


Kris is a pretty straightforward person. Anyone who knows him well immediately knows when Kris is feeling pleased about something or when it's time to stop fooling around (but this is probably because duizhang's ears start smoking when he gets mad). He's also pretty straightforward when it comes to Chanyeol. Right off the bat, Kris had told him that he doesn't want anything to come as a surprise between them and almost immediately Kris laid out all his facial routines, like he was giving Chanyeol a chance to run away.

This is why Chanyeol knows that surprising Kris like he is about to is a bad idea. Still, he stuffs a few clothes in his backpack, along with his MacBook and zips it up. He glances around his room, wondering if there's something he might have forgotten, before slinging his back over his shoulder and stepping out.

The other K members look up as he pads to the living room to grab his mobile phone and iPod, stuffing them into his jeans pockets. Joonmyun then steps up to him with his passport and plane ticket and Chanyeol lets out a breath.

"He's going to be very mad at me," Chanyeol couldn't help but voice out because Kris really does hate surprises, even more the expensive ones.

"He'll get over it," Baekhyun says from the couch, where he's fixedly watching Girls’ Generation's most recent performance. "You haven't seen each other in weeks. I'm sure he misses you."

"And he does!" Sehun pipes in from where he’s seated on the floor, sending annoyed glances at Baekhyun once in a while whenever he squeals over Taeyeon. "Lu Han hyung keeps on complaining about how Kris hyung has been more broody than he usually is."

"That's what happens when you haven't had --," Jongin starts to join in on the conversation before Kyungsoo shoots him a look and he shuts up. "Have fun, hyung!" he says instead with the most angelic smile he could muster.

"Call me when you land," Joonmyun reminds him and Chanyeol nods because this is important. It's the first time in a really long time that any one of them is traveling without the entire group along. That, and Joonmyun really worries a lot when one of them isn't within his fatherly radar.

Chanyeol takes a deep breath and smiles his signature happy virus grin. "See you guys when I get back!"

Later, when he's on the plane en route to China, he tries hard not to wiggle in excitement in his seat. Finally, finally, Chanyeol's going to be able to see Kris and talk to him face-to-face, where he'll be real and not grainy and his voice will not be gravelly like how it is on Skype. And Chanyeol will be able to hug him and nuzzle his face in his neck and hold his hands as they cuddle in his bed.

Chanyeol closes his eyes and bites his lower lip. He just can't wait to see him again.



EXO-M's dorm building is much quieter and seemed more secure than EXO-K's. Probably because Korean fans are much more bolder in terms of showing their affection, even to the point of sneaking into their building to write messages of adoration on their dorm door and walls. EXO-M's dorm is devoid of that, he notices, as he rings the doorbell.

There is a few seconds of silence before he hears footsteps approaching the door. Chanyeol really hopes it isn't Kris who's about to answer the door. Then again, he thinks it wouldn't be so bad. He knows that Kris will still be surprised. It's probably better if he answers the door so that Kris's initial anger would wear off somewhere in between their way from the door to the living room. At least that's what Chanyeol hopes.

It's Jongdae who opens the door, mouth full with food, which he spits on the floor when he coughs uncontrollably in seeing Chanyeol. Tao hurries to the door to see what the commotion is and tears up when Chanyeol in his colorful sweater and simple jeans come into his line of sight, and Chanyeol wonders if they missed him that much.

"What's going on?" Minseok calls from inside and Jongdae and Tao exchange a look before pulling Chanyeol inside and closing the door behind them.

"Who is it?" Lu Han asks when they shuffle in. He looks up and his eyes widen like saucers when Chanyeol awkwardly waves at them.

"Chanyeol!" Minseok greets him, standing up from where he was perched on the couch. "What are you doing here?"

"I, uh, wanted to surprise Kris," Chanyeol laughs nervously as he glances at the bedroom door that he knows is Kris's. "Is he asleep?" He knows that when given a reprieve from schedules, Kris would always use it on getting his beauty sleep.

The four boys exchange looks before Lu Han nudges Jongdae, rather violently, to speak up. Jongdae chuckles awkwardly, a hand rubbing the back of his neck.

"Wu Fan ge isn't here," Jongdae says when Lu Han practically shoves him to the ground.

"Oh that's fine. I'll just wait for him then," Chanyeol shrugs, taking his backpack off and putting it on the ground. "It'll still be a surprise, right?" But he takes a deep breath because he wishes that Kris is already on his way back because he really just wanted to see him already. But he can wait. What's a couple hours more?

"No, you don't understand," Lu Han finally speaks up when he finds Jongdae too slow in responding. "Kris isn't here."

"That’s what you said," Chanyeol frows his eyebrows in confusion. "He'll be back in a while, right?"

At that moment, Chanyeol's phone, which he'd right after he got off the plane so he could text Joonmyun that he was safe and well, rings. He gets it from his jeans' back pocket, eyes widening when he sees Kris's number flashing on the screen. Minseok nods towards Kris's room so he can take the call in private, to which Jongdae and Lu Han glare at the oldest member because then they wouldn't hear their conversation.

As soon as he's in Kris's room, he sits on the edge of his bed and answers it. Chanyeol doesn't even get a word out before Kris's very angry words come through.

"What the did you do, Chanyeol?"

"How did you find out?" Chanyeol decides to ask because then maybe he can redirect his nervousness to anger by telling off whoever had too big of a mouth to tattle off his surprise. When Kris doesn't respond, he continues, "It's Baekhyun, isn't it? I knew he couldn't keep his mouth shut. I just knew it. I'm going to..." And he keeps on babbling in annoyance that he doesn't hear Kris speaking, telling him the answer to his question.

"Chanyeol!" Kris finally yells and Chanyeol quiets down, stiffening at Kris’s raised voice.

"Sorry," Chanyeol bites his lip. "I'm really sorry. I just wanted to surprise you." He pushes himself to the middle of the bed and leans his back on the wall. "I'm sorry," he repeats, even softer this time. "I think..." and he chuckles at this, "...I missed you too much this time around."

There's a silence on the other line and Chanyeol squeezes his eyes shut because he hates it when Kris is mad, but he hates it even more when it's directed at him.

"I guess I should say sorry, too, then," Kris finally speaks up.

Chanyeol's eyes fly open. "What?" he blurts out.

He hears Kris sigh. "Because... I… I miss you, too,” he admits. Kris chuckles and Chanyeol smiles because he realizes that, despite what he’s done, Kris isn’t mad at him.

"Then come home," Chanyeol practically whines. "I can't wait to see you." He grabs one of Kris's pillows and hugs it to his chest with one warm, pressing his nose into it. It smells like Kris and he just yearns for him even more.

"Are you in my room?" Kris asks, ignoring his question.

"Yeah," Chanyeol says, nodding even though Kris can't see him.

Kris then suddenly laughs. "I'm in yours," he then tells him.

"What?" Chanyeol asks, brow furrowing, confused. "What are you talking about?

"I flew to Korea to see you, Chanyeol," Kris explains, still laughing. "Because..." He sobers up and sighs. "Because I missed you too much this time around, too."

Chanyeol lies down on the bed at this and turns to his side, clutching Kris's pillow close to him, as the irony of the whole situation sinks in. He flies to China to see Kris, wanting to see him, while Kris does the same, which ends up in them not seeing each other like they'd both wanted to.

"Are you mad at me?" Chanyeol quietly asks. If he didn't leave Korea, then maybe he'd have Kris's arms around him by now on his own bed, instead of being alone in Kris' bed. He now knows he really should listen to Kris when he says he hates surprises.

"Why would I be mad?" Kris asks, his voice gentle, and Chanyeol hears the rustling of sheets and imagines Kris lying down on his bed like he is on Kris's. “Maybe we’re just not the type of couple who’s supposed to surprise each other like this,” he chuckles lightly, trying to make the situation funny.

Chanyeol merely sighs in spite of this, squeezing his eyes shut. "I really miss you," he whispers. Of all the things that could happen, not seeing each other is the last one he expected.

"Me too," Kris says and he sighs as well. "I really miss you, too."

"Can we...can we stay on the phone like this?" Chanyeol then wonders aloud, almost pleading. If he can’t see his boyfriend, maybe they can make up for it by just talking to each other and pretending that they are together.

"Of course," Kris's gentle and sweet voice caresses him and Chanyeol knows that Kris will be on the phone with him until he falls asleep.

He may not have seen Kris face-to-face, but he is in Kris's bed and Kris is on the phone with him. At the very least, he knows that Kris misses him as much as he does, enough for him to book an unscheduled flight to Seoul. He also now knows that when Kris gives surprises it is of the grand gesturing kind, the one that speaks volumes of how he feels, of how much he loves Chanyeol.

Chanyeol smiles as he starts to fall asleep.


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singsong #1
Chapter 1: haha...this is totally gonna get me losing a teeth..
too much sweets..
Chapter 1: Im sorry I cant leave coherent comment. Im too emotional bye
Krisyeolsdaughter #3
Chapter 1: Damn kris is so friggin sweet
Chapter 1: Hahaha even though they didn't actually see each other, this was really cute!
Chapter 1: awe ^^ kinda funny too xD
Chapter 1: cute cute cute~~~
Chapter 1: Mwahahaha. In the end they don't meet each other LOLOL that was hella epic
Chapter 1: God, this is the best. I wish you write more Krisyeol :)