It has to be you

It has to be you

Himchan’s POV:


Watching the rain drop on the clear window, I gave out a big sigh. The rain looks so dull, just like me. Sitting in the chair, while the room is dark. No light coming the in the room or out. The room cold, but that didn’t bother me one bit. Just one hour ago my boyfriend ,Bang Yongguk,  broke up with me.


“lets end this Himchan. I just want us to be friends” he voice echoing through the room.


He started walking towards the door, but I reached out to him. My arms wrapped themselves around him. He stopped for a moment but easily struggled out. He gave out a look that shot through my heart. My legs lost strength, and the result of that I stumbled to the floor. Tears flowed out of my eyes, and my hands once again reached for the man I loved.


“Goodbye Kim Himchan” Bang said with a grin in his face.


The image kept repeating in my head, the image of his look. It looked so disgusted, it looked so vile. More tears kept coming, and I cried more than twenty minutes.


“Pull yourself together” I told myself as I started to get off the chair.


The door open and a figure walked right in. Since the room was dark I didn’t see the person’s face. Suddenly the lights .


“why so gloomy?” Jongup asked as he crossed his arms.


He walked up to me, lifting my chin. His fingers touched the dry tears stains.


“why so pale?”


I backed away from him and turned my head back to the window. Tapping my fingers every time the rain hit the window, my voice hummed a tune.


“Bang broke up with me” I confessed as my fingers stopped tapping.


I looked towards his direction and found a smile on his face. He pulled a chair and sat next to me. Putting his hands on his knees, he gave out s soft scream. He started laughing and quickly stopped.


“a long time ago Zelo broke up with me too”


Jongup’s POV:


I gave off a chuckle as I started remembering how Zelo broke up with me.


“it made me really depressed but someone was there to help me”




“yea…and you know who that certain someone was?”


He tried thinking first but didn’t have anybody in mind. He started guessing and first thought of Youngjae. I started laughing and said no.




“he’s to quiet to talk to. And the only person he really talks to is Youngjae” I laughed.


“then who?”


I laughed once more and went closer to him. He tried pulling himself away from me but I was quicker. We both landed on the floor with my arms sealing any exits.


“you we’re the one who cheered me up” I smiled.


A blush formed on his face and he tried to hide it.


“b-but that wasn’t much…I just said that you better than that person”


“and that’s how you cheered me up. When people didn’t care how I was feeling…you were there.”




“when I showed people that fake me, you saw right through it” 




“just kidding” I said as I got off of him.


Helping him up and carefully seating myself again, I started chuckling.


“but seriously you did cheer me up”


“you jerk” Himchan said while hitting my arm.


“ow! That hurts”


“well falling onto the floor hurts too”


“good point” I pointed out.


Himchan’s POV:


My hand was placed over my heart, which was thumping loudly. I hoped that he didn’t notice. My eyes glanced at him, but quickly retreated back to the window. There was a knock on the window, and Zelo popped his head inside.


“dinner’s ready” he said.


“we’re not hungry so eat without us” Jongin said, overpowering my answer.


“okay then”


Zelo closed the door, and we waited until his footsteps faded.


“what the hell! I was hungry!”


“but can you face Bang?” Jongin questioned.


I lowered my head, and the tears were returning. My body shook, and my teeth clenched together.


“we’re going out to eat. Where do you want to go?”




“tell me where do you want to go?”




“then lets go!” he smiled as he grabbed my hand and went out the door.


We entered the living room, where the others were eating. Bang stared at us as I hid behind Jongup.


“we’re going out to eat”


“what! I just cooked noodles!” Zelo whined.


“too bad!” Jongup said while sticking his tongue out at Zelo.


Jongup’s POV:


I walked up to Bang and whispered into his ear.


“I’m taking Himchan. don’t you dare lay a hand on him. And if you regret breaking up with him, he’ll belong to me.”


Bang once again glared at me, but I rushed out the door with Himchan in my arms. We walked together and I wanted to hold his hand. My fingers twitched as I reached for his hand.






“may I hold you hand?”


A smile formed on his face as he grasped my hand with his. Once our hands connected, I felt his heartbeat. A blush formed on my cheeks and I gripped his hand harder.


“thank you Jongup” he muttered.


I smuggled close to him and peaked his cheeks. He looked at me and kissed my lips. He gasped as we parted and started running away. I chased after him, running through streets. Grabbed his arm, I pulled him into a tight embracement.


“don’t run away from me” I breathed.


I felt hot tears sink into my clothes as he tried pushing me away.


“please don’t run away from me…I love you”


Himchan’s POV:


Just what I feared, those words coming out from his mouth. Those words that pierce  my heart.


“ I love you Himchan…if you still like Bang…I can be his replacement”


“no…you can never be a replacement” I said, as I carefully pulled out of his embracement.




“I admit that your better than Bang but…I just don’t want to get my heart broken”


I broke down, crying in my arms. Himchan’s warm arms wrapped themselves around me. His lips captured mine. I didn’t fight back, just stood there.


“I wont be like Bang! I wont break your heart! So please…let me love you”




I leaned my head towards him, kissing him deeply.


“what are we going to tell the others?” I asked.


“trust me…they probably know” he laughed.





This is my first B.A.P story. I would have done a Banglo story but my friend wanted me to make a Himchan story. At first I wanted to make this story a M rated on but I decided not to.






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Chapter 1: holy wingardiumleviouasa!!! wfonwfuhijrn xDD Guk is a bastard, Zelo is a jerk, jongup is a sweet heart, OH MY POOR HEART'S HURT!!! I felt bad for Channie but the good thing is that he walked in heart broken and went out with a 1 million dolar's worth man...or child...or teenager...or...Baah!! You get what I mean! xD I liked this, sweet, a little bit angsty but sweet :33
haha i'll see what i can do but thanks
Chapter 1: Ok first off...adjakajda amazing story ;__;
and I agree with @iceprincess96 DAEJAE FIC!!!
Chapter 1: hehe soo cute >< please do a daejae fic ?!