
/// Oneshot

Happy birthday Lee Chanhee.



Chanhee grabbed the towel that the stage hand held out for him, using it to wipe the sweat off of his face. He sighed, glad the performance was over, it had been a good stage, an amazing stage. Now he was back in the dressing room, removing his make-up, the rest of the group doing the same, although Niel, Ricky, and Changjo were doing it rather loudly. How did they still have the energy? He watched the group tiredly from the edge of the room, the youngsters were messing about whilst CAP was dropping off. Chanhee smiled to himself, he had the best family. He turned back to his reflection, now the junk was gone from his face, he began to fix his hair idly. That's when he noticed a small sheet of paper on the table. It looked so out of place among the array of styling tools and make-up products, he picked it up, curious of it's contents. Unfolding it carefully, the first thing he noticed was his name scrawled at the top.



Good work out there! ^^



Chanhee smiled and looked up, trying to find the writer of the note, L.Joe. He must've written that before they went out on stage. The excitable group of Niel, Ricky, and Changjo had calmed down, quietly playing video games on their phones because CAP had inevitably fallen asleep. And there he was. L.Joe had his back to Chanhee as he removed his jacket, his back glistening with sweat.

Chanhee couldn't deny that he had special feelings for L.Joe. He was his friend, his band mate, but Chanhee felt like he liked the rapper more than those titles. It was a secret though, he hadn't told anyone, not a soul, how he felt. He couldn't risk putting the band in danger. Teen Top was his life, his blood, he couldn't lose it because of his silly feelings that he shouldn't have. So he put on a face, acted like he didn't have these feelings for L.Joe and continued to be his friend, his band mate.

Chanhee tore off a corner of the paper, scrambling around the table for a pen, which took ten minutes to find. He wrote back:



Thank you ^^ You were great too.

- Chunji.'


He planned to slip the note in L.Joe's pocket when they left, hoping the shorter boy would notice later on. Suddenly, a stagehand stuck her head in the door.

"Teen Top, your car is here!" She announced loudly and the boys began to slowly filter out of the dressing room.


Because L.Joe had decided to sit with CAP and Niel in the car, Chanhee had to sit with Changjo and Ricky, meaning he couldn't put the note in his pocket. It would've been the perfect opportunity to but his time arose when they got out of the car. L.Joe was tired and nearly tripped, but Chanhee caught him and discreetly put the note in the rapper's jacket pocket.

That's how it all started. After that, almost everyday the boys would find a note the other had left. As time went by, leaving the note wasn't good enough, wasn't quick enough and eventually, notes would get handed to eachother secretly, or passed on by another band member. It was much like naughty teenagers passing notes in school. One time, Chanhee decided to throw his note, hitting L.Joe on the head, causing the rapper to leap out of his skin.

Chanhee found a note on his bed one night, eternally grateful that he had gone up first before Changjo could find it.



Sleep well and sweet dreams. Goodnight.

L.Joe x'


It was the first time that the singer noticed the innocent looking kiss on the end of the message. When had that started? Now that he thought about it, most of L.Joe's message ended with a kiss. That's when he began to worry. What did the kiss mean? Was it a friendly, family type of kiss or something more? He had to stem this at the source. This passing notes thing didn't seem so innocent anymore, people would get the wrong idea.

The next morning, Chanhee left a note in L.Joe's shoes saying:


'We should stop writing notes. The fans won't like it if they found out.

- Chunji.'


I was a day later until Chanhee got a reply. He had hoped the break in the notes meant that L.Joe understood and agreed with him, but clearly not.


'What do you mean? It's fine.



Chanhee made sure that there was a sizeable gap of time before he sent a note back to the rapper. He passed L.Joe in the hallway, the air quickly turning awkward between them when they locked eyes. As they passed eachother, Chanhee placed the note in L.Joe's hand, startling the boy with the contact.


'You know the fans will get the wrong idea.

- Chunji.'


That was the last message between them.

For a while at least.


Chanhee looked at the calendar, October the fifth circled proudly in red the words, 'Chunji's birthday' scribbled inside the ring. Only six more days to go, he was excited. He would be twenty years old, he couldn't believe it. He would be old enough to finally hit the clubs with his friends that were also of age. Caught in his thoughts, he didn't hear someone walk up to him. There was a tap on his shoulder, startling the singer. Niel stood there, an amused smile on his pretty face.

"This is for you." He held out a slither of paper, his smile turning into a grin at his hyung's behaviour.

"Did you read this?" Chanhee questioned, taking the paper. By the look on Niel's face, Chanhee thought he had.

"No!" The taller boy exclaimed, tutting at Chanhee disappointedly before walking away. Chanhee eyed the paper carefully, hadn't all this stopped now?


'February the 5th,

You fell asleep on my shoulder.



What did that mean? Well, apart from the obvious. The heat rose to his cheeks anyway as he remembered that night. Exhausted after promotions he just went out like a light, the rapper's shoulder being the nearest pillow. L.Joe delicately tapped him awake when they got back home. Chanhee had been so tired that he had forgotten all about it. He scrunched up the paper angrily and threw it in the bin.


The next day, he found another piece of paper. This time it was innocently hidden underneath his phone. Out of the corner of his eye, he looked for L.Joe who was talking to Niel, his back to Chanhee.


'March the 5th,

You asked Changjo to switch rooms with me and that night, you woke up in my bed.



Chanhee had forgotten that too. He always forgot such little things, life went by so quickly, such sweet moments got lost in the rush. He remembered that night now though. He had been fed up of Changjo's snoring, he asked the boy to swap with L.Joe. The rapper fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow in Changjo's bed. Chanhee missed L.Joe. It had been a while since the two had spoken to eachother, he just wanted him back. Figuring that L.Joe wouldn't mind - and it turned out he didn't - Chanhee quietly tip-toed over, sneaking under the covers and fell asleep. It was been nice until he woke up and found L.Joe gone.

Chanhee tore the paper up.


He got another note the next day.


'June the 5th,

You cry on my shoulder because you miss your family.



That was one night he didn't forget. Cooped up in his room, he couldn't help but think about his family and the more the thought about them, the more he missed them. L.Joe suddenly arrived, worried that the singer was sick or something. Instead he walked in on him crying. He rushed to his friend's side, placing an arm over his shoulders, embracing the upset singer. Chanhee had been so fed of everything, he just let it all out to L.Joe. He was thankful that had he been there, so kind and comforting. He put the note in his pocket.

Chanhee expected another note the next day and sure enough, a note was waiting for him on his bedside table.


'August the 5th,

You hit me because I won a game.



That was another thing he remembered. He didn't play video games very often but Ricky had stomped off, annoyed that L.Joe kept winning. So Chanhee declared that he would be the one to beat the rapper. The singer blamed his loss on his inexperience of the game and hit L.Joe when he started to brag. Chanhee slipped the note into the drawer with all the others without even thinking.


'October the 5th,

You were born, you share two birthdays with me and I'm always grateful that I met you, and thankful that I can spend time with you, dance with you, sing with you. You're amazing. Happy birthday, Lee Chanhee.

L.Joe x'


Chanhee didn't know how to feel. He wanted to cry, he wanted to hit the rapper for being so silly, he also wanted to hug him. Quickly putting the note with the rest, he left for the practise room.

Why had L.Joe said those things in that note? What did it mean? Why had the kiss returned at the end? Chanhee filtered out his feelings into dancing, watching his reflection carefully for mistakes. Why was L.Joe different from the others? What was it about him that made Chanhee feel like this? He had told the shorter boy to stop with the notes, and L.Joe usually listened to his hyung, but he had gone against his wishes. Chanhee fell to the floor, exhausted. Checking the clock he noticed that he had been dancing for about two hours. He slid down to the floor, chest falling and rising quickly, he shut his eyes, winding down. He was so relaxed that he barely noticed the door quietly open.

"Chunji, are you having dinner?" L.Joe tentatively asked, head poking out around the door. Chanhee shot up onto his feet at the sound of the rapper's voice. How did he know where he was?

"Ah, yeah..." He scratched the back of his head, embarrassed by his 'out burst'. L.Joe stepped into the room carefully, nervously looking to the floor.

"Did you uh... Get my note?" Chanhee cleared his throat a little, sliding his hands into his pockets.

"Yeah..." L.Joe nodded and briskly turned to leave. "Thanks."

The rapper stopped dead, a slight blush settling on his cheeks. He didn't know what to do, so he left. Chanhee sighed when the door clicked shut behind L.Joe. Why had things gotten so difficult? He didn't want to feel like this anymore. Grabbing a towel he left for dinner, carefully avoiding L.Joe that night.


He thought the notes would stop tomorrow, but they hadn't. It was his birthday and he got another note from L.Joe. He sighed, he was getting tired of this game.


'Can you hear my heart or are you pretending not to?



How cheesy, using lyrics in his message, their very own lyrics no less! With a growl he threw it away, finding some paper for himself.


'Enough with this. Come see me after my party.

- Chunji.'


His birthday party had been a great affair. A few presents from his band mates and even cards and gifts from members of staff. But soon enough they would have to get in the car and drive off to another interview, another promotion. During his gettogether, a note had been sneakily slipped into his pocket, he hadn't even noticed until now.




He looked around the room, quickly spotting L.Joe with Niel, ogling his gifts. The singer shook his head when the rapper looked up at him. There wouldn't be time to talk to L.Joe since they would be leaving in a minute.

It was late at night when Chanhee decided that he was ready to confront L.Joe. The rest of the members had gone to bed after 'partying hard' and the rapper knocked on Chanhee's door, only entering when Chanhee said he could. He sat on the opposite corner of the bed, his back to Chanhee.

"Why did you say those things in that note?" He was talking about his birthday note, they both knew that. It would be a waste of time if L.Joe played dumb like he wanted to.

"Because it's the truth."

"Do you know what you're doing to me?" Chanhee spat. "You've been driving me insane!" He stood up suddenly, rounding on L.Joe who was surprised by the singer's sudden outburst.

"You know we can't do this." L.Joe nodded, his lips.

"It's your birthday, Chanhee. You can do anything you want."

Chanhee his lips too, the offer was just too tempting. He leaned down, putting a hand on L.Joe's shoulder for support. He put their lips together in a sweet, fulfilling kiss. The kiss was slow, experimental, full of feeling and love, Chanhee felt himself getting greedy. L.Joe's lips were now his favourite sweet.

"Happy birthday," L.Joe said when they finally pulled apart.

"That's the fifth time you've said that," Chanhee smiled, missing the importance of what he said.

"I know."


Chanhee wiped off the sweat with a towel, it had been a good stage, an amazing stage. And when he got to the dressing room, there was a small piece of paper waiting for him.






None of this happened, so don't sue me! I know it's terrible :( I really wanted to write something amazing but this happened,,, :( But anyway... Thank you for reading :)

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Chapter 1: Omgomgomgomgomg l.joe is quite the romantic xD writing about chunjoe exchanging notes was very clever if you :O (I could totally imagine the grin on Noel's face kekeke pabo) Chunjiiiii I just want to squish him <33
Chapter 1: ____. too much fluff. I am exploding in a cloud of rainbow sparkles!!! OMG GREAT JOB
I absolutely adore this!!! GOOD JOB!! it's soooo cute KYAHHHH!! I wanna write like you too! CHUNJOE XD
I'm like in the heavens now LOL
Chapter 1: awww....cute. chunjoe! thanks for writing this super fluff fic. great job author-nim. ^^ <but why do i feel sad all of a sudden...> ^^
Chapter 1: amazing!!!!
good job author-ssi!!!
Chapter 1: PSSH, how can you call this not amazing, it was amazing, it's adorable and i really love the concept. ~ <3
Chapter 1: ASDFGLKGHJKLSFJKSJFSKLJGSIRGH OMGGG =_= I can't. This was so fluffy and sweet and ahhh CHUNJI!! <3 My heart just exploded sparkles.
ILoveYou_Forever #8
Chapter 1: Sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: AWWWWWWWWW THIS IS SO SWEET OH THE FLUFF<3 i really love this!!!^~^ fighting!! CHUNJOEEEE LOVEEEE xoxo