
Stars Shine Bright

Days had passed in the same fashion with feather-light touches and words designed to send the blonde crazy. Yoseob had become frustrated one morning, exploding at the red-head over the many touches and words that drove him mad. If he could not have the man then why was he teased as such? Almost as if he had a chance with the older man but Yoseob knew it would never happen. Hyunseung was by no means gay; Yoseob had caught him the other day at the local pools watching the girls and so the attention was indeed meaningless.

The two sat in the media room, Yoseob curled up on the floor, his head resting against the arm of the couch while Hyunseung lounged on the seat above Yoseob’s shoulder, his hand brushing against the younger man whenever he moved.

“That’s it!” Yoseob yelled, spinning around to glare at the older man. “I’m sick of it Hyunseung!” He cried out, climbing to his knees, his face inches away from Hyunseung’s. “Just stop touching me like that! It’s not fair!” Doojoon looked up from the table, staring at the wall that separated the two rooms.

“What do you mean Yoseob?” The older man asked, his voice as calm as un-touched water. The blonde head gritted his teeth before finally lashing out, the back of his hand connecting with Hyunseung’s cheek, sending the man backwards against the arm of the couch. The red-head clutched at his face, staring at Yoseob angrily. “What’d you do that for?” He asked, his voice catching.

“I already told you.” Yoseob muttered, filled with guilt, the back of his hand stinging. He stood and turned to leave the room only to find Doojoon standing in the way.

“Yoseob… We need to talk.” He said, gesturing for the man to follow him.

The leader sat Yoseob down on his bed before locking the door behind him to sit on Hyunseung’s bed, his eyes watching the now sobbing blonde carefully.

“Why did you hit Hyunseung, Yoseob?” Doojoon asked, reaching out to rest a hand on Yoseob’s knee.

“I’m sick of it.” The man replied, taking a deep breath to try and steady his voice. “He touches me and says things and it’s driving me mad, Doojoon. I… Well I think I like him.” Yoseob buried his face in his hands after his muttered confession. He didn’t want to see his elder’s face; he could imagine the expressions there. The frown, his eyebrows creased in the middle, his lips downturned. Disappointment and disgust. He would think Yoseob dirty, disgusting; a piece of filth left for days.

He felt a weight next to him, and then Doojoon’s arms around his shoulders, a cheek against his. “I know and I’m sorry Yoseob.” He whispered, his breath moving Yoseob’s hair across his forehead. His arms tightened and Yoseob clutched them against his chest as if they were the only thing that could save him as he drowned in his own troubles.

“You must think I’m disgusting.” Yoseob muttered, wiping the wetness from under his eyes and attempting to pry the older man from him.

“Not at all. I understand completely, Yoseob. I have had to deal with the same sort of troubles from another in the group recently.” Doojoon sighed, a light smile playing on his face out of sight of the blonde. Yoseob frowned a little and twisted to look at the smiling face of his leader.

“Who?” Yoseob asked, watching the older man’s smile widen by the tiniest fraction.

“I think you know, Yoseob.” Again that smile widened and he tightened his grip on the blonde for a moment before releasing him. He ruffled the blonde hair, giving the man a smile before leaving the room, the door standing open just enough for Yoseob to see the stricken face of the red-head just beyond the frame. Hyunseung bit his lip and fled from Yoseob’s sight, racing from the dorm and down the street to a small child’s park where he threw himself into one of the rubber seats of the swing-set, the tears now flowing freely from his dark eyes. His toes scuffed the bark beneath him as he swung lightly, his arms flexing around the chains that held the seat. His sobs soon broke, dying quietly beneath the squeal of metal against metal as he rocked back and forth, the breeze playing through his hair and drying his face. Why did he feel like this when something he had wanted for so long was inches from his grip? He could have it if he just had the courage to push forward just that little bit. Hyunseung bit his lip and forced the swing higher, his body flying through the air, held in place by the chains as he let the wind wash over him, an exhilarated smile on his face as the seat was forced backwards. Maybe it had been the fact that Doojoon had told his secret, that the leader had betrayed him even though no names were mentioned but Hyunseung knew his face said it all. In that one moment when the blonde’s eyes caught his he could see the recognition flash behind the stare, Yoseob knew exactly what Doojoon meant and that scared the red-head more than anything else.

Hyunseung’s movement ceased, the seat now completely still as he stared up at the dorm over the other houses. He knew Yoseob was within those walls but what was he thinking? Did he hate Hyunseung? The red-head hung his head, trying to calm his heart as it beat in his chest.

Yoseob stared at the figure on the swing-set, its head bent forward as the frame rocked lightly. The curtains were inched open again and Yoseob leaned against the glass, black eyes observing the form eagerly. That look had said it all, the panic that flashed past his eyes in that single second as Yoseob caught his eye, the way he worried his lip between his teeth, and the sudden dash from the dorm. Everyone knew Hyunseung preferred to be by himself whenever anything stressed him out, and it was only that knowledge that kept Yoseob rooted to the spot by the window. Even though his legs screamed at him to chase after the man he stayed there, his hand pressed up against the glass right over Hyunseung’s image, his eyes watching the form as it was pulled high into the air by the momentum of the swing. He would wait until the older man was ready, was calm, and then he would pull him aside and try and work this all out. He just had to figure out what to say before the red-head returned.

So lost in his thoughts was the blonde that he was shocked to look back down at the park to find the figure was no longer there.

“Hyunseung…” He whispered, scrabbling to get up as the red-head walked into the media room, his eyes catching Yoseob’s as he passed. Yoseob sat with his back straight up against the wall as he stared after the older man, knowing he had been caught out. Doojoon peeked out from the kitchen, his hand shooing Yoseob towards his room with an encouraging smile and a nod. This whole business kind of freaked the leader out a bit, that was for sure but ’s happiness mattered and whether that meant the two men sleeping together –Doojoon shuddered delicately- then he would just have to deal.

Yoseob nodded, fixing his mouth into a determined line and marched into the room he shared with the red-head to find the man listening to the younger’s iPod, a small smile tingeing his features. Yoseob stood at the door, unsure of how to proceed. Hyunseung glanced up, catching sight of the blonde at the door and he scrambled to sit up, pulling the earphones out and babbling out an explanation.

“My iPod ran out of charge and-“ He cried, offering the device back to Yoseob who had picked up the older man’s iPod.

“I dunno Hyunseung it looks like the battery is pretty full to me.” Yoseob replied, holding up the lit screen to point at the little picture of a battery, the section filled with color to show it was full. Hyunseung grabbed the device back and stuffed it under his pillow hastily. “Don’t worry.” Yoseob muttered, sitting down on the end of Hyunseung’s bed. “Are you feeling alright Hyunseung?” The younger man asked, his hand reaching up to scratch nervously at the back of his neck.

Hyunseung sat up, pulling his legs underneath him to sit cross legged against the wall. “Yeah, Endorphins I feel fine.” He smiled, his arms crossed over his stomach, his fingers grabbing at the fabric. “Why do you ask?”

“You were at the park again. Something’s bothering you.” Hyunseung looked down at his feet, remembering how the blonde had tried to get away from the window as he passed by, knowing full well the younger had been watching him the whole time.

“Only one thing. It doesn’t even matter.” Hyunseung muttered, shrugging his shoulders and leaning his head back against the wall, his eyes closing. Yoseob’s mouth twitched downward for a moment as he thought it over. If he was right, and he was the “one thing” Hyunseung had mentioned did that mean he didn’t actually matter to the red-head. Yoseob crawled closer to the man, and lay himself over his lap, his head resting against the strong upper arm of his elder. Hyunseung opened one eye to look down at the blonde, whose eyes were now closed as he held the older man. “Yoseob…” Hyunseung started, his breath hitching as the younger looked up, their eyes meeting. Yoseob’s lower lip trembled and he sat up, shuffling off the bed to flee the room, his face bright red. He locked himself in the bathroom, sitting down on the edge of the tub, his face in his hands. What on earth had he done? The man kicked out, throwing his fist against the side of the bath, his teeth gritted together as he tried to contain a scream of frustration.

“Yoseob-ah?” That voice made the man close his eyes, sliding from the bath to the floor, his knees pulled up against his chest.

“What do you want Hyunseung? I’m sorry okay?” Yoseob said, his voice distorted by the hands that clamped over his mouth.

“Just let me in, please Yoseob!” Hyunseung said, knocking on the door frantically. “Please!” Yoseob stood, his hand still clamped over his mouth and he opened to door to find a teary eyed Hyunseung staring at him, his hand clenching the hem of his shirt. They stared for ages, Yoseob leaning against the bathroom door as he stared up into Hyunseung’s eyes, a hand still locked over his mouth.

“Hyunseung” He muttered and the man started forward, the step bringing him up against the door, his face now inches from Yoseob’s once more.

“Please let me in.” Hyunseung whispered and Yoseob stood aside, finding a seat on the floor against the wall, his arms hugging his knees to his chest as Hyunseung closed the door and locked it behind himself before sitting down beside the blonde. A hand trailed down Yoseob’s face and he felt his breath catch in his chest, his stomach throwing itself in a somersault at the feather like touch. Yoseob reached up to grasp the slender wrist in his hands to keep Hyunseung’s hand in place. The older leaned down slowly, his nose touching Yoseob’s making the man shudder lightly, his grip tightening on the red-heads wrist.

Breath mingled between the two as they hesitated, their legs tangled together beneath them, their noses touching lightly. After what seemed like eternity to the blonde, Hyunseung leaned forward once more, capturing Yoseob’s lips with his. The younger man gasped against the elder’s lips, his free hand clutching desperately at the black shirt Hyunseung wore, twisting the fabric until it covered his entire fist, pulling the man closer with every small kiss. Their tongues touched between them, sending butterflies to Yoseob’s stomach as he tugged at the red-head. The kiss was heated and desperate, each of them clutching at the other, their lips barely parting for breath.

Doojoon stopped outside the bathroom, hearing the pants coming from within and the light wet noises. An eyebrow lifted as he passed, his lips curving into a satisfied smile before he retched, speeding his pace up to reach his bedroom to escape the noises the two men made.

At last the two men parted, their chests heaving, hands still clutching at hips and shoulders. Yoseob glanced down at their feet, noticing with a jolt that Hyunseung was hard. He bit his lip and closed his eyes, his cheeks overcome by a violent blush.

“Yoseob?” Hyunseung whispered his voice low and rough. The younger man looked up, his cheeks flaming. Hyunseung smiled, his fingers trailing over the inflamed cheeks wonderingly. “Sorry…” the older whispered, brushing blonde hair from the man’s forehead. Yoseob shook his head, his lips pursed as he pressed himself into Hyunseung’s chest, feeling the frantic beat beneath his face.  “Are you… ?” Yoseob blushed once more as he nodded his head, his hair brushing against Hyunseung’s chin. The red-head grinned foolishly at the thought. It was more than he could have ever asked for.

Soon the younger man wriggled away, untangling their legs and arms to stand, brushing his shirt down over his hips, Hyunseung noticing the fact that the shirt still did not fit quite right. “Uhm. Well I don’t know about you but I’m kinda hungry…” Yoseob muttered a grin forming on his face as Hyunseung’s stomach decided to hold a protest, eliciting a loud gurgle. Yoseob offered a hand to the older man and pulled him upright, the two leaving the bathroom with hands still clasped.


Wow ok so that took almost no time at all to write >.< So for that reason I apologise if there are any mistakes!

Well I do not know where these two are going, but let's find out!

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