Where are You my Love

Where are You my Love?

Eunhyuk's Pov

Until today I still feel guilty.

For letting her go.

And not saying goodbye. Why? Why was I so stupid?!?

Even though the night before I had admitted to myself?!... Promising that I'd win her heart?

Telling her I don't think of her as a best friend nor a sister.

Yet she thinks of me as only a friend -best-.

You guessed it right or you were thnking it...

I fell in LOVE with my bestfriend.... Some may say 'thats bad!!' or 'that's so cute!!'. Some may even say I wanted her for her luscious lips, her body that make me sometimes frustrated.

     But somehow she was the first girl to not make me turn her into a toy. Instead she helped me turned into someone more reliable, more fun, and trusting than before. I still miss those hugs, those movie nights, we'd stay up all night watching her dramas like "HeartStrings".

Her favorite drama.

Those random phone calls at night. Where we talk for hours even if there is school the next morning and whining during the whole day together that were tired as heck.

      I didn't know when I fell for her, or when I thought more of her. Everytime I saw her, it made me nervous, made me frustrated. I always just wanted to cuddle with the one I love in front of a tv. Laugh and make out with them whenever i want. Yet I was afraid of getting too close, afraid of losing what we both had.


       Maybe love?... She had sworn that she will forever be alone because she had her heart broken once. I still remember that conversation...


       "I'm never gonna be in a relationship ever again!! Some guys are just jerks. Did I mention he just wanted my body HyukJae oppa?! Oh my gosh I can't believe I FELL for him!!...UGGHH IM FOREVER ALONE!!"

~~~~ sat with her knees up to her chin and arms wrapped around herself. Crying. I couldn't stand seeing her like this.

        So I got up from the couch and kneeled down and hugged her. That's all I could ever do. That bastard that broke her heart who won't see sunlight for a couple of days...

       "Maybe I can help sew that heart of yours back up? How about that? We can go eat some...let's see...STRAWBERRY ice scream and maybe watch some dramas, i hear there's a new one!"

        Sat there crying her eyes out. Now hugging me. She had gripped the end of my shirt because she was crying so hard as I drew circles on her back, calming her down.

        "shhh ~~~~ ah come on...he's not worth, you can find someone better. Don't be forever alone..."

        I said to her after another of 5 minutes of crying. She looked up at me, her beautiful eyes. Brightly lit with tears, her cheeks more rosy than usual. I love you ~~~~.     I just don't got the guts.


       Now I sit here. All alone waiting for her. She left.

After her parents died, she went to the States to become a model. Even though I never imagined her to be one. She could be a model, a very good one, I just don't like other men checking her out, calling her "y" "hot" and saying "I'd bang that angel". I mean I agree but they just...make it so nasty sounding!!!

       I'm a singer/dancer/song writer now. Im in a boy band called "Super Junior". These guys (13) are like my brothers, and also Zhoumi and Henry which makes it 15!....

       Leetuek hyung said that I will meet her soon, because were gonna be doing some photos shoots for some commercials. And magazines, were promoting a new clothing line and Leetuek hyung and I are featured in it with some other girls.

**DAY OF PHOTO SHOOT** (still Eunhyuk Pov)

        *sigh* today's the day ~~~~ left me, also the day I was gonna confess to her. Today's her birthday...~~~~'s birthday. It's the day before mine, and we will always go celebrate eachothers birthdays together over the weekends. ...Happy Birthday ~~~~....my Love.

        "YAH!! Eunhyuk-shi come on you gotta change before the models come out!! Were gonna be doing the 'y' concept first, then the 'cute' concept next, then the 'high school' concept. Pali!! Director might yell at you!!" Leetuek hyung yelled at me, as I was just sitting in he dressing room staring off into space.

        After some moments of finding my 'y' clothing by the help of the stylist and putting it on. I got out and went to find Tuekie hyung. As I was going on, I passed the dressing/makeup room for the models. I saw this girl in there. With black/brown hair, almond brown eyes, and pink plump lips...rosy cheeks...

       NO it can't be her...it can't be ~~~~... I looked back up and she was getting her makeup done. And then I heard a voice.

        "hawidjx"...what? I couldn't hear clearly. Then I heard it again...."~~~~!!" My head shot up, and looked at the girls, see who will move. I saw that girl move, the one I was comparing ~~~~ to... She smiled and left to go to the person who had called her '~~~~'. I wasn't sure so I just left. I'm my mind i was in an argument with myself. It can't be her, it can't. She looks nothing like her. But now that I look more closely..they do looks similar.

        "I wonder if she'll remember me..." I miss her...terribly...


        "EUNHYUK -shi please move closer to ~~~~!!!! Make connection, feel the other. Look...I don't know seducing?!!!" ~~~~ was my partner, but I bet since everyone here called me Eunhyuk she won't know I'm Lee HyukJae. Her bestfriend. She was a pro I this!!! Posing like a boss!! Always moving herself to be at the right position to capture the light that everyone wanted. I kept looking at her throughout the photo shoot and other concepts.


          Damn time to go back to the dorm, I gotta film 'Sukira' later tonight so I need sleep. As I was in the dressing I told Leetuek hyung everything. He just said to ask her oh so calmly...CALM HOW CAN I BE CALM!?

I found MY love after 3 years!!! 3 EFFIN' YEARS!!! Almost 4!! As I came out I briskly walked and was heading to the dressing room where the models are. In my mind I wonder if she still remembers me. Remember our fun times and sad times we suffered and enjoyed together.

         I kept walking, and then felt being dragged into a room instantly. I hadn't seen anything until the person who grabbed me. Pinned me against the wall. With a little light showing, I could make her face out. It was the "~~~~" girl. I looked at her, and she looked at me. She then whispered.

 "Anneyong....HyukJae oppa ;)" into my ear, which sent be shivers.

"your...your ~~~~ right?! Cho ~~~~?!" I breathed out from the shivers she sent. "nehhh~ oppa...your so funny!! You didn't even recognize me!!"

"well I'm sorry ~~~~ I see people everywhere!!" We both laugh, still in that awkward position. This maybe the perfect time.

"~~~~~ah....I...I..."............... "come on Hyukie oppa say it!!" she whined getting off me and standind back turning the light on 


...everything was so quiet you could a pin drop. I looked up and she was looking down, I was afraid of what she will say. But then I heard a mumble sounding like a 'sorry' then she looked up too. She searched through my eyes.

Then surprisling she KISSED me!! We just stood there kissing, I never imagine that i will be kissing her like this!! We took a breath, and i was gonna kiss her one more time. But she stopped me.

       I looked at her and she said "I love you....I love you Lee Hyukkjae Oppa"

I finally found my Love. Now she can Smile. We continued back to what we were doing, but thats classified. Maybe a next time she can tell what happened. I just can't believe I found my love, my one true bestfriend.

Im glad I didn't give up...i may have been stupid to keep waiting for her, but I found her, and shes mine now. Thank You ~~~~ for coming back to me. I Love You...my Love <3



Brought to by -sMiLe_My_LoVe hope it's good and not boring ;) thank you for reading more to come :) COMMENT!!

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Sweetlove123 #1
Chapter 1: It is nice. ^_^