Episode 8: Homeless Night

WE GOT MARRIED SEASON 4 (fanfic version)

[Hye Rin has just ended her schedule at Strong Heart’s recording; she walked out of the recording studio, with a really tired expression on her face and pouted to the camera. Just then, her mobile phone rang and her manager passed it to her to answer.]

In The Studio:

MC: Aigooo, she looks sooo exhausted!

“It’s the girls calling from the dorm.” Manager Oppa motioned for Hye Rin to pick up the call.

“Yoboseyo? Yah! Are you guys having fun while I’m slogging away here?” Hye Rin replied, before they could say anything else.

Evil laughter and girlish giggles echoed through the phone, “No… We are waiting for you…” Kae Lee answered, sounding sympathetic amidst the background chuckles.

“Hye Rin ah! Buy some biscuits, bread and water on your way home!” Minyoo and Nu-Ree shouted from the other side of the line.

With that, they hung up abruptly. “Mwoya?! (What’s this?!)” Hye Rin uttered before stuffing her phone into her pocket.

In The Studio:

Lee Teuk: Bread, biscuits and water?! Wartime?! -giggles-

Nu-Ree: Hye Rin loves to eat bread and biscuits! So we asked her to buy it for herself!!

She did as told and went to a nearby convenience store to get the items her members told her to get.

Lugging the heavy plastic bags, she made her way back to the dorm. At the corridor, she spotted Minyoo loitering around the corridor a distance in front of their unit while Kae Lee was peering out from their dorm’s door.

“YAH! Come and help me with the bags!” Hye Rin yelled at Minyoo, who upon turning her back and saw Hye Rin running towards her, bolted towards their dorm.

Minyoo made it back into the dorm just in time and Kae Lee closed the door in Hye Rin’s face.

Hye Rin's Inner Monologue: I was thinking, why did she run when she saw me?! Then I was like, Ahhh...

“YAH! Open the door! Open the door!” Hye Rin dropped the bags on the floor and started to pound on the door with her hands. “YAH! Open the door this minute if not you are going to regret this!”

Laughter could be heard from behind the door and Nu-Ree shouted, “Hye Rin ah, the bread, biscuits and water that you have just bought is for you to last through the night!”

In The Studio:

MC: Girlfriends' is so bad to Hye Rin!! HAHAHA!

Minyoo: OMO! Her expression is epic, such a pity we didn't see it that night!!

Hye Rin looked down and stared at the plastic bags, “NO!! Open the door! My clothes, at least let me get my clothes!!”

“Manager Oppa and Stylist Unni have already prepared one-week worth of clothes for you! Your make-up, skincare products, everything you need, is already with them! Don’t worry!” More chuckling could be heard.

In The Studio:

Shindong: At least they planned and prepared well for Hye Rin, if its Super Junior, we won't tell the person to get food and water or prepare their clothes! AHAHAAH!

Just then, Manager Oppa came and dropped a big luggage in front of Hye Rin and ran off. Hye Rin tried to chase after him, but he was too fast. She returned to pound on the door.

“Open the door!! Yah!!” She pleaded desperately.

In The Studio:

MC: Aigooo, all of them are abandoning our Hye Rin!

“Hye Rin ah, go away! Don’t make so much noise and disturb the neighbours!” Nu-Ree urged evilly.

Just then, a small envelope was slotted out from inside the house. “Goodbye Hye Rin!” the girls could be heard leaving the door area and going back into their own rooms.

Hye Rin sat down outside the door and opened the envelope which reads, “Congratulations, today you will be moving house! Your very own house! Follow the instructions in this envelope carefully and we wish you a happy time!”

“What?! It’s so late already… Eunhyuk might be asleep already, how to carry out this mission?!” She threw the envelope down on her lap with a sad huff.

Hye Rin's Inner Monologue: Aissh, what am i doing to do now? What am i going to do now?

She fumbled at the bags and let out a sigh of sadness. “Am I really going to sleep outside here tonight?” She looked up at our crew and asked. After failing to get any answer out of us, she lied down on the ground, resigned. Just then, an old couple walked past to get back to their own unit, they stared at her questioningly.

In The Studio:

MC: An idol, loved by millions of fans, sitting like a homeless hobo outside her own dorm.. she is the world's no. 1!

“AHHH, people’s gonna think I’m weird if I stay here like this…” She started gathering up the bags and tied them to her luggage. She whipped out her mobile phone and scrolled down the phonebook.

“Yoboseyo? Yah! You miss me so much that you called me so late at night right?” A man’s voice was heard over the phone. Apparently, he sounded as if he doesn’t know that this phone conversation is being aired.

Hye Rin's Inner Monologue: Ehhh?! Why didn't he know we're on broadcast?! HAHAHA!

All of us tried our very best to keep in our laughter.

“Myeolchi ah…” her voice croaked. “My members threw me out of our dorm, now I’m homeless… Can I come to your dorm?”

“HUH?! Sleep together?! Can we do that??”

Eunhyuk's Inner Monologue: I didn't think of broadcast when she called me! I thought it was an offline thing!

We had to stuff our fists into our mouths to muffle our hysterical laughter. After they hung up, we proceeded towards Super Junior’s dorm which is just a few units away from Girlfriends’ dorm.

“Annyeong haseyo!” Lee Teuk greeted us at the door and ushered us in. We entered the dorm and just then, Eunhyuk walked out of his room and upon seeing us, let out a gasp and went back into the room, shutting the door quickly behind him. Some of the boys, who came out to see who the visitor was, too bolted back into their rooms upon seeing us.

Eunhyuk's Inner Monologue: AHHH! Who are those people?! BB Cream!

In The Studio:

MC: HOHO! the Suju boys were so flustered!!

“Some of them (the boys) did not have schedules today, so their hair and faces are not done. But Donghae and I just came back from a schedule, hence, our makeups is still on.” Lee Teuk explained about the phenomenon which just took place in the dorm.

In The Studio:

Sungmin: We didn't expect the filming crew to be here! We did not have our makeup on! Such a shock!

MC: So you boys look very at-home when you guys don't have any schedules?

Yesung: Absolutely at home. We wear like tee shirts and shorts and our hair is messy and in weird styles.

MC: Ahhh, no wonder have to bolt back into the room, you all are idols.. hahaha!

“Annyeong haseyo! I’m Super Junior’s Donghae!” Donghae greeted us cheerfully from the side.

In The Studio:

Donghae: We just returned from Star Kign recording that night.

“Hye Rin is here to look for her husband?” Lee Teuk asked, surprised by our late visit.

“Yes, Oppa!” She replied and walked towards Eunhyuk’s room.

Hye Rin's Inner Monologue: Why do i have to speak through a closed door so much today??

“Myeolchi ah… Open the door!” She knocked on the door gently. Just then, the door swung open and she nearly fell into the room but was caught by Eunhyuk.

In The Studio:

MC: Aigoooo, so sweet!

Siwon: Kyaaa! Skinship!

“Neh, Annyeong haseyo!” Eunhyuk bowed and greeted us. “What should we do now?” He asked, calmly.

“Eunhyuk ah! Your BB cream is not spread evenly!” Donghae walked over and wiped his thumb over a portion of Eunhyuk’s cheek.

“Ahhh, so Eunhyuk was frantically doing his last-minute makeup just now when he shot back into his room!” Lee Teuk joked and teased.

Eunhyuk stood there with his gummy smile, not knowing what else to say or do.

Hye Rin handed him the envelope and sat down on the sofa. Eunhyuk went through the contents of the envelope and looked up, “Now?!”

Our crew nodded seriously at him, “unless you don’t mind Hye Rin sleeping in the corridor…”

Hye Rin's Inner Monologue: I was honestly afraid that he might say he doesnt mind.. hahaha i would divorce him if he did say that! hahaha

“Okay, I will go get ready!” He went back into his room to change clothes.

After a while, Hye Rin went into his room and saw him sitting in front of his vanity, starting on his skincare and makeup regime.

“Wait! You can’t put that first!” Hye Rin stopped Eunhyuk as he attempted to apply BB cream on his face. “You have to clean up the one which you abruptly applied on just now first!”

In The Studio:

Kae Lee: The makeup artist to the rescue!

MC: Does Hye Rin do make up well?

Minyoo: She research about them on Google when she is free!

She took a make-up cleansing pad and started wiping his whole face. After that, she made him wash his face in the toilet with facial cleanser. Eunhyuk stumbled back to the vanity with water droplets all over his face and eyes shut.

She took a piece of cotton pad and dabbed his face dry. She then opened her luggage and searched for the toner and patted his face down with toner. Then, she used a piece of random pamphlet which she found lying on the table to fan his face for the toner to set. Next, moisturiser went on his face. She then dusted a thin layer of protective serum over. Primer, makeup base, foundation, concealer, BB cream, then finally, pressed powder. Not forgetting his eyeliner, she drew it carefully, blew his hair with a hairdryer and styled it suavely with a handful of wax.

In The Studio:

MC: Wow, there are so many steps and things to do for a makeup?! Being an idol is really not easy...

Lee Teuk: You should see our rooms, all thsoe bottles and products. We can open our own makeup shop already!

Eunhyuk opened his eyes and stared at himself at the mirror. “Wow, I felt like I went through a makeover! You can quit being a singer and go be a makeup artist! What products are these? They are really good!”

Eunhyuk's Inner Monologue: Wow, my wife can do this makeup so well!

Hye Rin's Inner Monologue: (when asked how she did the makeup) I have to do this regime every morning before i head out, so it has already become a kind of drill for me to do everything from step 1 to the end..

Upon seeing the number of bottles, containers, and other products on the table, his eyes widened. “So many?!” Hye Rin nodded happily at her wonderful masterpiece.

“You have to bring me to get all these! Let’s go now! We can move into the house tomorrow! You can leave your luggage here for the night!” Eunhyuk cheered and peered at the bottles one by one.

[Myeongdong is the heart of fashion and best of all; it is opened through the night.]

With his fresh makeup, Eunhyuk drove the both of them to Myeongdong where Hye Rin will help him procure new makeup and skincare products.

On the car, Hye Rin made a list of the items to get and the places to get them.

“Waaah! Do you endorse these brands?” Eunhyuk asked curiously.

“Nope, only some of the products.” She replied without looking up and continued scribbling in her notebook.

“Waaah… My members always say I do not clean my face very well… After tonight, that sentence will become history!” He whispered to himself while driving, with a happy smirk on his face.

In The Studio:

MC: Eunhyuk sshi doesn't clean his face too well??

Shindong: YES! He keeps his room very tidy, but he needs to wash his face more!

The streets of Myeongdong are still as crowded as any time of the day; Seoul is really a city which never sleeps. The couple walked through the screaming crowd and entered their first stop, Etude House. The female staff squealed in delight at the sight of Eunhyuk and greeted them enthusiastically.

“E for Etude, E for Eunhyuk!” He teased them cheekily which caused the fans who have gathered outside the shop screaming hysterically.

“Your skin looks really awesome and smooth!” a fan shouted from the crowd.

“I did his makeup for him! You should see his bare face! Wait for the broadcast!” Hye Rin exclaimed mischievously.

Eunhyuk's Inner Monologue: My bare face... Is actually not very bad...

Hye Rin's Inner Monologue: I dare to ask the fans to see his bare face because his bare face is quite good. His skin is very smooth by itself already.

“Show us, show us, show us now! (Fans meant his bare face)” the fans chanted.

“I will meet you guys in your dreams tonight and show it to you!” Eunhyuk did a fan service by blowing a kiss to them.

Hye Rin laughed at his cheesiness and Eunhyuk nudged her, “Don’t be jealous!”

Hye Rin's Inner Monologue: (when asked if she was jealous) No. HAHAHA! Really..

She rolled her eyes at him and walked over to the shelves.

“This is good, very good!” Hye Rin showed him a bottle of night gel and exfoliating yogurt.

“You help me to choose, I will use the same as you!” Eunhyuk smiled widely, trusting in her completely.

After settling the bill at Etude House, they went to their next stop: The Face Shop.

Eunhyuk's Inner Monologue: I usually don't spend much money on these. But i guess, its going to be a good investment? HAHAHA

“The pressed powder from The Face Shop is really perfect!” Hye Rin suggested and helped Eunhyuk select one which is of his skin tone.

“Hye Rin ah!” a voice called out from behind.

Kim Hyun Joong seemed to have walked out of the posters in The Face Shop. Hyun Joong does the endorsements for The Face Shop.

The two of them greeted with a friendly hug and Eunhyuk and Hyun Joong exchanged a firm handshake.

In The Studio:

MC: WOAH! Hyun Joong sshi?!

“What are you doing here so late at night?” Hyun Joong asked.

“We are getting skincare products and cosmetics for Eunhyuk! Oppa, I’m on MBC’s We Got Married!” Hye Rin chirped happily.

“Why are they using casual and informal speech? Tsch… It’s for broadcast… They should use honorifics…” Eunhyuk grumbled under his breath while randomly touching the items on display.

In The Studio:

Lee Teuk: Eunhyuk's getting jealous! He always mumble to himself when that happens!

“You didn’t tell me and got married to this guy?!” Hyun Joong joked and pretended to survey Eunhyuk from top to toe.

“Oppa, what are you doing at Myeongdong?” Hye Rin asked.

“I just ended a fan sign event for The Face Shop at the city centre. I miss you so much! Let’s have a meal together soon!”

In The Studio:

MC: Ahhh, Myeongdong is really a place where you can see many idols and celebrities!

They checked out their items at the cashier shortly and carried the big shopping bags to the car. Though they only went to two shops, the two big shopping bags were so bulky with the many products they bought.

When Eunhyuk was loading the items into the car boot, he asked, “Are you very close to Hyun Joong?”

In The Studio:

MC: Here the questioning begins!!

Hye Rin looked up, surprised, and burst out laughing. “WHAT?! CLOSE?! More than close!”

Eunhyuk shut the car boot and continued, “More than close?? Don’t tell me he is your boyfriend or ex-boyfriend??”

“Are you jealous?” She asked, anticipating his reply.

Hye Rin's Inner Monologue: I hope he says he is. HAHAH!

“It’s not that… I was just wondering why you guys are so chummy with each other…” He replied.

Eunhyuk's Inner Monologue: I can't admit i am! I need to appear cool! Heechul hyung taught me this!

In The Studio:

MC: Heechul sshi, you teach him all the alpha-male standards!

“HAHAHAHA! Don’t you know?? He is my brother! Real brother!” Hye Rin chuckled.

“Really?!” Eunhyuk was taken aback. “Oh yes, both of you has the surname: Kim!”

In The Studio:

Super Junior: REALLY?! -shocked-

MC: HUH?! you guys don't know?! It was revealed that time when Girlfriends debuted!


The couple went to eat some street food at a nearby food stall. Famished, they gobbled down kimchi pancakes, tokpokki, sausages and some meatballs.

“You are going to perform at SBS Music Festival a few days from now too right?” Eunhyuk asked.

“Neh! What are you wearing?”

“White stage costume I think, our stage concept is white lately.” He replied, and added, “Don’t wear too revealing please!”

In The Studio:

MC: Heechul's alpha-male standards coming through again!

Heechul: Eunhyuk ah, you are a good student! But for revealing its me who taught you these, you're so dead the next time i see you!

“I can’t decide what I wear! The stylists pick for us!”

“I will go talk to them!” Eunhyuk answered.

“HOHOHO! Okay... Are you going to do any missions for me?” She asked, with a mouth full of kimchi pancake.

“Mission?!” He almost choked on his tokpokki.

“Sheesh, do you know that someone else will be doing something for me?!” She pointed out. “You just wait and see!”

“Who is it?” He asked, suddenly interested.

“You will see! It’s gonna be quite obvious I think!” She smiled, trying to make her husband jealous.

Hye Rin's Inner Monologue: I was quite sad he choked on tokpokki when i asked him about doing a mission. So i am going to fuel him up! HAHAHA!

“I will do something even more obvious and bigger!” He challenged.

Hye Rin kept quiet but the smile on her face was getting wider and wider.

Manager Oppa took pity on Hye Rin and allowed her to sneak back into the dorm while the other members are asleep. Eunhyuk took his newly bought cosmetics and headed back to his own dorm. He began setting these products up on his vanity. New additions.

After that, he went for a quick sleep for a few hours and woke up at 7am the next day to prepare for practice.

At the practice studio, he hollered at s to gather and told them about his rival who will be doing something for Hye Rin at SBS Music Festival and his plan to do something more obvious and bigger.

“You’re gonna lose, Eunhyuk!” Heechul .

“How about cook something and put it on her table?” Ryeowook suggested. “I can help you with it!”

“No, just kidnap her and bring her to a PC room and play Starcraft! Hyung, I will cover your dance parts for you! No worries!” Kyuhyun cheered.

“Dance?! You sure you can do it?! Just stick to your singing please!” Yesung discouraged him.

“How, I can’t lose to that anonymous guy!” Eunhyuk whined.

“Do a heart sign onstage while dancing to Bonamana!” Ryeowook suggested again.

“Good idea! You can do that, Eunhyuk!” Lee Teuk concurred.

“I know, at the dance break in Bonamana… Just before the dance break, I will…” Eunhyuk turned to the camera and gave a mischievious wink, “I won’t say it now, you guys see for yourself at SBS Music Festival!”

Hye Rin's Interview:

Producer: How do you feel when Eunhyuk said he will do a bigger and more obvious mission for you?

Hye Rin: -giggles- HAPPY! GOOD! I am looking forward to see what he is going to do! And i secretly feel quite touched, honestly. -smiles-

Eunhyuk's Interview:

Producer: So what made you decide on doing the mission at SBS Music Festival?

Eunhyuk: Hmmm, when she said someone else was going to do it for her, i felt that i cannot lose to that person. As her husband, i need to be number 1 in her eyes, and so i must deliver an even better mission! So everybody, look forward to it!

In The Studio:

MC: they are the first couple who could decide on the order of the missions. You realised that they were supposed to move house but they self-declared a trip to Myeongdong instead. And the PD allowed! HAHAHA

MC #2: Our PD loves Girlfriends so much! HAHAHA! He is a fan!

A note from the author:

Here is a new update after such a long hiatus! Sorry guys! Having exams soon as well! T_T Will promise to update more regularly after 16 May, when my exams end!

A warm welcome new readers and existing readers alike! I hope you will like this new update, edited the font size and all for your reading comfort! Really love your comments so keep them coming! I really love reading your comments!

Thank you for reading my updates though sometimes it is not good and is boring! I promise to work harder! ^^

Fighting to Super Junior, and all of us, ELF! ^^

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when will you update author-sshi! :(
update please! :D
redexovelvet #3
Hello Unnie~ :)<br />
<br />
hmmm I thought you're gonna update on November 30? :(<br />
sigh* I just hope that unnie will update soon. :)
eunrin_kim #4
hello superclarisse!! I am going to start updating after 30th Nov!
redexovelvet #5
Unnie~ Why aren't you updating anymore? TT_TT
eunrin_kim #6
@Jojochicky & @haethrusts: hihi guys! thanks for reading!! but i suddenly have no idea how to continue.. its easy to imagine but difficult to put into words. T_T i promise to update soon, really soon ok? thank you for waiting.. ^^
haethrusts #7
Hahha! I agree with Hye Rin and the MC! It is not Eunhyuk cooking XD! And the part where the cookies were gone... So sad!! Aww! Ryeowook is so kind!! :))))))))))))
eunrin_kim #9
@myeolchi: yay! thanks for loving the chapter! ^^ evil maknaes of SJ and DBSK! hehe! thank you, reader-sshi!! i will updated soon! ^^<br />
@wonjjang: HAHAHA! yeaaah, cut away the old folks! kkkkkk~