



Well here it is. This one really took me a long time to write because I had to do a little research on Taecyeon and how I think he would react to this situation. Sorry it took so long, but I hope you enjoy! ~Admin Kelc

"What happened next?" Wooyoung asked in anticipation.

"Well, there were two guys coming after me so I got ready to fight," Taecyeon said as he got into a fighting stance.

"One guy threw a punch at me, but then I dodged it," he continued, moving his head from side to side with his hands in front of his face like a boxer, "Then I nailed him in the gut, sending him curling to the floor."

"But didn't you say there were two guys?"  Nichkhun raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, there were. I didn't know at the time, but the other guy was behind me," Taecyeon clarified, "But luckily, I could hear his footsteps in time and I waited for him to get close enough, pretending I didn't know he was there."

The two other boys nodded their heads as Taecyeon glanced around dramatically.

"And then I drew my fist up," Taecyeon said as he slowly raised his arm, "And went -WHAPACK!" he yelled as he swung his arm behind him.


The three boys froze and Taecyeon quickly turned around to see you on the floor, clutching your face.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" Taecyeon yelled as he bent down to check to see if you were okay.

Wooyoung and Nichkhun just looked at each other before looking back at you and their friend.

"It's okay," you somehow mustered out, wincing at the pain emitting from your nose.

"You're bleeding!" Taecyeon panicked and then quickly picked you up off the ground bridal style, "Let's go to the nurse's office."

The two other boys just watched as Taecyeon ran down the hall with you in his arms.


"Just keep your head tipped forward and apply a little bit of pressure, okay? The bleeding should stop," the nurse told you.

You nodded your head as you leaned forward on the small cot in her office and looked at the floor.

"It's not … broken, right?" Taecyeon asked as he leaned against the wall opposite of you.

"Don't worry, it's not," the nurse smiled at him, "But she did get hit pretty hard so it'll probably bruise. Would you mind staying here with her while I go get some water for her?"

"Yeah, sure," he responded his eyes still on you.

The two of you didn't speak for a few minutes after the nurse left her office.

"I'm really sorry," Taecyeon said, breaking the silence.

You glanced up at him and gave him an eye smile, "It's okay," you said, your voice muffled by the tissue that was partly covering your mouth, "You didn't mean to hit me."

"But I still did," he scuffed his foot on the floor, "I'm sorry," he repeated.

"It's fine!" you laughed, "Stop apologizing!"

You took the tissue away from your nose and lightly pressed the side of your finger under your nose.

"The bleeding has already stopped," you grinned at him, "So you have nothing to worry about."

Taecyeon glanced up at you as you tried to wipe off some of the blood that dried on your upper lip.

"Here, let me help you," he said quietly as he went over to the small sink next to the cot and ran a paper towel under the tap.

He sat down next to you and tipped your head up to face him.

You felt yourself stop breathing and you glanced to the side as he wiped your upper lip clean.

"There, all better," he smiled shyly and threw the towel into the trash can.

"Thanks," you whispered.

Taecyeon nodded his head and the two of you lapsed into another silence.

"So, what were you doing anyways?" you asked, "You know, like punching the air and all."

"Oh, yeah I was just telling my friends about a dream I had last night," he let out an embarrassed chuckle and scratched the back of his head.

"Ah, I see," you laughed.

"I really am sorry," he said, turning his head towards you.

"And I really am fine!" you laughed, "You heard the nurse, my nose isn’t broken. Why are you so worried about this?"

"I just punched you in the face!" he exclaimed.

"Well, what do you want me to do?! Punch you in the face so you don't feel bad anymore?!"

Taecyeon paused, thinking about what you said.

"You're really thinking about it?!" you asked in surprise.

"Well, it doesn't seem too bad," he mumbled.

"No! I am not punching you!" you laughed as lightly whacked his shoulder causing him to give you a shy smile just as the nurse reentered the room with your water. 

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Chapter 1: hahahah this is so funny!! love it....finally there was a good story like this
Please~ Make a sequel to this cute story *Q* Really love it :3 It's just tooo cute!!
Chapter 1: LOL. Awks.
"And that, kids, is how I met your father."
farluvv #4
Chapter 1: Cute ^^
marikrismas #5
Chapter 1: Awww cute! And he was even considering having her punch him back, this guy, so funny hahaha
Chapter 1: Awwwwwwwwwwwwww LOL Taec would so tell his friends about his dream smh LOLOL The ending was so cute hehe
Chapter 1: Aww haha cute ><