Oreo Cookie Bouquet

Oreo Cookie Bouquet


Hyunseung stared at the bouquet of lowers in Jun Hyung's hand and sighed. When was he going to get a bouquet? It was tiresome seeing everyone else with a bouquet yet he was always the one who ended up with nothing. Sometimes he felt as if he was invisible but he simply wasn't. He knew that he wasn't.
"Aigooo, why do we always get flowers?" Jun Hyung complained, smelling the bouquet with a grimace. Narcissus...he hated that flower.

"Because they're B2UTIFUL." Gi Kwang answered as if it were obvious which it simply wan't.

"I don't even like flowers. What the hell do I do with flowers? Get me a Coke and all is fine in the world." He muttered, smelling the bouquet with the same grimace once again.

Hyunseung rose from his chair with a quiet yawn, stepping over Jun Hyung's outstretched legs to reach the door, the paper which he had been writing on in his hand.

"I'll bring you back one when I come back, 'kay?"

Jun Hyung perked up at the thought. He really wanted that Coke but it would have been nice to take a walk with Hyunseung. He hadn't been able to talk to him for a while and it was becoming annoying. He normally couldn't get in a conversation without Yo Seob jumping out of nowhere.

"Can I come with?" He asked Hyunseung, smirking in his wake.

Hyunseung blushed, pulling the paper closer to his chest. He really didn't enjoy being alone with Jun. Being alone with Jun made him feel vulnerable, something that he was not very familiar with.

"I don't mind..."

"Gi Kwang, I'll be back." Jun Hyung smiled, winking at the other man who silently rolled his eyes, and picked the flowers up.

Hyunseung twined locks of hair around his finger. He could feel it- those haughty brown eyes staring him down as if he were a meal of great curiosity. The sensation piqued his sense as he tried to remain as calm as he possibly could, not that trying was doing much good. The man's presence was too much to ignore. It was like trying to ignore Yo Seob and all of his adorable ways. With Jun Hyung, one could be sure that it was not adorableness. It was simply his charming personality...or, as Gi Kwang said, his unconventional cockiness. Whatever that was...

"When we get home I'm thinking sleep and pizza. You?" He questioned.

Hyunseung shrugged. He liked the idea of pizza. At the moment, he was hungry and couldn't wait until they arrived home so that he could eat. Doo Joon, Yo Seob, and Dong Woon were doing something that was taking quite a long time. Time he simply didn't think he had.

"Sounds nice." He finally responded as they stopped at the vending machine

"Want something?" Jun Hyung smiled, pulling out his wallet from his back pocket.

"A cookie is fine. Any cookie." Hyunseung answered as he noticed the bouquet of flowers still in the man's hand.

After getting the Coke and his friend's cookie he placed the cookie into the bouquet of flowers and kneeled on the ground beneath his feet. He raised the bouquet to Hyunseung with an over-confident smile and cleared his throat.

"Hyunseung-hyung, will you accept this Oreo cookie in a bouquet?"

Hyunseung couldn't contain his laughter as he took the bouquet out of Jun Hyung's hand and continued laughing.

"It's Oreos. Of course I do."
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noisygurl #1
So cweeet ;'>
AWW~ so cute~ X3
playful Junhyung~
4everjxsyxj #3
so cute
lol that's cute