Meeting her..

I Need You..


Yixing pov~

I was packing my paperwork when I heard my phone ringing, it was a call from the chairman or more specifically it was my dad.

I wasn’t so please everytime I got a phone call from him. We are not really in a good term or I can said it boldly that he is somehow hate me. I don’t know what the reason was but in any way he does hate me.

I was hesitated to pick up his called but in the end I answered.


“I heard you just came back from Japan last 2 days?”

“Oh..Ne” “why aren’t you visiting her?”

When he mentions ‘her’ I know right away who he was talking about. It must be Xiao Yu, my fiancée.

I stay silence for a couple of second before I answered with another ‘oh’ before continue

“I can’t find time to. You know how hectic my work was this days.” I lied.

I really wanted to answer him with ‘I don’t feel like to’ but I know I better not. His tempered is the last thing I want to play with.

“Take a break for a day. I don’t want her to think that you forgot about her. Remember, she is your future wife and remember how precious she is to you and to our family. Treat her better.”

Those words that came up from his mouth somehow bring sharp pang to my heart. Those words, it’s undeniable.

No matter how hard I tried to ignore the fact that I am engaged to someone called Xiao Yu I really just can’t. She really does someone that I treasure a lot but to love her… I still can’t bring myself to do so because I know there is just one name that always fills up my mind and only that very person can plug inside my heart.

I know it’s wrong, but sometime fate just too cruel. It will be a lot easier if I never met Soomi but still, I never regret I did.


After a short conversation with my dad I decided to visit Xiao Yu.

I press the button to 3rd floor. Today the environment around the hospital somehow bring shiver through my spine. I got the feeling that today wasn’t a good day to visit her but I ignored.

When I reach the floor I take a deep breath before exhale it back and make a step out of the elevator.

I throw away all the bad thought that I just had in mind and make my way to the respective room.

I froze. I didn’t expect this, but it seems like fate really playing with me when I saw the girl that barely slip out my mind stand right in front me facing me with her hand holding to.. wait.. Is this even real, Xiao Yu.

H-how can they know each other?


Soomi Pov~

"Waa!! So it's you? Soomi unni?!" I was snap back by her.

"Huh? Y-you know me?" It really startled me a lot when she said that.

“Of course I know you. Soomi unni. You are Nara unni’s friend, right?” it’s Nara.

Somehow it makes me relieve when I know she knows me through Nara.

“Waa.. You really are pretty” “W-what..Excuse me. I wasn’t—“

“You are pretty.”

I was taken aback by her statement. Did she just compliment me? I mean it was so sudden that I don’t really know how to respond to that.

“Oh….””Nara unni always brag about how lucky she is to have such a nice and beautiful friend like you. That’s why I’m kind of curious how you really look like. To see you here in front of to me today I know what she means by that. You really are pretty and nice also.” She said with smile clearly visible on her face.

Nice? Do I?

Without me noticing it, I’m starting to get comfortable around her. Her friendly attitude somehow makes me loosen up a bit.

She is nice.

Our conversation abruptly getting more and more to personal part which reach until “Do you have a boyfriend?”

It took me a couple of second to get that question inside of my head. I think she somehow realized I was suddenly got tensed up when she asked me that. She took my hand and told me that I don’t need to answer that if I don’t want to.

The thing is it’s not that I don’t want to answer it but it’s more like I don’t know how to.

By some means it’s really feel like invisible knife just stab directly inside of my heart when she asked me that. Guilt really knows how to eat me lively.

I give her a warm smile to cover the thumping heartbeat that could possibly burst any second.

I don’t know how much cruel can my fate be but I guess it really won’t stop when I heard the door slide open.

If my jaw could drop I’ll will probably leaving with jawless right now when I saw the one who just enter the room. He is the last person I want to see right after the ‘boyfriend’ question just slip out form Xiao Yu mouth.

Is this even real?

“Oppa! You really are here.” Xiao Yu squeals like small kid when she saw Yixing. She must be missing him a lot.

I could see how Yixing somehow look hesitate to react to that. He probably didn’t expect me to be here in his ‘fiancée’ ward.

I was just standing there still dumbfounded by the whole situation.

Out of all day why must he be here today?

“Oppa, where have you been? Why you only here today?” I can sense a little bit disappointment in her voice.

“Oo...i was on business trip for a week and it seems like only today I’m free.” Yixing answered and smile warmly at her. He step closer to her and pet her head.

Somehow the small gesture which Yixing did to her make me felt hard in my chest.

They look good together and it makes me even more… hurt.

“Oh! Mian. I forgot. Oppa, let me introduce you to Nara unni friends’. This is Soomi unni. She is here to visit me. Isn’t she nice and pretty also?” she chuckle when she finished.

I could feel my face burned red when she asks Yixing that question. But in any way I still kind off anticipated his answer.

Yixing cleared his throat before answered with simple ‘yes’. He act no any different with Yixing in front me. Somehow it disappoints me a bit. I always thought I was special but I guess that it only my one sided thought.

I don’t think I want to be there any longer that is when I make my excuse to leave them together.

“Ooo… Xiao Yu- shi, I think it’s the time I should take my leave now”

“Really?why don’t you stay a little longer?” “I-I don’t think I can. There some errand that I need to do” I state an excuse.

“It couldn’t be help then” she frowned.

Should I feel guilty?

I smile at her before I make my leave. I really want to leave this room as soon as possible. It’s somehow suffocated me to stay in one roof with them. I know I’m being inconsiderate here but I really can’t.

But before I could step out from the room Yixing voice stop me.


What? Is he being serious here? Did he just stop me?






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Long time no update............ O_O

Kesian la orng yg subscribe cite ni... Lama dorng tnggu XP
Chapter 8: yixing is a shattered glass and he ends up hurting people around him and it hurts him too
dang344 #3
Please update soon!! Really interesting fanfiction.
Chapter 7: new reader here. this is great! update soon
Chapter 6: Lay~~~~~~~~~~
lay lay lay~~

I really felt the end-

"You are mine."

Omg that bought me shivers!!!

hurry and update soon~~~
MilkyCouple4ever #6
Chapter 6: Why is urggh ><!!
Chapter 5: omg lay you're such a jerk putting soomi through this and your fiance!!!

they are both innocent girls and should be treated nicer >_<

update sooon~~~
Chapter 3: *yawns* ok, it's good enough.. When will u update again, huh?? o_O
livingzombie #9
Chapter 2: Ooooh interesting update soon~ ^.^