hugged her too.


We all had a group hug, with Hwayoung in the middle.


"We'll miss you" I said

"But call us, or tweet, but talk!" Boram cheerfully said.

"You people are my best friends!" Hwayoung smiled.


Next Morning


By the time my eyes opened, by the time T-ara's eyes opened, Hwayoung had already left.


"Jiyeon, Jiyeon, wake up!!" Boram was shaking me.

"What time is it?" I asked

"9am...I went to see Hwayoung, and she's not there!!" Boram said.


My eyes popped open.


"WHAT!?!?!" I said


We checked everywhere, her suitcases were gone, her things were gone.

Nothing, absolutely nothing of Hwayoungs was there.


That Kim Kwang Soo must have made her leave early in the morning because we weren't awake to agrue.

That Beast!


I thought I'll check my Twitter in case Hwayoung left a tweet for us.






Nothing....nothing at all...

Hwayoung, you just left us?


But then, I spotted a few other tweets my fans had tweeted.


@Jiyeon you BULLY!!!

@Hyomin, You look so bad!! Poor Hwayoung!!

@Boram, How dare you behave like this!!! BULLIES!!!


Bully, bully, bully....what is this??


I was confused.


I searched on Google.


"Hwayoung" I typed and searched.


First Result:


T-ara bullying Hwayoung PROOF!!



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Chapter 7: Ouuu, it's probably Luhan behindthe bushes XD
Chapter 7: Who is that? behind the bushes? :O
justmebeingme #3
Chapter 7: Whoa.......what happened to the phone connection ? O.o
Chapter 6: Awsome!! Daebak..love it~ ^^
Dea_Jiyeon #5
Chapter 6: update authour-nim
And, I don't get it about the random people talked about MBLAQ
justmebeingme #6
Chapter 6: I love it ! I hope you can update more now !
update update update author-nim pretty please!! this story is awesome!!
Chapter 5: Update update update please ?
Chapter 5: I: who is going to share with? XD
cutieabby #10
Chapter 5: updateeeeeeeeeeeeeee sooon please