Bowl [Sequel to Notice]

Bowl [Sequel to Notice]



"Thank you, kind sir," you laughed as you walked past Kris who was holding the door open for you.

"No problem, my lady," he smiled as he followed you inside.

You glanced around the bowling alley, the sounds of pins being knocked over and loud cheering and laughing meeting your ears, "So this was your idea of a date, huh?"

"Well, yeah," Kris shrugged as the two of you walked over to the counter to rent your shoes and get your lane, "Our first date was all serious and formal. So I thought for our second date, we could have some fun."

The two of you leaned against the counter as you waited for the worker to fetch your shoes after telling him your sizes.

"Well I'm just letting you know now, I get very competitive when it comes to things like this,"  you warned, looking up at him.

A smirk appeared on Kris's face as he stared back down at you, "I think I can handle it."

The worker soon returned with your shoes and Kris paid the man before the both you you headed over to your assigned lane.

"How about we make a bet?" Kris asked suddenly while you both were putting on your shoes.

"A bet?" you asked as you tied your laces.

"Yeah. You said that you get competitive during things like this. Why don't we up the ante?"

"Okay," you turned towards him, "But what do I get if I win?"

"What do you want?"

You pursed your lips in thought, "Ah!" you smiled, "I want you to take me out for sushi."

"Sushi?" Kris raised one of his eyebrows.

"In Japan," you smirked.

Kris nodded his head in understanding, "And you want me to fly us there."

"Yup," you gave him a nod, confirming his conclusion to be true.

"Fair enough. But if I win ..." you raised you eyebrows when he paused, "You agree to being my girlfriend," he smiled.

Your eyes widened at Kris's request. Here you were, asking him to take you to another country for food while he just requests something that both of you know was bound to happen anyways?

"So, do we have a deal?" he asked you, trying to control himself for laughing at your flustered response.

"Um, yeah, you're on," you stuttered and moved over to sit in front of the keyboard that controlled the scoreboard.

Kris smiled and shook his head as you quickly typed in your name.

"Come type your name in," you called, refusing to look at Kris.

Your breath caught in your throat when Kris leaned over you and wrapped his arms around your body before typing in his name. You didn't dare to look to you side, knowing that you would then come face to face with Kris, but instead glanced up at the scoreboard that was projected on an LCD screen above your lane.

"'Krisus'?" you deadpanned as you glanced over at him, "Seriously, Kris?"

"That's my nickname in school," he defended.

"What happen to gentleman Kris?" you muttered under your breath.

"Well 'Kris the Gentleman' doesn't fit! And besides," you froze when Kris placed his mouth centimeters away from your ear, "old habits die hard," he whispered with a smirk.

You let out an annoyed scoff and rolled your eyes while you lightly pushed Kris's face away from yours even though your heart was threatening to beat out of your chest, "Oh, gosh. Just hurry up and go. It's your turn 'Krisus'."

Kris laughed as he straightened up and walked over to the ball return, taking a fluorescent colored ball into his hands. He walked over to the front of the lane and took a deep breath. After drawing his arm back, he sent the ball rolling down the wooden lane. He watched as the ball headed straight for the pins, confident that he would make a strike. But his eyes widened when the ball suddenly flew to the left and into the gutter.

Kris his lips before a wry smile formed on his face. He turned around to see you humming to yourself while glancing around the bowling alley.

Kris slowly walked up to you and stood in front of you, his arms crossed.

You turned to look at him with an innocent expression, "What?" you asked, feigning ignorance.

"I know that was you," Kris said as he gestured to the lane behind him.

"How do you know?"

"I know you're a telekinetic. I'm not dumb," he scolded.

"Okay, geez, sorry," you said with a pout.

"I'll let it slide this time. But only because you're cute," he smiled as he tapped you on the nose.

You blushed red at the complement while Kris walked over to the ball return and picked up his bowling ball again.

Your eyes widened when Kris bowled the bowling ball and knocked over all the pins with ease, receiving a spare for his first frame.

"Your turn," Kris sat down next to you and threw this arm over the back of your chair.

You let out a small huff and stood up to take your turn.

"No using your powers," Kris reminded you as you walked to the front of the lane.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," you waved a hand at him.

You stared at the pins in concentration before swinging your arm back and releasing the ball from your hand.

"Yes!" you cheered when you knocked over all the pins.

You turned around and tried to stifle your laugh when you saw Kris staring at the lane, jaw dropped. You skipped over to your seat and sat down.

"Your turn," you sang with a laugh.

"Oh, it is so on," Kris said as he ruffled your hair and stood up.

The two of you went back and forth for the next eight frames. You picked up your ball and blew a raspberry as you glanced up at the scoreboard. Kris was winning and you need a strike to beat him.

"Don't mess up!" Kris called with a laugh.

"Shut it!" you yelled back from the front of the lane.

You took a deep breath and bowled the ball. You instantly clasped your hands under your chin as you watched the ball make its way towards the pins, hoping that you would get a strike. Kris craned his head to watch the ball roll down the wood panels to the ten pins at the end of the lane.

"I win!"


"I can't believe you won," Kris grumbled as the two of you left the bowling alley, "Are you sure you didn't use your powers?"

"I'm sure!" you threw back in mock anger, a smile still on your face, "Maybe I'm just better at bowling than you are."

"Tch, whatever," Kris muttered, walking ahead of you towards his car.

 "Kris!" you grabbed onto his wrist with both of your hands.

When Kris unwillingly turned around, you jumped up on your toes and gave him a sudden kiss on his lips.

You giggled when Kris stared back at you with a dumbfounded expression.

"W-What was that for?" he stuttered, his ears starting to turn red.

"I just thought I'd give my boyfriend a consolation prize," you shrugged with a small grin on your face and walked past him.

Kris stared at the ground as your words sunk in. His head shot up with he realized what you were telling him, "Wait, boyfriend?"

You gave him another shrug and smiled, walking backwards, before you turned around and started to run towards his car.

"Hey! Come back here!" Kris yelled as he chased after you, a big smile on his face. 

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Chapter 1: T-too cute! >//////<
I was blushing and giggling the whole time!
Chapter 1: Awwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO CUTEEEE<3<3<3
rosepetal15 #3
Chapter 1: awrrr too cute!^^
Chapter 1: Eyyyy , why are you making me blush like a freak in a public environment >~<
nycbean #5
Chapter 1: Aweee the ending ~^^
Red card for being too cute!
explorethewoods #6
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh! That was so cute! I love the ending!