Stopped Fighting

Fighting the Impossible

There I was, sitting outside her hospital room, waiting for her monthly treatment to finish. It hurts me seeing her like this, pale, no hair, too thin and weak. Well if you don’t know me, my name is Aiden and the girl I’m waiting for is my best friend, Krystal Jung. Her sickness started when we were 19 years old and now we’re 22 and she’s still fighting it. I remember the first time we told her that we need to go to the hospital so that she can have her treatment, she said “I’m never ever going to that place!” but we still convinced her in going to the hospital even though she didn’t want to.


After 2 years..

Her sickness got worse, her family including me talked to the doctors. They explained to us what was happening and told us “it’s either you let her go or she goes through surgery that will NOT make her better but she will get to live longer. “ “I don’t understand. “ her mother said but her father didn’t let her finish and finished her sentence instead. “Is that the only choice doc?” “Yes Mr. and Mrs. Jung. I will give you guys some time to think this over. After 4 days you guys have to tell us your decision.” Doc replied and left us. I was just quiet the whole time because I couldn’t believe that my best friend is going to die soon.  Her parents and I started talking and decided that it’s the best if we just let her go but I asked them “Are you sure this is the right path? “Yes, Aiden. She’ll be with Jesus anyways.” Mr. Jung reassured me. We didn’t want her to feel the pain of getting surgery while there’s no chance of her getting better. Mr. and Mrs. Jung told me “Give me your hand and let’s pray together.” So I did and we prayed for her and thanked God for all the years she has lived and the things she’s done for us. After we prayed, we went back to her room. She was still sleeping when we arrived. I walked towards her bed, looked at her and admired her sleeping face. She’s still pretty even though she got thinner, pale and has no hair. I miss seeing the bubbly, hyper and always smiling Krystal because now I only see weakness and fake smiles. I can see through her eyes that she’s not feeling well when she tells us that she is. To be honest, it hurts me seeing her like that but I just have to keep strong for her.

Eventually, the time came when we told the Doctors our decision. After a week, she died. I cried myself to sleep for the first 2 days. I didn’t have to be strong for her cause she’s gone. When the day of the internment came, I wore sunglasses because my eyes were red and puffy. I didn’t want the people to see it.

 When I was throwing the flowers at her coffin, I remembered all the memories that we shared. The first time we met, the time when we went to watch a movie for my birthday, Christmas Eve, New Years and our first heart break. We were there to comfort each other. She was my best friend, the only reason why my life is fun. But now I have to deal with life without her.

 We made a promise to each other that we’ll live life together but I guess that won’t happen anymore.


I know what you're thinking 'why is this so short?' 'why did you kill her?' 'Why is Amber a guy here?!' Well i will answer that. First, it's short because it's just for school. Second, i killed her because i wanted to make a sad story. Lastly, because it will be awkward if my teacher found out that they're both girls. Idk why.

Thank you guys for reading and if you have other questions then just ask. I'll answer them all :)

Piece! :D

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Alerth #1
Great story!
Chapter 1: that moment when I just finished studying the medical ethics in situations like this -____- last time, you made me crave for mojos... now this... hahaha.