Tell Me A Story


They said she was weird because she did not know how to braid her hair, and sheI’m a girl

They said she was different because she had an English name and she live in Korea with no American blood.

They said she was not a girl because she made befriended a boy, an outcast boy.

They would make her an outcast.


They said he was small.

They said he was stupid because he would kick balls rather than passing and shooting them.

They said he was gay because he befriended a girl, an outcast girl.

They made him an outcast, just like her.


Would you believe he became her best friend ever since? Well, duh. Would you believe that she did not become an outcast when she was 12? No, of course you won’t.


But here’s another question, would you believe that this all happened in kindergarten? Yeah, mean kids.



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© erasingpencil 2011. All rights reserved. Distribution of any kind is prohibited without the written consent of erasingpencil.
The following is a work of fiction. The events and characters are fictional and the celebrity names/images merely borrowed and do not represent who the celebrity is in real life. No offence is intended towards them, their families or friends.
This is an original story. If our story plot is the same or sounds the same, it's purely coincidental.


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CinqLuna #1
:) nice