The Story of Miracle

The Story of Miracle


It’s 5:30 AM, the streets are empty and dark as the orphan boy goes back to his usual office: the dumpster. He dives, digs, and practically swims in the filth hoping to have something to bring back. Anything. But again the result repeats itself: a perfectly round zero. There was nothing he could bring back for Sun. That beautiful angel. That gift of God from Heaven above.  It’s been a year now and though he never seems to find anything, he is still hoping that one day he’ll be able to give Sun something for everything she gave him. Even if it’s something small. What he doesn’t realize is that he has already given Sun one of the most beautiful gifts of all. And today is the day he’ll find out.

This orphan boy’s name is Miracle. Mir for short. He is currently 19 and lives in the orphanage downtown just across the street. He wakes up 5:30 every morning and goes to the dumpster for anything he can bring back to the orphanage care takers’ daughter: Sun (age 18). Miracle and Sun have been friends ever since Sun’s parents found him on the streets and took him in their orphanage. From there, what started out as friendship, turned to sudden admiration. Miracle’s feelings for Sun grew with each passing year, until he was sure he was falling for her.

As his dumpster diving failed yet again, he returns to the orphanage feeling a bit down. Then the door opens, and would you guess who it is. “You’re up early again, aren’t you Mir?”says Sun with a teasing smile. “And you still won’t tell me why?” “Sorry,” replies Miracle smiling back. “It’s still a secret. You’ll find out some other time. Actually, I’m not even sure if that time will ever come. But God knows better than I do, so I’ll just leave the timing to Him. ” “You sure are awkward, aren’t you?” says Sun suspiciously. “ It’s the 3rd time I caught you outside the house so early. Other than that, every time you come back, you totally stink! What’s up with that? ” “Nothing,” Miracle answers. “It’s probably just my man stink. You know how men are once they reach puberty.” “Uh-huh,” replies Sun doubtingly. “Go take a bath and go back to sleep.” “Aye-aye, your majesty,” Miracle happily replies as he heads for the bathroom.

The orphanage where Miracle lives in is quite interesting. The reason why this orphanage was built is because Sun’s parents love children. Because her parents are rich, the orphanage looked more like a fancy mansion than just a place for homeless children. It has bedrooms, a classroom, a dining area, kitchen, a library and even an arcade. In this orphanage, the orphans are not only well taken care of, but during the weekdays, they are also being taught by many great and brilliant professors to prepare them for the future. Think of it as home-school. Then during the weekends, they have no classes and usually do whatever they want. Many married couples who have no children come by to this orphanage, but Miracle hasn’t been picked for the reason that most of the couples want younger children, and Miracle was already 13 when he got into the orphanage. Though that’s true, he’s happy anyway. This only means that he’ll be with Sun longer. In fact, he doesn’t want to be adopted anymore. He wants to stay right where he is: close to Sun.

After taking a bath and going back to sleep, it was soon 8:00: the time to eat breakfast and get ready for class that would start at 9:00. Before classes start, Miracle always has his quiet time with God. He starts his day off by thanking God for another day of life, for being found by Sun’s parents, telling God of all the things he found in the dumpster and many other stuff that best friends would talk about. Then, he proceeds to class. Before the teacher comes in, Miracle always looks outside the window, where he sees Sun walking towards here school bus. Since Sun is a daughter of rich parents, and not an orphan like he is, she goes to a high class private school and meets many other people who have the same status in society. She also takes piano, violin and ballet lessons. Not only that, but she is an honor student too. As usual, thinking of all this makes Miracle dig his face into his palms, sighing: “There’s no way she’d fall for a commoner like me. I’m not even a commoner, I’m lower than that. I’m a kid who’s got no way of showing my gratitude to her through a simple gift. And I even look for that gift in the DUMPSTER! That Adrian’s probably a better match for her than I am.”


“Who’s this Adrian?” you might ask. Adrian is the apple of Sun’s eye. The most handsome guy in school, the school’s leading varsity player, the batch’s valedictorian and a guitarist. Sun often tells Miracle of how amazing she thinks Adrian is. If you’re looking at image, Miracle and Adrian are neck-to-neck, but if you look at talents, and educational and family background, Miracle’s loss is by a landslide. He doesn’t know how to play any instrument, he’s not too bright in studying and he’s an orphan. What chance does he have against “The great Adrian”? These thoughts are always lingering in his mind, but he reminds himself: For with God nothing shall be impossible (Luke 1:37). “I’ll continue to do my best, Lord,” Miracle says to God. Then classes start.

At the end of the day, Miracle sits in the library studying and waiting for Sun’s return. He checks the window eagerly; and then he spots her. But behold: he spots her with a guy in a yellow jersey with a guitar. Miracle is devastated. “That guy must be Adrian! What are they doing together?” Miracle worriedly questions himself. Then Sun enters the orphanage as Adrian leaves. Miracle quickly returns to his chair and pretends to study, as if he didn’t know about Sun’s arrival. Sun enters the library. “Hey there Mir,” Sun sorrowfully greets. Miracle is shocked at the tone of Sun’s voice. “You think she’d be happy after being with Adrian,” Miracle says to himself. “What’s wrong Sun? Did something happen at school today?” “Nah, it’s nothing....But actually...Yeah, it’s something,” then Sun starts to cry. Again, Miracle is completely caught off guard, not knowing what to do or how to react. “Uh...Dude, don’t cry. Or, you know, if you really want to, go on. But at least tell me what’s wrong so I can help in easing your pain. It’s hard to see you like this. ” Sun hugs Miracle while crying and tells him what went on in school.

Sun: “Earlier this morning, a new girl named Victoria transferred to our school. And I don’t know why but she started picking on me. She totally embarrassed me in front of Adrian! She may look pretty but she’s definitely dark on the inside, I’ll tell you that!”

Miracle: “What did she do?”

 Sun: “She lied to Adrian that she saw me putting trash in his locker, dumping paint on his jersey and stealing his guitar. I don’t know how she does it! The second Adrian opened his locker, it was completely filled with garbage! Later, he took his jersey out of his bag, and it was all yellow! Then when I was checking my stuff, his guitar was right next to my bag! Adrian was furious! Not only that, he admitted to having a crush on me, but now it’s all over! ”

Miracle: (Not knowing how to react)“... Whoa...”

Sun: ( sighs heavily; pulls herself together and stops crying) “But in the end, even though he was furious, he was still nice enough not to let anyone know about it. In fact, he walked me home just to tell me in private so that I won’t be embarrassed in class. He hates me now, but he says he’ll try to forgive me and be friends with me again. But us being more than that: the chances are a hundred to none; it’s not going to happen. I tried to explain that I really wasn’t the one who did any of those things to him, but unfortunately, there’s no proof that I didn’t do it. So, yeah, it’s over. He thinks Victoria’s more trustworthy than I am.”

Miracle: “Well, if that’s so, then he’s a er.”

 Sun: “Don’t say that.”

Miracle: “Sorry, but he sounds like a er to me. He ended up believing the evil imposter, which sounds totally ish. But anyway, putting that aside, I think you don’t have to be too sad that Adrian doesn’t want you anymore. God has always been there to love you. He doesn’t care what you look like, what you do, or what mistakes and failures you commit. There’s nothing you can do that can stop him from loving you J.”

Sun’s sad face turns into a shiny smile.

Sun: “Thanks Mir. You’re right. And you know what? I’ve always been thankful to God for the gift you gave me. It’s beautiful isn’t it? I’m sorry I only realize it now.”

Miracle is suddenly confused. “Well, I’m sorry too; because I absolutely have no idea what you’re talking about. Every time I go out to the dumpster, I’m never able to find anything I can bring back for you.”

Sun got surprised. “Oh!” Sun smiles really radiantly now. “That’s why you wake up so early every morning and come home a stink bag!” “Whoops...” Miracle realizes. His slipped and ended up telling Sun his secret. Miracle: “Well, anyway, now that you know, how in the world could I have given you a gift if I never bring anything back? Also, how could it be beautiful when I search in the Dumpster?” Sun laughs at the sight of Miracle’s confusion. “God really is a wonderful story writer. He’s one of my favorites. The gift you gave me is the gift of being my friend and lover, Mir. It’s so nice of you to always be there for me, to make me laugh when I cry, and (laughing) to look for things to give me from the dumpster. I hadn’t realized that what I could ever want from a guy, was right here with me all along. Thank you Mir; for everything.” Miracle smiles “You’re welcome.”

Now I’m pretty sure all of you knows what happened next: Miracle became Sun’s boyfriend. One day, when he had free time, he went to the dumpster and remembered his days searching for things to give to Sun. Miracle was touched. “Man, God. You really heard my prayer, didn’t You? You’re so awesome, Lord. I can’t believe You’d be so kind to me.” “Mir! Let’s go! Your Calculus isn’t going to study itself!” Sun shouts. “Coming!”Mir replies. (To God) “Thanks for everything, Lord. Please continue to guide Sun and I on our journey in this world together.” Sun and Mir head back to the orphanage.

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azn_buty #1
Chapter 1: I like your story!!!<3!~