

LOVE.. Four letters word that have a lot if meaning within.

People always told me to love. They said i was to cold. They said i never care about world. I’m like a cold blooded living person. But hey, what they never know is, what had make me like this.. LOVE.. That’s what make me become like what i am now.

“Try to love” they said. “Be in relationship” they said. “Love someone” they said.

I will just scoof that usually..

Okay, basically i will just say this.. My name is Tiffany Hwang, i used to be a what so called bubbly girl. But that was back there.. 5 years ago.. Before i know this  what so called LOVE things. I am now 24 years old, working as, well let’s just said owner of a fashion company alongside my now married bestfriend Jessica Jung.

If you wonder why now people called me cold blooded person is because, well, even though Jessica here is the ice princess but i am worse than that. I admit it myself. I never smile if there’s nothing neccesary. Even to my best friend. What happen? That’s because 5 years ago. Well, let’s just said that i got hurt by “LOVE”. The person that i love cheat on me and hurt me deep inside. And until now it still leave a deep scar.

Well, but at least i'm kind of move on and open up by certain someone now....

* 5 years ago*

19 years  old Tiffany is sitting under a tree and their school garden, waiting for her boyfriend to come and have their lunch together. Yes, she have a boyfriend. And his name is Siwon. People said that Siwon is a player, but for Tiffany she said that he change and not a player anymore. But what we never know is once a player, you will never change to be good.

“Hey, baby, sorry for keeping you waiting..” here come siwon, the so called boyfriend sit beside Tiffany.

“It’s okay babe... I’m just arriving too though..” Tiffany answer with a smile.

And the two having their lunch until school bell rang telling them to go back to class..

-at class-

“hey, Tiff, you still going out with that Siwon? Why are you so hard to tell? Told you he is a good for nothing person..” Here come jessica, her best friend that always lecture her everyday..

“Yeah, yeah, Jess, you always said that everyday and well, we’ve together for 6 months now and nothing happen..” Tiffany said with a hint of annoyance.

“Not nothing happen, just not yet Tiff, or maybe there’s something but just you don’t know about it.”

“Yeah.. Whatever.. Teacher coming.”

“Hahhh..~~ Don’t say that i didn’t warn you.”


Another 6 month passed since that conversation between them, and yes Tiffany and Siwon is still together, but what she don’t know is within this 6 month, Siwon has cheat behind her back.

One day, Tiffany and Jessica going to mall for some shopping.

“Tiffff..... This dress is sooo cute.!!!”

“I know right... and it’s pink..!!”

“Hahaha.. you and your typical Pink addict..”

“Don’t say that you don’t like it Jess”

“Haha.. I’m not saying anything..”

And they continue to do their shopping. Unknowingly to them, on the other side of the mall, Siwon and her well “girlfriend” also having some date. And just like that in the drama, they crossed path and “busted” jrenggg....


“.... Uhh... Tiff... Uhh... I...”

*slap* ouch...~~

“We’re done..!!”

“Tiff..!! Baby.!! Wait..!!”

She run and run until she reach home, she slump her apartment door and go straight to her share room and cry.. Yes she is living with Jessica since their parents is living far away at US. She cried and cried and yes cried..

“Tiff.. Stop crying now.. Now now... Good girl.. stop crying...” Jessica try to calm the crying Tiffany down.

“It hurt Jess.. It hurt..” She manage to said in the middle of her crying..

“I told you from the begining.. I warned you..”

“I am sorry.. I guess i just been blinded by love.. I love him so much yet he...”

“Shhhh.... Stop crying.. He is not worth for you to cry over..”

And yes since that day, the bubbly Tiffany is gone replace by this new found ice princess..


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Chapter 2: Short and simple.

I LOVE IT!~~~~
Keke happy kim family = happy locksmiths~~
Chapter 2: Ahhh~ TaeNy hehe Love KIM family <3
Thx for make this fic!
Keep writing n make more for TaeNy ;D
Chapter 2: Woahh .. So cute .. :)
HwangJeI #4
Chapter 2: well.. i know the story is kind of fast... but well.. write this right after i woke up.. and english is like my second of third language so.. sorry for the grammar error and thing.. please do comment ^^