14. Love the Way You Look

Drabbles Collection!

Title:Love the Way You Look
Word Count:242
Summary:Despite his looks, someone at least has to love him for who he is.

Jun looked about him, pouting when people just moved away from him as he walked slowly. 
It’s been like this: Jun would show up and walk like a normal person, but no one wants to be near him. Even his parents left him in an orphanage.
But he knows life is cruel, even if you have happiness, so he lives like a normal person and ignores what people say.
After taking a seat in his class, he looked to his left, to his right, behind him, and in front of him. Everyone took their seats but it was mostly empty around him. 
Until one brave soul sat next to Jun and said: ‘Hi.’
Jun smiled back and said: ‘Hi.’
During the next few, slow weeks, Jun continued smiling and laughing with the same brave soul that took the seat next to him.
One day, Jun asked: ‘Why do you continue to stick by me?’
This person turned to his direction and answered: ‘I love you, Jun. I love how you live like a normal person despite your cruel personality, and appalling looks. You’re the light in my life.’
And this person kissed Jun on the lips, and rested his head on Jun’s shoulder.
Throughout Jun’s life, he learned to trust people and made more friends because of his lover.

‘Sakurai Sho,’ Jun calls his lover’s name one day. ‘I love you forever and you’ll always be in my heart.’


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Chapter 25: This made me cryyyy ;--; the part where jun forgot everythingg even Nino's confessionn..whyyy *cries*