The cafe

Cafe Best Absolute Perfect


You awaken to the sound of chirping birds and sunlight on your face. You stretch, get up, shower, change and eat breakfast. After you have your fill you log into the internet, that you were able to set up your self, thank you very much, and begin searching for suitable locations for your cafe. 


DING DONG!! You look towards the door frowning, you get up and look though the peep hole, Himchan. You open the door for him “Sorry, I wasn’t sure if you still needed my help or not”, he stammers. 


Himchan looked like he didn’t want to burden me but obviously wanted to come back again regardless if there was any work to do. “Yeah i’m looking for a place to buy now I would love your opinion”. When you said that his face broke into a smile and you let him through. 


The two of you search through page after page of old cafes, some that ran out of business, others abandoned, until suddenly. “What about that one?”, says Himchan pointing to the screen and you restrain yourself from scolding him for touching the screen. 


You follow the direction of his finger and look at the cafe (E/N1+2 NUNU CRACKY!~ A/N I apologize for my hyperactive editors) “That’s right around the corner from us” he says happily “It might take a lot of work but it will look magical (E/N1 magical like a unicornnn <3 A/N sorry again ><) when we are done”. You can only agree, even now your brain is picturing what it would look like. “It’s perfect”, you say giving Himchan a quick hug.


“Can we go take a look?”, you say standing up and he nods. (A/N WHAT IS WITH ALL THE NODDING) The two of you lock up and leave the house. “If you don’t mind me asking, how are you going to afford all this?”, asks Himchan and you pause.


 “I haven’t told you this but my dad is a very successful lawyer and I would be lying to say that I wasn’t very well off”, you say. “But why would you leave the house so young? I mean you could live your whole life in luxury”, asks Himchan. “To get away? Maybe... It may be nice but it’s very boring especially when people only like you for your wealth. Also I don’t want to live off the hard work of my father... Spending someone else's money is not the same as spending your own”, you say and Himchan hums in agreement.


“When I suggested opening my own cafe dad was all for it. He was really happy I didn’t turn out like some spoilt brat”, you say. “But how does this relate to you paying for the cafe?”, Himchan asks. “OH! Yeah, got a little off track. My dad offered to lend me the money for my apartment and for the cafe. We organized it so that it’ll still pay interest rates but a fraction of what the bank has. That way I can’t fall into debt.”


You round a corner and Himchan leads you into a park, it has large trees all around the oval and a playground to one side. There in the back corner stands the cafe a little worse for ware but the whole scene looked magical. You run towards it like a kid and you can hear Himchan chuckle and pick up speed as well.


You cannot believe how beautiful the cafe is “It’s perfect”, you say again. You look around, the cafe is on the west side of the park so it would get the morning sun and afternoon shade. There is a high school close by so the cafe will get buckets of students. The trees will muffle the sounds from the nearby playground and the cafe overlooks an oval, which is perfect for soccer mums. It’s perfect. 


(E/N1 The oval was round, very oval-shaped, like an oval, but not quite, A/N The square-shaped oval kkkkkk, E/N1 Soccer mamas, A/N careless careless!~ E/N I like squiggles <3, A/N Sorry for making you edit this so late, E/N1 You should be +_+, A/N I think we should end it here, E/N2 I’m yawning, A/N Excuse me are we boring you!?, E/N2 yes, E/N1 yawning*... where were we up to?, A/N We were talking about the oval)


(A/N (later) I think we were editing this at like 10pm idk but we were hypo, E/N1 (later) I swear it was at like 1am O_O” A/N no you stayed up to 1am watching to the beautiful you Editor 2 and I went to sleep because we were preforming at Animania the  the next day remember? =.=) 


Bang Yongguk worked though sleepless nights at Himchan’s request, taking care of all the paperwork and financial aspects of the cafe. Finally after two weeks the cafe was in your possession, here you are standing outside of it. You currently wield a crowbar and swing it around expediently. “Ahhhh careful”, yells Himchan and you grin apologetically.


You run towards one door and dig the crowbar into the side, wrenching the door off its long rusted hinges. It falls to the floor with a thud. You are immediately hit in the face with a large cloud of dust and you stagger back coughing. Himchan laughs and moves forward shining a torch into the abandoned cafe.  “Wow, it’s really creepy in here”, he mutters looking around. You follow the beam of his torch and look at the cafe. 


Leather couches run along the walls with beautiful tables and chairs littering the floor. “I don’t think we can save the couches, but the tables and chairs should be fine after a quick clean up. Let’s go have a look around”, you say and move further in the cafe. Dirt, dust and dead leaves muffle your foot steps as you approach the grand counter which appears to be made of mahogany, you run your hand across it. “It’s beautiful.” 


You open some doors to find some bathrooms and storage cupboards, which luckily are fully quipped with brooms and tools. You walk into the kitchen, which unfortunately needs to be completely refurbished. “Wow.. this place has everything! Once we clean it up it will look great”, Himchan says and you smile at his enthusiasm. 


The two of you walk upstairs to find an area just perfect for a functions. “This place is built pretty solid the structure is pretty strong”, you say jumping on the floor experimentally. Suddenly something black swoops down at you're face and causing you to scream. It turns around and swoops at Himchan, the both of you sprint out of the building screaming and flailing. After that the two of you refused to re-enter the cafe until Bang Yongguk got rid of the demon creature, (which turned out to be a bat)(E/N2 hahahahh ‘the demon creature’ XDD). After that Yongguk took a gamble and quit his job to help out with the cafe, you entrusted him with all of the financial aspects. (E/N1 not bad so far, not bad~)

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Feelicitas04 #1
Chapter 7: This was soo cute!! :33
Like, one of the cutest things I've ever read. Aaaaaah so cuuuute... xD <333
Chapter 6: omg. LOL. my biased is Youngjae. and since THAT wouldn't work I ended up picking Chanyeol from exo after about 5 minutes of debating. no lies
Chapter 6: LOL CUTE CUTE!! It was super awkward when you did to insert bias name here, Daehyuns my bias and I was like Ohhhh this won't work. Lololol I liked it keep up the hip work !!
Chapter 5: It was sooo funny and sweet! Thank You!!
NoKpopNoLife #6
Chapter 5: But... b-but... BUT MY BIAS IS DAEHYUN!!!!! T^T
Chapter 5: LOL, I simply love this fanfic, it's so sweet and hilarious even though it's short ^^ And your A/N and E/N notes.. XDDDD And if I actually ever adopted Junhongie... *______* And met my bias omg! >.<
And yessssssssss~! The teaser photos look amazing, the MV will be released soon too! ajskldjalfaklsjfklasfdlas
Thanks for this fanfic, it was awesome! ^-^
Chapter 5: i just read this fic from start to the end.. i read almost every note you posted... what really shocked me was when i got to the last chapter and read your note.. i hurriedly checked allkpop and saw the teaser photos IT really got me surprised and totally screeching AND FANGIRLING AND STUFF gawd i did not expect they would comeback that fast... but still loved it..

by the ways love the story and love the pairings.. you should try to write more of banghim, daejae and jonglo fics XD
Versta #9
This is one of the stories that I actually read with 'myself' inside... IT SEEMS AWESOME. UPDATE SOOON~
Chapter 3: omona i adopted Junhongie *squeals* kyaaaa
-cough- Himchan is just so useless LOL