Change of Heart

Change of Heart

Today is your first day at Seoul Performing Arts High School. You're not in the best of moods today because you had to move to Seoul from Busan with only three-days notice. There were many things for you to be mad about: your lack of a Seoul accent, knowing nobody in Seoul besides your parents, and the fact that your mom forgot to do laundry last night.

In the midst of venting your anger on your shoes and the sidewalk, out of the corner of your eye, you saw a few boys chasing each other. You couldn't see their faces, but you could tell that they were the same age as you. Ignoring them, you took a sip from the soda you were holding and continued to walk down the sidewalk, your head hanging low. You heard the boys yelling. Their voices grew louder as you continued walking, but you ignored them. Suddenly, something struck you and caused you to fall to the ground. Your books were scattered across the sidewalk and something heavy was on top of your right leg. Twisting your torso around to see what it was, you noticed that it was one of the boys you had seen earlier. The other two other boys stood over top of him, staring in shock. One of the two, who was blond, had a hand over his mouth, and the other, who had black hair, had his mouth hanging open. After a long moment of silence, the blond boy dropped his hand and pulled the boy off of your leg. The black-haired one held out a hand to help you up.

"Oh my gosh ... I am so, so, so sorry about this. He gets a bit too playful sometimes," the blond boy said as he bowed a full 90 degrees. The other two boys bowed as well.

You noticed that the blond boy and the black-haired boy looked exactly alike. You thought they must be twins.

"My name is Jo Kwangmin, and this is my older twin brother, Jo Youngmin." It was confirmed.

Kwangmin smacked the third boy on the arm and continued talking. "This rascal is No Minwoo." The three bowed again.

You didn't know what to say, so you just bowed back. You were still in a bad mood, so you decided to act uninterested.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Seo Jihye. I guess I should just advise you to be more careful next time," you said, drawing out your accent. You bent down to pick up your books, but Minwoo knelt down and got them for you.

You grabbed them out of his hands a bit too harshly and nodded to him. "Thanks. I guess I'll go now. See you around." You your heel and started down the sidewalk until you heard, "Hey Busan, wait!"

You slowly turned around. Youngmin had an arm stretched out toward you. Walking back over to them with a confused expression, you asked, "Yes?"

Kwangmin elbowed Youngmin when he didn't respond.

"Oh. Um... Where are you going? You seem new here."

"Yeah, I am new here. I know my way around though." You knew he was going to ask to show you around.

"Oh. Would you like us to show you around anyway? There have to be some things you haven't seen yet. This campus is huge." Youngmin outstretched his arms and gestured to everything around him.

You really just wanted to walk alone. "Thank you, but I would rather just go sit in my next class."

Minwoo stepped in front of Youngmin. "Next class doesn't start for another hour! Come on, please let us show you around, just once."

You didn't know why, but Minwoo reminded you of a small puppy. He had a very cute, childlike face. The twins reminded you of puppies as well, but they seemed more mature.

You sighed in defeat. "Okay. Just once." You held up one finger in front of Minwoo's face.

Minwoo's face gleamed. "Yay! Let's go." Minwoo threw an arm over your shoulder and led you toward the music building. Youngmin and Kwangmin followed close behind.

When you entered the building, his arm was still around your shoulder. You shrugged it off and kept walking beside him.

You entered a room with various instruments inside. There was a drum set, a grand piano, guitars, and any other instrument you could think of.

You stopped and looked at Minwoo. "What exactly are we doing in here?" When Minwoo ignored you and continued walking, you turned to the twins, who both shrugged.

Minwoo grabbed an acoustic guitar and two of the many chairs in the room and brought them over to where you were standing.

You held both of your hands up. "I don't know how to play the guitar..."

Minwoo chuckled. "That's fine. I'm not making you play. I'm going to play." He propped his leg onto one of the chairs and offered the other to you. Youngmin walked over to Minwoo and whispered something into his ear. Minwoo shook his head and pushed him back over to Kwangmin.

You had no idea what was going on, so you remained silent until Minwoo spoke again.

"I wrote a song not too long ago, and I think right now is the perfect time to sing it."

Your eyes widened. "You're going to sing? To me?" You were definitely not in the mood to for this. "Please don't..."

Minwoo's face fell. "Really? You don't want me to?" He looked genuinely upset. You sighed in defeat.

"Okay, fine. Go ahead."

He smiled and began to play a slow melody. He started off by whispering, "Would you be my girlfriend?" followed by some "ooh"s and "woah"s. The song was about a boy telling a girl how important she is to him. By the end of the song, your mood lifted drastically.

You were speechless. Minwoo set the guitar down and grinned widely at you. Youngmin and Kwangmin were smiling as well.

"I'm not asking you to be my girlfriend right now... Please don't feel too awkward." Minwoo chuckled softly.

Still caught up in the moment, you stood up and looked at Minwoo, a genuine smile playing on your lips. You haven't felt this happy in weeks. "Thank you." You threw your arms around Minwoo and kissed him on the cheek.

A/N: Hey. :] What did you think? I wrote this for someone on my facebook fanpage, but I really liked it and decided to publish here as well. Anyway, I hope it was a good read. Bye. <3


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