Eternal Paranoia


In a world where feelings did not exist. And emotion was just a foreign word for the girl. 

- - - 

The simple gift of happiness is no longer a gift in my world, but just a memory. A memory of the foreign word that had been long gone out of my life.




I don't know what I'm doing. me from myself.





I don't want to give away the character's traits since I want their traits to be exposed throughout the story.


[ Jung Daehyun || Shin Ga Eun || Bang Yongguk || ]





I just had to create another story. =_= But I liked the idea of this story and so I decided to just make it.I honestly don't know where I'm headed with this story so let's see how it goes.

This story took a couple hours of research, so yes, not being able to feel emotions and the disorders are all possible and true. My brain hurt from reading through over 20 pages of all that brain stuff. Though, some things I will make up for the sake of the story, because hey. It's a story right?

Aren't you interested enough? It's not like you find stories like this on AFF all the time right? ;]

Subscribe and comment! Let's go to the end together alright? ^^




» poster and background made by JaeJoongLove at Tipsy Queen--{Poster Requests!

Reviwed by criticism @ Efllorescene  Review Shop who gave me a 97/100! Thank you 




“ My name is Shin Ga Eun, and I live in a world with no emotions. 


Title - Eternal Paranoia
Date Started - 10.09.12    Dated Ended -   07.23.13
Contest Entry For -   Creative Esctasy | Writing Contest



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BabyVIP321 #1
omg i finished and it was just amazing!!! I feel sad that it ended i want more ugh :( idk if this is rude sorry if it is but can u make another story with bap and has romance and stuff like this? It would just be fantastic!
Chapter 18: awwww omg this is so good love it ;-;
Chapter 18: aww daehyunnie ; ;
i look like an idiot smiling to myself at my phone haha xD
and himchan ah aww ; ;
will you be transferring this to your friend , btw ? because i really liked this story ; ;
i hope you do TT.TT
--daedreamer #4
I loved it. This was such a perfect ending like omg :*
This chapter was seriously like so cute I can't ahdjahdjakzhbskaudha
I love how they're all happy and the ending was so wonderfully sincere and beautiful. They really seem like such a beautiful family and it's just. Beautiful. Because I have an extremely narrow vocabulary orz But really, I can't think of any other words to describe this fic, because it was just honestly so beautiful and wonderfully written and I just can't. =')
I also love how you didn't stress the romance in this a lot. Most authors try to do that, even if it's a side plot (like it was in yours) and it just seems somewhat...out of place. But the way you dealt with it just made their bond seem all the more powerful and beautiful and ahdhoabdhak I'm just so happy right now that I can't quite find the words the describe my feelings and I probably sound like an idiot and my sentences probably make no sense and I bet they're all jumbled up and this is probably going to be a run on sentence but shdkvsjcba I really don't care =]
This was just perfect.
Thank you for writing this truly heartwarming, touching, inspirational story. I loved it so, so much. Thank you. =)

oh and why would you even think of killing everyone. that's just. not cool. LOL.
--daedreamer #5
Chapter 17: ...
Oh gosh. Oh my goodness.
That was a difficult case. That had me so worried. Oh my gosh I can't believe it's finally over. Oh my goodness I'm so relieved right now. I'm so glad that Ga Eun doesn't have to take the charges. I'm just... I'm so happy I can't quite put it into words.
Omg that really . This amazing story probably would have won something <3 But at least you got the experience of writing this, right?
Ahh, I can't wait for the final chapter! =)
Chapter 16: *slams forehead into keyboard repeatedly* why why why
Chapter 16: Taehyun is freaking annoying I hate him and why Gaeun why ):
--daedreamer #9
Chapter 16: swbinwgfowngdiwbg I slapped myself when I was notified that this has been updated. No kidding.
But ohmygosh. The feels!! There's too many!! ;A; AND GODDAMN IT GA EUN WHY? WHY YOU DO THAT YOU IDIOT?
Why you make life so hard ;~;
But asdfghjkl it's ending?? Man I'm really excited for an update spam ;A;
VeeVee2012 #10
Chapter 15: AHHHH. I love this omg. Thank you for the update, and please update soon~