Losing 2

Silver Wings


Kwangmin knelt in front of his father. “How come you..?” The man rasped. Kwangmin caressed the man’s cheeks. “Rest…” Kwangmin whispered and the man closed his eyes.

War cries could be heard in the back ground. Kwangmin sat on a hill overlooking the battle field with his father’s head on his lap. The man grunted as he regained consciousness. Kwangmin stared at his father’s face with a look of sorrow.

“Kwangmin…” Younghwa said with a soft voice unlike the usual strong tone he used. Kwangmin stared into the man’s eyes. “…my sweet son.” The heartbroken boy said nothing.

“I knew you were special from the moment I laid eyes on you. Those deep blue eyes that stared at me when I held you for the first time, and that unusual warmth that you still give me, I’m happy. Your mother and I were worried you may be mute when you didn’t even cry the moment you were delivered.” The man joked, but winched in pain suddenly.

Kwangmin’s eyes glistened as he held onto his father. “I’m alright, I’m fine.” The man assured.

“Stop lying!” Kwangmin said and frowned. Younghwa raised his right hand and cupped Kwangmin’s face. “It’s alright, my son. I’m happy.”

Kwangmin turned his face away. He knew his father wasn’t fine. Knowing that the man’s life force was draining away made him so helpless. Maybe he could stop this.

“Kwangmin, my time is come. I wish for nothing. I’ve lived a fulfilling live with all of you. Just don’t do anything and listen to me.” Younghwa said. Kwangmin stared at Younghwa’s peaceful face. “That’s a good boy.” Younghwa smiled. “Then you gave us a chuckle. I was thrilled and your mother cried in joy. You were so unusual, yet so pure and kind. You never gave us a hard time.” Younghwa tapped his son’s cheeks.

“My little angel.” Tears streamed down Kwangmin’s face. “Ah, you cry.” Younghwa wiped away the tears. “Now, I’m truly happy. Shed your tears, Kwangmin. You cannot keep everything pent up inside of you always. I always worried that you never shed tears, but maybe you weren’t used to it?” Younghwa’s hand fell to his side. Kwangmin choked on his tears.

“Da-dad… Please.” Kwangmin’s voice shook. “Everything is so dark, yet you make me feel so warm.”

Kwangmin held his father’s hand in his. “Take care of your mother for me and look after your brother.” Kwangmin hummed in reply unable to say a word. Younghwa squint his eyes as a bright light shone in front of him.

Kwangmin’s eyes turned into a dancing silver blue and his brunette hair turned raven. “Ah, you are truly an angel.” Younghwa whispered in broken words. “Kwangmin..?” Younghwa called.

“Yes, dad?” Kwangmin’s silver wings rustled in the wind and light surrounded the two of them.

“Always know this, dad loves you, mom loves you and your brother loves you.” Younghwa closed his eyes and Kwangmin felt the rest of his spirit leave him. Kwangmin screamed his lungs out as tears streaked down his pale face.


Yunho sat behind a leafless tree with his hand clenching his chest. His dearest friend had left the world and it truly pained him. He made a vow on himself and his friend’s spirit, he will look after Kwangmin with his life on the line.





The air was thick with mourning. They had won the battle against the Dark Army, but lost so much at the same time. A day after the battle the families were mourning their dead kin. Among those were Kwangmin, Youngmin and their mother.


Later by the small brook, Youngmin stood with fisted hands. He yelled and punched a nearby tree trunk out of pure sadness and fury. His tear stained face held the eyes of pure red anger.

“I hate them! I hate those monsters! I’ll kill every last bit of them!” The young boy shouted and cried. “They took dad, made mom cry and…” Youngmin screamed. “…my little brother! I’ll never forgive them!”


The day before, Youngmin shook in shock as tears streaked down his face. His mother had broken down the moment the news of his father’s death was broken to them by one of his father’s men. The floor creaked behind them and Youngmin turned around in panic. It couldn’t be. Kwangmin couldn’t hear this. Youngmin was incredibly protective of his brother at times and this was one of those rare moments.

Youngmin widened his eyes the moment his eyes landed on Kwangmin. The usual glow his brother’s eyes emitted were gone and tears were flowing down his soft cheeks. The void look on Kwangmin’s face shook him from the core. Youngmin had never seen Kwangmin cry in all his years. This was wrong, his father should be home, his mother should be welcoming their father with a loving hug and his brother should always be smiling.

Youngmin went up to his younger brother. “Kwangmin… Don’t cry. Dad will come home.” Youngmin wiped his own face and said. Kwangmin looked at him with his void eyes. Youngmin desperately tried to assure the younger one, but the facts were straight. Their father wasn’t coming home. Their mother ran to them and pressed her precious sons to her chest.

“Don’t cry boys. Don’t cry.” She whispered and kissed them.


The blonde boy fell on his knees and cried his heart out. He would never forgive those who hurt his family and made them cry. His brown eyes flickered in rage and he swore hat he would get his revenge.



Kwangmin watched sadly as his brother broke down in tears. His own tears had dried and he was troubled by the thoughts of his duty. Kwangmin walked deep into the woods with slow steps. The ground was covered in thick snow and the trees were bare. Kwangmin stopped and turned swiftly around.

“I know you’re there. Come out and show yourself.” Kwangmin’s stern voice cut through the cold air.

A tall figure emerged from a bunch of clustered trees. Kwangmin made no move as the figure moved closer to him and stood only a mere foot from him. “Why are you following me, Uncle Yunho?”

“It didn’t settle well with me that you’re out on your own.” The man replied. “I can take care of myself.” Kwangmin said and tuned away.

“You were pretty defenceless when I carried you back yesterday.” Younho contradicted Kwangmin. Kwangmin sighed. He had collapsed after the events of yesterday.

“Kwangmin… No… Your highness…” Yunho bent his right knee to the ground. “I thank you for helping us gain victory in the battle. I thank you for all my men and myself.” Yunho raised his head and looked into Kwangmin’s blue eyes. “Your secret remains safe with me and I shall take it to the grave if need be.”

The brunette stared at Yunho. “Why do this?” Kwangmin asked.

“Please. Use me, let me serve you.” Yunho said. Kwangmin shook his head. “I can’t.”

“Then let me by my own will.” Yunho persisted. He held Kwangmin’s hand in his and kissed the knuckles. “I, Jung Yunho, pledge my life to his highness, Prince Kwangmin.”

Kwangmin watched sadly as the man pledged his life to him. He knew he couldn’t argue with this man.




I know, quite confusing. Things will get cleared in the next chapter.

Hehehehe keep in mind that we're going to have some time jumps coming soon and best of all. Some of the boyfriend members make an appearance in the next update. Yay!

Okay, I'm giving out too much info.

Enjoy this dull chapter!

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HeeYoung13 #1
Chapter 3: Waiting you comeback soooo long! This story began interesting, I hope Kwang ang Young will grow quickly so I can see twincest.... (I am crazy now...!) This story will have happy ending?

Don't make me waiting so long for next chapter again, please!
JeongUn #2
Chapter 2: dont worry.. its worth it.. n i guess the baby is kwangmin? sorry if its wrong
updates will be pouring in soon enough as soon as i get the wifi connection fixed. Please be patient with me a while longer ;)
seems like a nice plot ^^ hope you update sooooon