Reaching You

Reaching You

It was an ordinary day for Joonmyun, get up, wash, eat, go to school. He was already used to the hords of fangirls surrounding him, calling his name out loud and giving him sweets that would 'match his sweet smile' . He was popular and he couldn't help it, being kind was in his nature, he just didn't want to look impolite by rejecting friend offers or gifts. Walking into his class, he put on his best smile and sing-songed out a simple "Hello!", making girls giggle and boys answer him. His seat was in the front of the classroom, where the so-called nerds sat. Nobody thought of him as a nerd tho', maybe because he didn't seem to be a typical nerdy boy.

But today was different, right next to his seat sat someone in complete white outfit, cardigan slightly reaching over the edge of the strangers shoulder, giving him a free and innocent look. The strangers head was slightly moving to the music that seemed to come from his headphones. Was he new?

With gentle steps, Joonmyun sat down in his seat and turned to the stranger, making the other jump slightly before removing his headphones.


The stanger's voice was gentle and his eyes showed somewhat childish interest, looking right into his. Joonmyun felt his confidence go down a little, in front of him was a real angel. Had he been here all this time?

"Umm.... I mean... Good morning. Are you new? I'm Joonmyun!"

He reached out his hand and the other shook it slightly before quickly pulling his hand back to his lap. At least he responsed... Joonmyun watched how he played with his headphones before answering.

"N-no. I have always been here... I'm Yixing."

Yixing. He tried to remember where he had heard that name before... When he finally did, he almost felt his heart drop.


Joonmyun walked down the corridor, munching on a chocolate bar before someone ran into him, making him drop all his belongings. It seemed that the other was worse though, judging from the way he winced when he tried to stand up first. Just as he was about to help the nameless boy up from the floor, his so-called fans surrounded him, making it impossible to see the other boy. The girls picked his things up while whispering things like,

"God that Yixing is clumsy!" and "No wonder why nobody wants to be his friend! Did you hear the last rumour?! They said that his parents paid the principal to let him in! They say he's actually retarded!"

He stood up and grabbed his things from the girls rather harshly, he just couldn't stand people badmouthing others. Just as he was about to walk away, he saw something shiny on the floor, a silver pendant with 2 photos inside. Some woman and man, smiling. His parents, maybe? He put the pendant onto his barcelet before storming into his next class, he was already late.

Flash..thing ends

Yixing. He saw how Yixing was still staring at him, confused at the way he was completely silent. Joonmyun shook his head before smiling again. He quickly reached for the pendant before sticking it in front of Yixing's eyes.

"It's yours, right?"

He watched how the other's eyes went bigger before snatching the pendant and holding it onto his chest before letting out a broken sob. Joonmyun's smile dropped and he was about to reach out his arm to confort the other before Yixing practically flied into his embrace.

"Thank you! Thank you so much, Joonmyun-sshi!"

It felt magical to have angel in his embrace, sobbing into his shirt. Soon after Yixing calmed down and sat into his seat again, still holding the pendant close. The chinese smiled sadly and ran his fingers over the photos.

"I'm sorry for my outburst... It's just that... These are the last photos of my parents that I have... They died when I was little so I want to remember how they looked like."

BANG! It made Joonmyun feel bad again... 

'-They said that his parents paid for the principal to let him in!'

How could his parents pay for anything??!! They were gone!! He felt his anger rise again and somewhere in him, he felt how much he wanted to protect Yixing from these rumours, to keep this angel pure. He grabbed Yixings hand, making the other startled and earning everyone's attention in their classroom.

"Say Yixing, would you be my friend??"

Yixing stared at him for a while before lowering his eyes, making his brown locks cover half of his face.

"I-I would love to be your friend..."

Silence. The classmates were all staring at the two, probably thinking what's wrong with him but Joonmyun felt how a happy bubble bursted inside him. Yixing wanted to be his friend. And the shy smile that the other was giving him was the most beautiful thing he had ever laid his eyes on to. He hugged the boy briefly before smiling at him.

"If so, then I'll be your Suho."

Yixing tilted his head.

"Suho? Is it a nickname?"

No, silly, I'm your guardian.


A/N: I'm no good with oneshots -.- I'm too lazy too edit them too.... Soo feel free to judge it and comment what you think of it ^^

I hope this weird fluff-thing didn't turn out too bad >.<



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Chapter 1: So fluffy and cute! <3
luhans-vaqina #2
Chapter 1: Omgosh this was so short and simple, yet cute ans sweet. :DDD
I need to look at the other things you've written, it's not easy to find good Sulay fics on here with good writing. :DD
Chapter 1: Suho as Lay's guardian! So cute!
Chapter 1: Awwww cuteness overload ^^
kumon89 #5
Chapter 1: yahh!!why you end like this??
but..its so cute!!i'm have weird thinking okay..because you say suho on top..goshh..i have brain (maybe?)
but i love this!!
Chapter 1: Omg the last sentence is so cuteeeeee. No silly, I am your guardian. Asdfghjkl nice fic ! I.LOVE THIS
renchop #7
Chapter 1: Awwww the last sentence is so sweet <33333 i'll be your suho then later... No, silly i'm your guardian, omg how i love that sentence! <3333
Chapter 1: awww asfhdhkl it's too cute ›3‹
Chapter 1: omfgkjn ohh it needs a sequel;;u;; my sulay feels<33