stand up

To The Handsome You


I sniffed Korea’s air as I stepped on its land once again. “Finally…SOUTH KOREA, I’M BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!!” I shouted the very moment I went out of the airport. People gave me weird gazes. Oh well. I guess I need to act more lady-like.

I hopped in a taxi to ride to Genie High School. “Is it your first time here, miss?” the driver asked me. “Y-yeah. After a long time.” I chuckled nervously hoping I won’t get caught on my first day. “You should be more careful.” The driver said. “Eh?” I looked at him. Is this my first and last day as a girl?

“Not everyone here is nice. You’re really pretty and some guys might take you for granted.” He told me in a father-like way. I giggled “Ne. Don’t worry, ajhussi. I’ll take care of myself.” Probably my flowerboy look is of help at this time.

I went off the taxi as soon as I saw a clump of people near the school’s gate. “Ajhussi, thanks a lot. I don’t think you’ll be able to get through that load of people.” I smiled and the driver went away. So what the hell’s with these people?

“Excuse me? What’s happening?” I asked a guy around my age. “My girl friend has arrived!!!” he said and lunged towards a van. I tried to get closer and figure out who it was. “Yah! Get away from here!” a guy pushed me away. I fell on the side walk. “Aish. Asians are so weird.” I blurted out. Oh wait. I’m Asian too.

“YAH!! Don’t you know how difficult it is to walk on these doll shoes and these skinny jeans. My little thing can’t even have a tinge of fresh air from this!!” I shouted at the guy and waited for a reply but he just ignored me. I stood up and punched his face.

“You shouldn’t treat a girl like that. Say sorry to me.” I demanded as I grabbed his collar. Fear showed from his face. I looked around and everyone’s eyes were on us. I whispered to him “Oppa, if you don’t say sorry, I will kick your head…” I said in a cute way while I trail my hands on his well-formed body. “…down there.” I continued and looked at his junk.

He shook his head vigorously showing his disapproval. “S-sorry. I won’t treat girls like that ever again.” He said, stood up and ran for his life. I chuckled and looked back at the audience around me. “Oh. Go on. Worship that van. Don’t mind me.”

I went in the school gate while I pull my luggage behind. “Who are you?” a guy stopped me as soon as entered. “A student? And you? Are you the school guard?” I asked. Hi face turned sour with the word ‘guard’. “I’m the voice instructor here, babo. Why are you not in your uniform?” he asked. “M-mianhe. I’m just a transfer student from LA.” I replied and handed him my documents.

“Aish. Students nowadays. Go head to the office. “ He told me still pissed off of how I acted. I bowed and pulled my luggage behind. “Wait, Miss Lee.” He stopped me. “N-ne?” I turned around. “You got well-built shoulders.” He said. . “I-I work out a lot back in Canada. You know, for some dance movements.” I chuckled nervously and hurried away.

Oh God. Why are my shoulders too broad? Why did I even work out before heading to Korea? I thought as I pulled my luggage up the steep school stairs. And this bra I’m wearing is really itchy. Why did I even go for laces? Laced bras just look y but it isn’t comfortable. How can those bra models even wear it?

“Uhmm… Excuse me.” somebody called me. I looked back a few steps below me. “I-Is this yours?” she asked. My eyes fell open as I saw in front of me the reason why I came back to this country. “Is this boxers yours?” she asked and tried to hand me my pororo printed boxers.

“L-Lee Jieun,a-aniyo.” I said and grabbed it from her. I saw my clothes on the stairway. My bag probably opened while I pulled it. I picked up the clothes, tried to put them in and fell off balance in my luggage. “T-that boxers isn’t mine, ok? It’s my dad’s.” I lied. “Well, that makes it more wrong.” IU said and turned away ready to head off.

“NO. I mean I kind of put it in accidentally.” I tried to explain. I never wanted to have this kind of first impression from her. She stared at me with a suspicious look. “U-uhmm, hi. I-I’m Lee Taem- Lee Taeyeon.” I said and held out my hand.

With that one move, the luggage moved down the staircase. “HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!!!” I shouted and collided with a nearby tree. Damn. I looked at her and wave the boxers on top of me. “Don’t worry. I’m fine!!” I smiled.



“I didn’t ask, byuntae.” I said after this weird girl hit a tree. Aigoo. Some Koreans are really weird. I sighed and headed off to the dormitories. Variety shows, CFs, interviews. Why do they want to see me still after the incident in America?

I went in my room and threw myself on my bed. My roo, that’s what I call my phone, rang and so I picked it up. “Ne?” I answered. “How about a variety show, IU? No need to sing.” My manager said from the another line. “How about forget that I’m IU and leave me alone?” I replied and hung up from the call.



I went inside the office. “Yah! Student, why are you not wearing your uniform?” a teacher on his 50s asked me. “Are you a rebel?” he asked. “Aniyo.” I replied with conviction. “A transfer student?” he asked again. “Ne.” I said. “Oh. You should have said earlier. Pass.” He said and let me in.

“You’re a transfer student? Let me see your papers.” A female teacher told me. She seems friendly and really pretty. As I followed her to her table, I looked at her from head to toe. Not bad. S-line: check. Face: check.

I handed her my documents. “Whoa. Your records are totally not bad. You were the school’s representative in a dance competition in LA and won. Great.” She said. Well, yeah. That’s a dance competition for boys. I just smiled at her and nodded.

“Anyway, welcome! It’d be best if you change in your uniform now. I don’t need to show you around the school, right?” she asked. “Ne.” I answered. I guess I need to figure out things by myself. That’s more adventurous.

I went in the locker room and opened my locker only to find blouses and skirts as my uniform. I changed clothes. “Oh. I didn’t know wearing skirts would be this comfortable. It feels… breezy.” I chuckled and headed off to class.

Classroom 2-1. Hwaiting! I opened the door and found girls chattering around and fangirling over the latest idols. I went in front. Introducing yourself is the first thing to do, right?

“Hello! I bet you’re curious as to who I am, right?” I said. Nobody answered and they all continued their own work. “It’s nice to meet you.” I told them. “I’ll be studying in the same room as you. My name is Lee Taeyeon.” I continued. “I came from America and there are plenty of things that I need to know. I hope we’ll get along.” I added.

“Shut up and just sit down.” One of the girls at the back said and threw a ball of paper on my face. Aish. Be thankful you’re a girl or I’ll be punching you in the face as well. Everyone was laughing at me. If you all just know who I really am, you’ll all be dying to be my girlfriend.

“Arasso, I’ll sit down now.” I told her. “Taeyeon-ssi, there’s an empty seat over here.” A very pretty girl said. Her hair was long and straight. She seemed to be kind and pure. I went to the seat beside her and thanked her.

A y looking girl then approached me. “Hello. I’m Inyeong. Transferee, do you know it is Genie auditions today, right?” she said. “A-auditions?” I asked her. “Ne. But if you’re scared, it’s not too late to drop out.” She said. “I’m not scared. What do I need to do?” I asked her. “Oh. Nothing big. You just need to get a ball inside Spudgy’s house.” She said.

“S-spudgy?” I asked. “It’s the school’s pet dog. All you need to do is to get the ball inside her house.” Inyeong told me. “Arasso.” I nodded.

OK. That’s weird. Auditions in Korea are like this? I thought I’ll be needing to dance in front of a Simon Cowell-ish judge. I strolled towards Spudgy’s house. “I do not bite that hard.” It was a signage near her house. That’s pretty scary.

“Spudgy~ Yoohoo~” I called out. Soon enough, a dog was running towards me. Shall I run for my life now? “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”


A/N: Still few POVs for IU since it's just the start. And IU fans, don't get mad at me if IU's a bit snobbish at the start. Taejun's like that. Hehehe. I hope I did it well in the first chapter. Happy reading!

Thank you very much for the subscribers. I didn't expect to already get subscribers by just posting the foreword. Hehehe.

@MilkyCouple4ever: thanks a lot! ^__^

@shushi_pilsuk: thank you very much! i'll do my best.

@FattyPandi: yeseu. the opposite of TTBY.

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mypreciouskc #1
Sorry for this....
mypreciouskc #2
This will be better if this will be a taesul fan fiction!!
andrearachela #3
Chapter 2: update please :(
this is interesting
Chapter 1: Marga!!!!! This is great! And Spudgy XD hahahahahahahahaha I love you
I'm so happy every time I see you have a new fanfic :3
Hmmm.... Interesting. Update soon. :)
Chapter 1: ow i love the first chapter! btw i love IU's snobbish taemin checking out his teacher, i love his character as well xD
MilkyCouple4ever #8
Chapter 1: Dude/Woman update more!!!! I'm attracted to this story!!