About Me

I'm Willing To Do Anything For You

       You are a model and actress of the Kpop world.You are also the Beauty Queen of the Kpop world of your pretty smooth face and mesmerizing body.You don't actually like to be called Beauty Queen because you think there are more pretty woman out there and they should call you normally.You really like to be away from the entertaining world and have some rest,have a jog at a park,have a walk at Han River but with the paparazzi you can only just daydream about all that.

       The paparazzi follows you everywhere.You can't walk on streets like netizens without being noticed or chased by some paparazzi or worst ssaesang fans.You can only go out in public with your bodyguards near or not something really bad is going to happen.Paparazzi wants to know about your lovelife the most.They always asked you about dating or relationship they don't care much how many times you dated they just want to know who are you dating so that they can get paid with much money.You will always say that you are not dating anybody and that's final.The paparazzi will hunt for the truth even if it kills them as long as they get the money.

              Ssaesang fans are really crazy and can do anything to their idols if they want to.That's why all idols fear ssaesang fans.Ssaesang fans are fill with people who wish to a part of you and the ones who really want you down.And because of your beauty men are crazy for you and women envy you that means for security needed.You don't like to get much attention because you like to be by yourself.Since you turned into a global star,your life started to be more private and no fun.Now you are promoting Korean entertaiment in US and that means when you return you will be infront of the headlines for a loooong time.You were now an international star since you were in a movie with US actors.You had no problem in comunicating with them as your English is really good.

              When you returned to Korea after your promoting session in US,you were on every magazine,newspaper,blogs,websites and you were getting so much attention that you can't even get out of your large apartment even with your bodyguards.The paparazzi will be jumping and yelling if you ever go out even with you bodyguards.And if you were getting into the limo the paparazzi will just follow the limo around and some of those insane ones will even risk their life getting on top of the limo and not letting go.It is better to stay inside than being chased or hurt by them.You stayed in your apartment for a week until your popularity lowers but it just got worst when the paparazzi knew about your secret.

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sylviangatimo #1
Chapter 3: Update soon XD
I'm so curious what will happen next
turtlepanda22 #2
Chapter 6: wonder what the reunion with donghae nd the suju party will b like XD sounds funnnn a partay with suju!!!!! lol poor manager though :(
turtlepanda22 #3
Chapter 4: awww yesung dont b too mad :( ill go to u soon^o^ lol yaay u finally updated
turtlepanda22 #4
Chapter 1: oooo! yay u made a new one XD but deleted the old ones :( but luv this! sounds like a tough life bein a idol poor me! lol hope i get to c yesung nd hae soon XD awesome work unnie XD
Chapter 1: hey nice work:) im glad to be a beauty queen ;)introduce oh wait il put it like this....bring the bring the boys out;)
update soon...:)
woooooowwwww;) i just love dis....looking forward for ur story dear...:)
i love both yesung and donghae.....im really really looking forward for dis...
good luck...