My Sacrifice


A story where Luhan is a prince that is soon to be sacrificed, unless a young servent boy who owes the boy a favor comes to the rescue.


All princes that are born into the royal family tend to be sacrificed by the age of 12, but Luhan was not summonded to be killed at this age causing the entire clan to assume that the vulgar ritual had come to an end. However, on Luhan's 22nd birthday, he is summonded to the altar to be slaughtered for reasons unknown to the clan. Luhan is horrified but knows that it must be done in order to please his people.

But Luhan could not and would not die. Oh definitely not. The doe-eyed boy was lucky; he seemed to have a savior hidden in the shadows.



First Chapter will be up later tonight!


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iw_baekhyun #1
Chapter 2: Thehun O u O I never knew my son was so talented in writing Hunhan :D Keep it up ^^
Chapter 2: Wow please carry on this FIC is really good and I love the story line ^^
Nomichui #3
Chapter 1: I"m reading it! ^^ sorry I didn"t comment before, I read the first chapter in a hurry, then had to shut off my laptop. Anyways, Luhan seems like a really nice guy, optimistic and cheerful, Sehun is his opposite, so there"s a nice dynamic. Sehun hasn"t forgotten him over the last 10 years, so I"m really looking forward to Luhan"s reaction when they meet, will he also remember him or not. Hope you update soon ^^ And strangely,I kind of want an apple right now.. Where"s Luhan when you need him? =)