Just A Little Too Dumb

Just a little too dumb


"You stupid little f**ker! You just had to be an idiot again!"


Baekhyun felt how the bump on his forehead had grown a little bit more, being even painful now... Heck! It could be even bleeding! But he didn't care and continued to hit his head against his school table. He had been stupid again... Hurting a person he would never want to hurt....




Baekhyun saw Tao walking towards him again, being ushered by another boy, Lay, was it? The chinese held tightly onto a baby-blue letter looking at it with a red face. He stopped right before Baekhyun before bowing a little, holding the letter out for him. Baekhyun took the letter, fingers brushing with Tao's making his heart jump. Baekhyun carefully opened the letter ( it smelled like candy-cotton for some reason), letting his eyes fly over it quickly.


Dear Baekhyun-hyung.


I know it's stupid but Luhan-gege said that it would be best for me to let you know of my feelings... I love you, hyung, I really do! I have been in love with you since I saw you peforming on the first day of school. You're so cool, hyung. Aishhh! It's so embarrasing to even write a love letter... Hyung, do you like me too?


With love, Tao


The longer he stared at the neat handwriting, the more his heart started to beat. Tao liked - no - loved him as much as he loved Tao. It was like a dream come true... But then he saw how his friends walked into the corridor, laughing loudly at 'some ' in their class, and shoke the fluffy feeling out of his mind. Putting on a cold smirk, he tore the letter right before Tao's eyes, throwing the bits of letter at the younger's face.


"Sorry, ZiTao. I don't like fags."


He faintly heard his so-called friends clapping and shouting as his eyes were focused on Tao. On how the boy's eyes glazed over with tears before they burst out and Tao let out a broken sob. The younger bowed again, holding a hand over his mouth, trying to cover those sobs that stabbed Baekhyun's heart.


"I'm truly sorry to bother you, Baekhyun-sshi. I should have known. Bye."


And the boy ran away before Baekhyun could even register what he had said. But he did notice the -sshi instead of -hyung he liked to hear Tao say so much. He weakly raised his arm, trying to reach out for the boy that was already long gone. He saw the angry glares Tao's friends sent him before they went after the boy. God, he's an idiot.




Yep, his forehead was definetly bleeding now, little red spot was clearly seen on his table. He raised his hand to touch his forehead and hissed at the contact. Suddenly, a pair of (huge) arms landed in his view, making him look up. Yifan, or Kris like the other boy liked to call him, one of the hottest nerds on the planet, also his best friend, was standing in front of him.


"You really are an idiot. Tao is now profoundly conforted by Sehun, yes-yes that lisp kid. It's no wonder when they end up together."


Baekhyun let out a moan of agony before going back to hitting his head against the table. He had lost Tao for real now. But maybe Tao was better with Sehun, somebody as young as him, someone who could protect him with all his might, not caring about other people. Kris sighed before snatching himself a chair from some fat kid next seat.


"Baekhyun. You love Tao and Tao loves you. What's so hard about saying it to him? What? Your reputation might falter? SO WHAT! Look at Kai!! He's dating the nerd, Minseok and he just doesn't care of what people say about him. Grow a pair and apologize to Tao!"


As much as he didn't want to think about how right Kris was, Baekhyun nodded weakly and stood up.


"I. Bathroom. Need wash."


Kris seemed to understand and gave him a slight shove towards the door. As soon as he was out of the classroom, he started to run towards the washrooms, he jus felt like he was short of time.

After washing, he sprinted to Tao's classroom. Opening the door, he froze at the scene in front of him. Tao was practically sitting on Sehun's lap, face buried in the younger's shirt with Sehun's hands around him. Even after 1 week, Tao was still crying because of him, still ashamed because of him. With shaky steps, he stepped closer to the pair. Just as he was to open his mouth, Sehun looked up at glared at him with burning hate.

"What do you want?"

All that confidence Kris had put inside him vanished with younger boy's reaction to him. He looked at Tao, who still hadn't turned his head. He looked at Sehun again. He had to do this, for himself... No, maybe it was for Tao.

"I want to talk to Tao."

He saw how Sehun's eyes hardened and the grip on the older chinese tightened.

"What if he doesn-"

Tao had put his fair white hand over the younger's mouth, making Sehun blush slightly and shutting him up. He slowly stood up and looked right into Baekhyun's eyes. Even with a little bit smudged eyeliner, Tao was gorgeous.

"What did you want, Baekhyun-sshi?"

"To talk to you. In private, Tao-ah."

With a quick nod, Tao walked past Baekhyun, leaving behind faint smell of cherries. The chinese boy stopped by the door and looked back to see if Baekhyun was following him. They walked in silence until they reached the assembly hall, the place where they had fallen in love on different times. 

Baekhyun still remembered how alluring Tao's eyes had looked as he danced with Kai and Sehun on the stage one concert. His moves weren't as perfect as Kai's but he had grace that couldn't stay unseen.

Tao walked slowly on the stage and sat by the old black grand piano right in the middle of the stage, starting to play a mix of "Twinkle Twinkle" and Debussy. Baekhyun carefully followed him and seated himself next to the boy. He took the old songbook and opened it on the first page.

A.Pärt - "Für Alina"

He hesitately started to play it, fingers moving slowly. Soon after, Tao joined him and they forgot about their problems, creating music on the old piano.

As the song ended, Tao stood up, making Baekhyun stand up too and grab his arm. 

"Tao-ah... I'm sorry. I love you too, really. I was just stupid, thinking about my reputation.."

The younger turned around to face him and kissed him on his cheek slowly before calmly freeing his arm from Baekhyun's hard grip.

"I'm sorry too, Baekhyun-sshi. I don't think I can manage this if you think about your reputation first. I don't want to be hurt again... And I know you're not a bad person, you're just a little too dumb."

With another soft kiss and a lingering arm on Baekhyun's cheek, Tao gracefully stepped down from the stage and reached out an arm for Sehun who was waiting for him. Baekhyun sat down in front of the piano again, hiding his face in his arms. He felt how his eyes started to water and he let out a pathetic laugh at himself. How stupid could he be? When Tao really needed him, he backed away... And now, when he had finally got it, Tao was gone. He laughed again and pointed a finger to Sehun's picture on an old concert poster.

But maybe it was for the best? After all, as Tao said, he was a little too dumb to understand these things...

"You have to take a good care of Tao, Sehun-sshi. I know you can do it."


A/N: Sooo, that's it. I don't know what do say.... What do you think? Comment, nee~~?

- It's not edited, I'm too lazy for that.


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i enjoyed this ; ;
Chapter 1: lol I was like reading the part where baekie hit his head and the computer fell on mine. XD
Bao-N-Tao #3
Chapter 1: Oh! He was really dumb .___.
It was cute? :) (sorry i think i dont know the write adjectives~ ><)
Anyway I really liked It n.n
so4fty #4
Chapter 1: Well this story was nice I would really like a maybe taohun sequel you don't have to but yeah
so4fty #5
Uh hi I think I'm your. Only subbie but I think you marked this story complete . But it's not
Cant wait