Kai - You're My Baby

Hypothetical EXO Confessions
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“Jongin, where are you taking me?” you asked as he dragged you around the SM building, turning left and right down the identical corridors, making your head spin.

“You'll see,” was all he said, grinning mischievously.

Well, that usually didn't mean anything good.

Ten harrowing minutes later (during which you nearly slammed into a wall twice, and Siwon once), you arrived in front of a door, which Jongin unlocked.

“Go on, go in.” He ushered you inside, closing the door behind him.

He had lead you to one of SM's infamous cloud-curtained dance rooms—why, though, you had no idea.

“Jongin... why did you bring me to a practice room?” You spun around to ask him, but he'd already run over to the speaker system, pressing a few buttons.

“I wanna show you something. Just sit tight and relax for a bit, alright?”

You sat down on the floor with a sigh, crossing your legs as Jongin took his place in the middle of the room.

She’s my baby
Saehayan geu son kkeute~

Jongin danced to the song, which you instantly recognized from his first teaser. No matter how many times you'd watched it (too many to count), you could never get enough of it—the way he moved so fluidly, almost like he was inhuman, was perfection in your eyes.

But he performed it differently

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Caitlynn2013 #1
Chapter 13: OMG!!! Chen's chapter was just to funny for me!!! Awesome job author!!
Chapter 13: Omg, this whole thing was just so damn adorable! I could've imagined all of these confessions actually happening. Omg, <3
Chapter 13: Hilarity, author-nim style!!!!
Never have you failed to make me laugh. Never have and never will. ^^
Chapter 13: omg the endings are sooo funny xDD
I love it btw <3
Chapter 13: LOL Trolling Chen xD
Chapter 13: Kai, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Kris, Chen, and Tao's ending.
so much crack.
cannot contain myself.
why didn't i notice this story of yours before.
/Chanyeol's creeper face
Frijoles #7
Chapter 13: These were the best confessions EVER! I think I'll read them from the beginning ^^
Chapter 13: Aww, these were all so cute! XD I'm sad their over though... :/
Chapter 13: i like the mini series:D Tao's was cute