Chapter Twenty Three

I'll be watching you...

'Donghae, I need you to get out of here.' Hyuk whispered.

Hae was watching some people dance as he enjoyed the music.

'Shouldn't you be more professional and watch your client?' Hae said without turning around to Hyuk.

'Seriously, Mr. Jung is a ert, don't go to that after party.'

'You don't need to show concern anymore, Hyukjae, I'm no longer your client. My appa doesn't pay you to care anymore.'

Hyuk was startled and as he wanted to comment, Hae walked away.


'Kyuhyun, Hyukjae here. Can you come over to this address and pick up Donghae?'

'Hyung? Isn't that where the party is?'


'Aish, let him have fun, why would I pick him up?'

'He's here alone and my client wants him.'

Kyu had to think for a few seconds and grinned. Good that this was a phone call and that Hyuk couldn't see. He used his most innocent tone of voice 'But hyung, if that is what Donghae wants, we shouldn't interfere. Good night!' Kyu hung up.

Hyukjae stared at his phone in shock.


'God that boy is hot.' Mr. Jung said as his eyes wandered all over a dancing Hae.

Hyuk clenched his fists.

Everybody in the room seemed to want a piece of the fish as girls and boys were clinging to him, dancing against him, flirting with him...

'I can imagine how all that energy must be in bed.' Mr. Jung smirked. 'I bet he has the tightest...'

Hyuk started coughing.


Hae was moving to the bar area while he was still dancing to the music. He deliberately danced as y as he could.

Hyuk's mouth went dry as he saw Hae approaching him in such a sinful way. He couldn't tear his eyes away.

Hae passed him without giving him a glance and reached for a snack and a glass of champagne.

'I think you had enough.' Hyuk said as calm as possible.

'None of your business.' Hae smiled sweetly and left again.

Hyuk felt like punching someone. He was getting so frustrated. In another situation he would have smirked at Hae's rebellious persona, this was also a part of Hae that had made Hyuk fall for him: the snarky teenage brat.


Hae knew his plan was working as he saw Hyuk tense up more by the hour. He grabbed the girl that was dancing next to him and held her against his body. She almost fainted. He saw Hyuk take a step towards him with a furious face but then the bodyguard seemed to remember he was on the job and forced himself to remain professional.

Suddenly Mr. Jung appeared behind him and lightly held his waist.

'Donghae, as much as I love to see you having fun and dancing, it's time for the after party.'

Hae smiled at the disgusting man and nodded.


In the car, Donghae was sitting next to Jung as Hyuk was sitting in front of him, facing him.

Mr. Jung had put a hand on Hae's thigh and the boy acted as if he didn't notice while Hyuk tried to burn it away with his gaze.

'Maybe it's getting too late for Mr. Lee.' Hyuk tried. 'He has been through a lot lately.'

'Oh but he can rest at my place if needed.' Jung smiled.

'You have one considerate bodyguard there, sir. But don't worry, I'm feeling perfectly fine.'

Their eyes met. Hyuk's almost pleading while Hae's were unreadable.


'You can sit on the couch there, Donghae, while I'll pour you a nice drink.' Jung said.

As soon as the politician left the room, Hyuk grabbed Hae's wrist.

'What are you doing?' Hae asked.

'Getting you out of here.'


'Cause you are in danger!'

'Am not, I'm right where I want to be.'

'You don't understand, he uses boys like you.'

'Maybe I want to be used.'

That shocked Hyuk.

Hae faked surprise. 'Don't tell me you care, Hyukjae.'

Hyuk looked away. 'I would do this for anyone.'

'Oh, so you saved those other boys as well.'

'I-I, that was different, I didn't know them.'

'Ah, I see. So, Hyukjae, does he make you watch?'

Hyuk's eyes darkened as they locked onto Hae's.

'I can see why you would like that since it's basically free live .' Hae snorted.

Hyuk grabbed Hae's throat. 'Stop it.'

'So maybe you'll enjoy watching me getting ed as well.' Hae choked out.

Hyuk slammed him against the wall. 'Shut up!'

'Or else? What will you do Hyukjae? me into the wall and leave again?' Hae managed to smirk.

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Chapter 30: I swallowed these 30 chapters in less than 24hrs... you are one of my favorite authors from old times, and overall I'm glad I left some fanfics unread, so I can enjoy them freshly!
I have to admit that having finished KinnPorche a month ago, I was urged to read this one where Hyukjae is Donghae's bodyguard! I love how you manage to be funny but remaining the story on proper ground.
Thank you for sharing this one as well with us!
Miss your writing...
Chapter 30: End--
Chapter 24: Why am still reading 2010's fanfics glorifying toxic relationships🤣
Chapter 30: fluff at the end!! i love the story , just finish a while back now im rereading🥰
misshae227 #5
Chapter 30: Yay! I love this story so much. thank you for sharing it with us, crazy EunHae shippers. I only wish you could write more. Hot EunHae from start till the end, not to mention their palpable love for eo. thank u again. xoxo
1455 streak #6
Chapter 30: Woooow! Finished reading this in one go!! it is so superb!! thanks for sharing this story :))
Chapter 30: It's not clichè at all!! I like the story fufufu. They're really hot together. A couple
970 streak #8
Chapter 1: Whoa! Such a great start! I could imagine the swashbuckling Lee Hyukjae getting rid of the "attackers"!
I'll continue reading this. Thank you so much for sharing.
Chapter 30: The story is so cute and heartwarming as well. Thanks a lot, you're really are a great writer ^^ I love their characters here ♡
Queenka94 #10
Is this a friendship, or romance fic? :)