

“I don’t think I could eat an ice cream or a popsicle the same way ever again.”
I’ve never experienced awkward silence like this before. I can’t seem to look straight into my father’s
or his father’s eyes either. Gah! What is happening to me? Why am I suddenly being. . . shy? Aish, I
really thought I’ve matured already but then here I am, pouting childishly with my arms across my
chest stubbornly. Since I can’t look directly into my father and his father’s eyes, I kept my eyes
elsewhere. But at the corner of my eyes, I can see him smirking. He’s enjoying it! Gah! He’s enjoying
my moment of humiliation! Grr. . . what kind of a. . . of a. . . .aigoo, I’m starting to blush just by
thinking about what we are now. But still, he shouldn’t be standing there oozing with all the iness
and handsomeness and cuteness there ever is. He should be supporting me, consoling me, defending
me, agreeing with me and arguing with my father! But no, he chose to just lean against a wall in a
corner and watch me as I bicker with my father. It’s actually surprising. I mean, he usually scold me
everytime I argue with my father or I’m having one of my tantrum attacks or what he calls my
brattitude. Well, since I’m on my tantrum attack again, I gave him my darkest and most-evil glare.
Instead of cowering away, he grinned wider. I sighed. Oh well, he doesn’t usually get affected with my
tantrums or when I get pissed with him or when I’m annoyed. Heck, I can’t even see him flinch a little
when I’m mad and shouting at him. Truth be told, he actually loves pissing me off. It’s not really new.
We’ve been bickering and pissing each other’s pants off from the moment we met each other. In all
fairness, I didn’t start that kind of relationship, he did.
I sighed again. I can’t actually quite believe that we’re still together and that eventhough we usually
argue and fight on small things, our relationship’s steady and going strong. Oh well, he knew how to
calm me down anyways, that’s the thing. I’m like fire, he’s ice. From a different perspective, you would
think that it would never work. But I’m proud to say that it’s working and it’s working well. . . .
“I think I need some refreshments,” Mister Kwon suddenly said. “An ice cream seemed nice –”
“No!” I quickly blurted out even before I could stop myself. My hand immediately went to my mouth
as Dad and Mister Kwon, looked at me. Dad was giving me a suspicious look while the latter just
smiled at me knowingly.
“Dara, there’s a lot of ice cream in your fridge, a cup of serving won’t hurt to give away, would it?”
Dad said.
I panicked. “I. . . he can’t eat them! He. . . I’ll just buy him a different one.”
“Look here young lady, if you continue on being the selfish brat that you are, then I won’t –”
“She’s not being selfish,” Jiyong intervened. “She’s just being. . .” he trailed then laughed out loud.
“Kwon Jiyong, you know it’s not right to interrupt someone older than you when they’re talking,”
Mister Kwon calmly said.
“It’s okay,” Dad said. “She’s just being what?”
I glanced at the pest and widened my eyes at him. He smiled at me innocently. “Don’t you dare open
your mouth pest or I’ll pour poison down on your throat!”
“She’s being cocky,” the pest answered anyways.
I saw confusion on my father’s face while Mister Kwon gave me a small smile. And then, I blushed as
a dawn of understanding came to my father’s face. Gaaaaaaah! Humiliation, kill me now!! Kill
“Oh,” Dad muttered and cleared his throat. Homayghad! He knows! My father knows what I’m doing
with the ice cream. “Well, if that’s the case. . . oh well, like what I’ve said a while ago, it would be
better if you leave this island and go back to the city now, you’ve been here for so long now. And –”
“I don’t want to leave this island. . . yet,” I said. “We have privacy here.” I blushed again. Dang it! The
pest saw it and he laughed out loud again. I took off one of my slippers and threw it at him but he
caught it. Of course he would. He’s. . . not an ordinary pest anyways.
“First, the ice cream and now privacy,” my father exhaled before turning to the pest. “Jiyong, what
have you been teaching this spoiled brat?”
“Ya!” I whined.
“I haven’t taught her anything,” he answered. “All of those are her idea, not mine.”
Grrrr! He should be backing me up, supporting me! But he’s doing the opposite thing! Kyak! Dad
looked at me with exhausted eyes. “Okay, I understand that you’re probably enjoying Jiyong’s
company in bed and the things that he do that’s why you –”
I gasped. “Dad!” I exclaimed. How could he talk so casually about. . . about. . . gah! I felt myself
turned redder than before.
“Look Dara, you can’t stay here forever. If. . .” he trailed and looked down at my stomach. “If that
starts growing, you need special attention.”
“Well, you could just send the doctor here.”
“Your father’s right, kitten,” the pest said. “It’s not just the doctor you’ll need; you’ll need facilities,
“Well, we’re both rich, aren’t we?” I stubbornly returned. “We could set up those facilities here.”
Dad sighed. “Jiyong, talk some sense into that thick skull of hers, unscrew it if necessary.”
“I will,” Ji answered solemnly.
I felt betrayed. I turned to him with tears in my eyes. “Ya! You should be supporting me, not the other
way around!”
“I am supporting you,” he said.
“No, you’re not! You’re being a pest again!” I exclaimed, turned away and ran to our room.
Upon reaching our room, I threw myself in the bed and buried my face in the pillow. It was a while
later when I heard the door open followed by footsteps. I felt the bed moved then. I held myself in
place but when he kissed the point of my spine, I wasn’t able to stop myself from sighing contently.
“Kitten,” he murmured in my ear, his breath was tickling, his voice like calm music after a storm –
I turned a little to the side to face him. His smiling face greeted me and eventhough I’ve seen that smile
a billion times before, it still never fails to make my heart beat fast. “I don’t want to leave this
island. . .” I said.
“I don’t want to leave, too,” he said.
“But. . .?”
“We can always go back here, Da –,” he said but stopped as I gave him a glare. He knew I prefer if he
calls me kitten rather than Dara when it’s just the two of us. It’s quite funny, actually. Before, I used to
hate that word or any of his other names for me. I could still remember how I used to fume before
everytime she calls me different names: kitten, wild cat, jungle cat, piglet, etc. But now, hearing him
call me kitten has a different effect on me already. I just love how his voice caresses each syllable, its
ic to the ears.
I just didn’t think of that! Aigoo!
“I know that look,” he said, teasing. “That’s the look you gave me after the first time we made love
with the ice cream.”
“No, it isn’t!” I denied.
“Yes, it is,” he insisted. I blushed as flashes of that moment rolled into my mind, not that we haven’t
done it again after that but. . . first time’s always unforgettable. And that was the time that I was so
certain about myself, about him, about us. I’ll always treasure that moment.
“Don’t look!” I warned him as I climbed down from his back.
“I’ve already seen them a while ago and I’m going to see them again in a while,” he said. “What’s the
“Why you pest!” I shrieked. “I’m still a girl and I still have my reservations!”
He turned around to face me, making me hug myself tightly to cover my bare chest. I blushed furiously;
making him raised his brows in amusement. “I didn’t know you have a conservative side of you,
I was about to open my mouth and tell him off not to call me kitten but no words came out. Aigoo! This
cannot be happening! But I sighed helplessly. Oh well, I guess I’m really in love with this stupid pest. I
looked up at him. Who wouldn’t fall for him, anyways? Tch, if he could read mind, I bet his ego would
be as big as this house. “And I didn’t know you have this side in you,” I countered back. “Here I am,
thinking I’m your first and you’re so robotic that you didn’t dare look at other girls but what did I find
“Dara, it meant nothing to me.”
I pouted. I like the way he say my name but my ears are waiting for kitten. Aish! I’m out of my mind.
“How did it happen?”
“I got drunk,” he said, shrugging. “You know very well I have low tolerance in alcohol. But the agency
has this some sort of graduation party and we all went to a club. I don’t want to be a spoilsport so I
joined them in drinking but I never flirted with anyone there. I didn’t even like any of the girls who
were there. I was probably forced.”
“What are you trying to say, the girl you?” I exclaimed. “So who do you think you are - the gift
of heaven to women? You’re not really arrogant, are you?”
He frowned. “What’s wrong with you? Just a while ago, we were okay. You were even suggesting some
things to me and now you’re being like this.”
I think I just went violet with the word . Gah! “So you think I’m ?” I asked in disbelief.
“Fine! Let’s not do it, then.”
He stared at me for a few seconds. Then, he sighed and shrugged. “If that’s what you want,” he said.
“I’ll just go take a shower in my room. You can go ahead and get dressed in your room.”
He turned away and started climbing the stairs. I stared at his back in disbelief. This would never stop,
wouldn’t it? Arguing would always be part of our life. “Ya, pest!” I called, unable to stop myself. But
he didn’t stop, he didn’t even look back or answer.
I clenched my fist in annoyance. As I did, I felt the cold little thing on my finger. I stretched my hand
out and looked down at the ring on my finger. Oh, right. The pest who just walked away from me is
actually my fiancé now. I looked up at the stairs and sighed, a decision coming to my mind. I’ll never
do this again. I swear, I’ll never make the first move again. With my chest still bare, I walked to where
the fridge was and opened it. I saw about five containers of ice cream stored. I blushed again as my
mind went on thinking what’s going to happen in a while.
If only I don’t love that pest!
But the thing is, I love him. I love him so damn much that I’m ready to swallow my pride just for this
moment. I took one container of ice cream from the fridge and went on looking for a scoop. With both
hands full, I went up the stairs and up to my room, putting on something to wear first – just a lose shirt
then I went to his room. I stood in front of it. Should I knock?
But it has never been my attitude to knock – especially if it’s his door. So I placed the scoop on top of
the lid and used my free hand to reach for the knob. It was not locked. Huh! That pest! He knew I’ll be
going after him! Aish! But I’m already here, it’s now or never. I took a deep breath and pushed the door
open. I didn’t see him but then, I heard the spray of shower coming from the bathroom. Heat instantly
crawled to my skin as the sound reminded me of the sound of the waterfall. The waterfall reminded me
of the cave behind it and the cave. . . flashes of what happened there rolled into my mind, creating a
twist of knots in my belly. Aigoo!
I don’t know how long I stood there, unsure of what to do. Then, I heard a door opened. I snapped back
to my senses. My mind instantly reeled upon seeing him half-. Yes, I’ve seen him like this before,
I’ve even seen him a while ago but. . . gah! He’s so y! His appeal is animalistic.
His hair was dripping wet, causing droplets to roll down his body. The knot in my belly tightened,
making it hard for me to breathe. I followed one particular droplet roll down from his chest to his navel
down to his. . . inside the towel. I looked back at his face and saw him smirking knowingly. He looked
so y being half already but the smirk did it – my hormones just broke lose. And I’m not sure if
that’s a good sign or not.
Gah! I can’t breathe!!!!
Breathe in, breathe out.
I’m going to die because of hormone explosion!!
He started taking steps towards me. I suddenly felt conscious so I looked anywhere but him. Aigoo, I
never thought this would be embarrassing. What has gotten into me to propose this anyways?
Aish! Of course there’s only one thing to blame there – my hormones.
But. . . but. . . he’s just so y! Why is that?!? I cleared my throat awkwardly and looked up again,
only to be taken aback that he’s already in front of me.
“You’re blushing,” he commented with that trademark evil smirk of his. Aigoo, he’s making fun of me.
“No, I’m not,” I denied. Pride, please save me!
He sighed and took the ice cream container from me as well as the scoop. He placed it on a nearby
desk before grabbing my wrist. He then wrapped my arms around him as he pulled my body closer to
his. He leaned his forehead on mine and sighed again. “I love you,” he said.
I’m dead.
I really am dead.
Happiness like this could only be found in heaven.
“I. . .” I started but couldn’t finish. Aigoo, this is too much. My hormones are already on the loose and
now he’s being like this! My over-imaginative mind suddenly concurred up some images of what will
take place in a few minutes and I swear, chaos erupted inside me with my hormones getting wilder. If
they could talk, I swear I would be able to hear them from across another planet! I suddenly pulled
away from him, my face turning the dark shade of red. “I’ll. . . just get something d-downstairs,” I said
and turned away. “A-and. . .. ayamutoo!”
“What?” he asked. “Ayamutoo?”
“Pest!” I stomped and started to walk-jog away from him. But then, he was able to grab my arm.
“What was that again?” he asked, turning me to face him. He placed a finger under my chin and lifted
my head up but I kept my eyes darted away from him. “Kitten?”
Aish! It’s unfair! IT’S UNFAIR!!!! Aigoo, it’s really unfair when he starts calling me that. Yeah, yeah, I
used to hate that term. I used to hate that he had the guts to call me nicknames or different names but
now, it’s different already. I looked up to meet his eyes and without even a single doubt in my chest,
with all my confidence and pride, I told him, “I said I love you too.”
His face was that of his robotic personality but then, a smile broke into it and he just took my breath
away and melted my heart. IT’S UNFAIR!!!
“Can I ask you something?” I opened.
“What is it?”
“W-when. . .when I smile, does my smile take your breath away or melt your heart?”
He didn’t answer at first but then, he suddenly burst out laughing. I think my face had just gone to the
shade of violet. Humiliated, I turned away and ran away from him. As soon as I reached the kitchen, I
leaned against the wall and clutched my heart. I closed my eyes for a moment then waited for my wild
heart to go back to normal.
After some time, I opened my eyes again and sighed. Aish, that pest! How dare he to laugh at me like
that? I’m SANDARA PARK, I don’t get laugh at! Aish, he thinks he’s so handsome and mighty, doesn’t
he? Arrogant pest! He really is a pest!
A handsome and y pest, you mean, a side of my brain said.
Kyaaaaah! What was that? WHAT WAS THAT?!? Aish brain, don’t think like that! It would only make
him more conceited! Who does he think he is? He’s just a pest and I can’t even believe that I’ve even
thought of. . . . ice cream off of him! That would be eww!
But he’s not just an ordinary pest now, a side of my brain commented again. He’s your fiancé now.
Automatically, I looked down at the ring on my hand. And despite everything, I can’t help but smile.
Right, he’s my fiancé. That pest of a guy is my fiancé. Pride and satisfaction swelled inside my chest,
making me chuckle. I shook my head and leaned away from the wall and went to get two spoons. I grip
on it tightly. Aigoo, am I really going to do this? Images suddenly flashed into my mind, sending
warmth all over my body.
Why is it so hot all of the sudden here?
I don’t think I can do this. I really think I can’t do this. Gah! When did I become such a coward? Aish!
This was my idea, I should get through to this. Yes, that’s right. Inhale, exhale. I can do this.
I started heading back to the room, turning redder and redder than before. And he was there, leaning
against the wall, smirking at the redness of my face. I suddenly came into defense of myself. “Ya! Don’t
look at me like that!” I snapped at him. “I may be a –”
“A what?” he interrupted, chuckling.
“W-well, I. . . I was a hours ago!”
He burst out laughing again, making me glare at him. He’s in a good mood, isn’t he? Aish! He’s so. . .
annoying, he’s really a pest!
“Ya, pest!” I called out a bit louder. “Lie down! NOW!”
“I’m sorry,” he said with all the seriousness in the world. “But I’m afraid you might have to make me
lie down.”
I stared at him in disbelief. What did he just say? Gah, the nerve of this pest! THE NERVE!!! I held my
chin up high, grabbed the ice cream with the scoop on top of it. I placed the spoons beside the scoop
and marched towards the pest, determined. No, I won’t back out. This is just like before, us, bickering
but this, it’s a different category.
When I reached him, I was about to push him towards the bed when he suddenly grabbed the items off
my arm and pulled me to him for a kiss. Just before I close my eyes to savor his lips, I saw him placed
the ice cream on the bedside table. Then, both of his arms were now encircling my body while I lifted
my arms to wrap around his neck. The kiss was so intense that it took me by surprise. It seemed that
our need for each other is greater than what I originally thought. It was so intense that I felt my feet
being lifted off the ground just for the mere reason that he wanted to kiss me thoroughly and to crush
my little body against his. He wasn’t really that dry yet that I could feel the front of my shirt getting
wet, and my err, s getting sensitive.
When I thought we’d go straight to bed, he suddenly stopped and pulled away. He placed me down
again and smiled down at me. “Being humble is rewarding sometimes, isn’t it?” he chuckled.
“Ya! This isn’t the first time I swallowed my pride for you!”
“I know that,” he said. “That’s why I’m thankful. It’s been very rewarding for me.”
Aigoo! When did he become so sweet? Aigoo, aigoo, aigoo. I think, he just made me fall for him more.
No, I just don’t think of it. I’m sure of it. “I want to eat you,” I suddenly blurted out. Upon realizing
what I had just said, my eyes went wide from shock, embarrassment, humiliation and disbelief.
No wonder he’s a pest, he’ll be the death of me and my hormones. I could just hear them rallying in my
brain, growling and screaming the words: EAT HIM NOW! EAT HIM NOW! EAT HIM NOW!
“You’re so impatient,” he scoffed. But then, he was already climbing to the bed. Oh my God, this is it!!!
He sat just at the head part of the bed, leaning against the wall. He then patted his lap, silently
indicating me to ehem, settle myself there. And since I’ve already changed, since I’m not a disobedient
brat anymore, I obeyed. I climbed on the bed and settled myself on top of him, straddling. He looked
down at my chest, smirking evilly before reaching out to the bedside table to get the sweet delight. I
looked down also and saw that my s were visible through the wetness of my shirt. I suddenly felt
conscious, making me hug myself but he didn’t say anything about it. Instead, with one arm around my
waist, he reached sideways to get the ice cream. “So,” he started. “How would you want to proceed
with this?”
Truth be told, I’m not really sure although I have heard thousands of stories from my peers about
things like this before, I’m still not sure of what to do. I guess we have to start with the basic. “W-why
don’t we have some serving of the ice cream first?” I suggested and grabbed the ice cream container
from him. I settled the scoop aside, gave him one spoon while I took the other. I took off the lid and
dipped my spoon in. “Hmm!” I sighed with closed eyes as soon as it melted in my tongue. I opened my
eyes again and saw him watching me. “Have some!”
He dipped his spoon and took a spoonful of the sweet delight with his eyes still on mine. I saw his
tongue darted out to the melting cream on his spoon. I stared at his tongue, fixated with my mouth
slightly hanging open. I suddenly felt. . . hungry, thirsty and. . . warm. My lips and throat went dry that
I have to swallow hard and run my tongue along my lower lip. An idea suddenly popped up into my
mind. I took a small amount of ice cream, darted my tongue out and dropped the small amount of it on
my tongue. I glanced expectantly at Jiyong. It only took a millisecond I think for him to respond. The
next thing I know, he was already leaning forward, trying to get the small serving of the melting cream
off of my tongue. An involuntary moan came out from me as zillion of sensations came crashing on me.
And it only intensified when I felt something hardening somewhere down there. My heart started
beating so fast that the blood rushed to my brain and to the other parts of my body as he grabbed my
head and deepened the kiss. No, this is not a kiss, this is tongue-mating, if ever there was a word like
that. Gah, my poor tongue is being abused! Aigoo, maybe I should not have like that but
I’m loving what I’m feeling right now – excited, elated, warm, loved and. . . aroused.
The sweetness of the ice cream never left my tongue and I think that’s the reason why he’s err,
so hard on it. And his tongue, his oh-so-playful tongue is making wonders inside my mouth, imitating
what his pride could do. And my tongue – it’s caressing his tongue in a very sensual way. Gah! My
organs have their own brains!
I ran out of breath so I pulled away. Gah, I’m panting! P-A-N-T-I-N-G! My chest was heaving up and
down heavily and I could hear my labored breathing echoing inside this heated confined room.
“You really are a kitten,” he whispered harshly.
I can’t look at him. I’m such a tease! Aigoo. Teasing him is. . . really rewarding! Mwahahahaha! I’ve
never seen him lose control like that and gah, I seriously and effingly love it. With that thought in mind,
I smiled. Unknowingly, I took another spoonful of ice cream, planning to drop it on my tongue again
but then, my hand trembled from too much excitement that it fell on his chest and melted its way down
to his navel. “Omo!” I exclaimed, with wide eyes as I followed the small portion of strawberry ice
cream starting to totally melt. Without really thinking, I leaned down and tried to save the serving from
being wasted. I opened my mouth and the small portion off from his skin just below his navel.
His hips suddenly jerked forward as a desperate grunt came from him. I suddenly straightened up and
stared at him in confusion. The impact of what I did hit me a few seconds later. “Oh!” I mumbled and
looked down at the trail of the sweet from his chest down to his navel. Inspiration suddenly hit me so I
leaned down again, started at his navel and started it off of him. The sweetness combined with
this unique taste of his skin was intoxicating and heady that it made my head spin.
I knew it! I knew this would be a very great idea. Kyaa! This is. . .intoxicating! He. . .tasted. . . gah,
delicious when skin is supposed to be salty, right? But kyaa, he’s. . . I could never get enough of this,
I’m declaring it already.
“Dara,” he gritted. I ignored him and just went to continue with what I’m doing. When I was done, I
took the scoop and dug in from the container. I grinned at him as I let the scoop of ice cream drop to
his chest again. “Dara, are you trying to kill me?”
I ignored him and just took scoop after scoop and let it drop on all parts of his upper body. I waited for
the delight to melt. But then, I’m too hyped up to wait for every scoop to melt. His bare upper body was
coated with sweet delight that my sweet tooth could not just possibly resist. For someone who has a
sweet tooth like me, his upper body looked like a wonderland of treats! I leaned down again and
started from the bottom, cleaning him off. I heard him hiss a string of profanities but at the moment, I
really didn’t care. I can’t help but moan at the sweetness of the melted ice cream combined with his
unique taste. And the fact that he was tensed, his muscles rippling and coiling everytime my tongue
would touch one particular part made it more even intoxicating for me. I could just feel how stiff he
was, it was as if he’s trying to hold his breath. But the greatest part of that all, I definitely could feel
something under me declaring war with my still-covered property. But since he was under me, there’s
nothing that he can do. Hahahahaha!
I know the sheets were stained with ice cream already but who cares? No one.
When I reached his chest, I cleaned off first every part around the little isles of his adorable. . . male
s, hihihihi. I straightened up a little again and glanced at his flushed and pained face. There was
almost a pleading look on his face. I somehow pitied him but then, I wanted to do this thoroughly so
I’ll see this through and through.
And so, I started again. I heard moan as I enclosed one hard male inside my mouth, my tongue
running up and down on it, cleaning every corner of it, even the crease in between. After that, I went to
the other and did the same, sounding like a baby from a mother’s for milk. It’s just in
this case, I’m off the ice cream from my fiance’s . Aigoo! My mind is already corrupted! I
didn’t even realize that I was rubbing my covered property to his covered pride as well. It’s war, for
sure! I could just feel his pride’s rage against my sweet and semi-innocent property.
When I was done cleaning him off, I straightened up again, planning to catch my breath. But then, he
did not allow me to do that. He grabbed my head angrily and crushed his lips on mine. He then flipped
our positions, bringing me under him. I responded, of course. It’s instant. I wrapped my arms around
his neck, my fingers loving the feel of his silky wet hair. My legs also wrapped around his waist as my
little precious property wanted to get a feel of his pride’s rage. But then, the sound of my shirt being
torn apart brought me back to earth. I started to protest but he did not give me a chance to do that
since he claimed my lips again. Then, the next thing I know, my bikini bottom was also torn apart
already. Aigoo, I think I went too far. Aish! I’m not even done yet.
With all my willpower and determination, I pushed him away. “I’m not done yet!” I whined childishly.
“No, you’re already done,” he countered.
“No, I’m not!” I returned stubbornly. “Now get off of me first and let me finish!”
“Kitten,” he half-begged, half-moaned.
“Get off,” I insisted. No, I should not let my heart melt away for just this moment. Kya! If I let that
endearment and his cuteness get into me, then I won’t be able to do what I’m planning to do.
He got off of me later and plopped himself again on his back. I bit my lower lip, anticipation boiling
inside me. My belly twisted into a million knot just by thinking of what I’m going to do next. I stood up,
not minding my . I reached out for the scoop and the ice cream again. Then, boldly, I took off the
only item that’s keeping his pride hidden from my eyes. I let out a squeal of surprise as soon as I saw it;
it just sprung up from its hidden place in a pop that it surprised me. But what really surprised me was
how it looked like. Err, it looked like a fat flagpole – tall, rigid, standing proud and. . . huge. I stared at
it in wonder. I think it’s throbbing. Out of curiosity, I poked the side of it thrice. And it earned me long
hard moans from him. I was fixated. Unable to stop myself, I wrapped my hand around it and gave it a
light squeeze, making him jerk forward. It felt like. . . it felt like a hard metal wrapped inside a velvet
And my hormones went just out of my control.
With trembling hands, I scooped some ice cream up and squeezed it out on top of his. . . pride. He
exhaled harshly. I watched as the cream melted off in just a blink of an eye. Oooh, the pest is on fire, I
think. Fascinated, I scooped another serving and squeezed it off on top of his still rigid manhood. And
just like the first one, it melted right away. A giggle burst out from me.
“Dara,” he gritted fiercely, his voice full of warning.
I ignored him for the nth time and just scooped another serving of ice cream. Hahaha, he’s now all
covered and coated with cream! Hmm, nyam nyam. Aigoo, his pride looked like a. . .a popsicle!
Homayghad! I swallowed hard first before leaning down at the base of the popsicle, taking a taste test.
Intense heat crawled all over my skin, making me feel like I’m trapped inside an oven or something. I
can hardly breathe, I think I’m going to die, die happily! Kyaa!
I the cream off of him like how a kitten her bowl of milk up. In a circular motion from the
bottom, I slowly my way to the top. I took my precious time in doing it, unaware of its effect on
him. I was too busy and too immersed with the satisfaction the combined taste of him and the ice cream
brought that it took me a while to notice how his popsicle seemed to swell double its size, throbbing
intensely where my tongue touches it. Omo, the popsicle is alive! I heard him swore over and over
again. I glanced up at him and saw that he had one arm over his eyes, his fist balled tightly. His other
arm was lying at his side, with his hand clenching on the sheet tightly. Aigoo, am I really causing him
this much trouble? But I’m not done yet. I still have one idea on mind and I’m all set up to have that
implemented. With that thought in mind, I scooped another serving and placed it carefully on top of his
swelling pride. From my point of view, it looked like an ordinary ice cream with his manhood as the
Homayghad! I just didn’t think of that, did I?
Kyaa! I did! Gah!
But the cream was fast-melting again. So before all of it could melt, I immediately dipped my head
down, opened my mouth wide and ate it up, a little. My tongue swirled around at the side to
off the recesses and was satisfied as I heard him let out a very, very, very loud and desperate
growl. Hahaha, serve you right, you pest for being so. . . y and delicious! I leaned my palms on the
bed as a support as I slowly moved my head up and down, still trying to clean him off the ice cream. He
tasted ice cream and something different. It was throbbing inside my mouth that it sent a rush of tingly
feeling to my womanhood. I want him inside me already but I know I have to finish this task. I pulled
up first to take a deep breath since I’m in for a battle with his raging pride. But before I could dip my
head down again, he suddenly grabbed my hair and pulled me up with him. His lips crushed
dangerously on mine, our positions shifting. His chest felt sticky but instead of being disgusted, it
even more. I didn’t push him away either. Maybe I pushed him to his limits already. I can
play again later or next time anyways.
With all the urgency in the world, his knees spread my legs apart, settling himself in between me
comfortably, looking as if that’s where his lower body belonged to. Without a moment of doubt or
hesitation, he plunged inside me, his raging pride seeking battle against my slightly innocent property.
I could only moan out my pleasure, especially the way his throbbing popsicle swell, expanding my
walls out. I closed my eyes tight and let my love for him, my desire for him take control over me – my
mind, my body, my heart and my soul.
As he plunged in and out inside of me, he harshly whispered, “Open your mouth a little wider.”
My eyes opened a little. “W-whaat?” I moaned.
“Open your. . .” he panted, “mouth a little wider.”
Curious, I obeyed. The next thing I know, he shoved a spoonful of ice cream inside my mouth then
lavished my mouth with his. I moaned louder. I never thought that kissing with a melting ice cream
inside the mouth would this be , it was like the ice cream was an aphrodisiac. It was so arousing
and that it fueled our desire for each other, feeding us up with energy to join our body as
desperately close as possible. The pleasure was too much for me that I started screaming again,
clawing my nails on his back. My hips were moving with him in a sinful dance while my walls
welcomed him warmly inside me.
I don’t care if I get fat again but if this kind of lovemaking is what I would get from eating the ice
cream off of him, then I’ll do it everyday, if possible, every hour!
The ice cream in the container was slowly turning into a creamy pool of melted delight. As my mind
whirred from the way he was moving in and out of me, I weakly grabbed the container of ice cream and
poured the melted delight on my chest.
Dark desire ignited in his eyes. With his hips not stopping to move, he dipped down his head and
the creamy delight off of me, sending shivers up and down my spine. As what I did to him, he cleaned
every inch of my skin except for my part. And I already know that he’s out to take revenge with
how I a while ago. I was right. His mouth, his tongue, his teeth, combined with the
creaminess and coldness of the ice cream, perked my s into sensitivity that it was almost painful.
But he was there to ease it, to satisfy it, to quench it. And I thought the way we made love in the cave
was already primitive. I was wrong on this part, this, what we’re doing right now is more than the
meaning of primitive itself.
Wave after wave of pure pleasure took me to unreachable heights that I got scared for a moment that I
might fall off. But he was there, his arms gently rubbing my arm as he prepared me to reach the
inevitable height of our lovemaking. I can feel it; the knot in my belly was starting to untwist, preparing
to explode. I could just tell that my hormones were dancing happily, for the feast of senses like this
could never be more primitive than it already is. My heart accelerated, sending my blood in a frenzy
drive all over my body. Any moment now, I’m going to explode and I know he’ll be there with me.
A while later, as I was snuggled cozily in his arm he whispered in my ear, “I’m going to get revenge
with a pot of honey later.”
I felt heat crawled to my cheeks at the memory of how he took revenge with the pot of honey. A week
after that, we got married. And then a few weeks later, I’m already pregnant. Kyaa! I don’t think I could
eat an ice cream or a popsicle the same way ever again. We haven’t even enjoyed our honeymoon
fully. If we were more cautious, we could have more time to enjoy the crap out of each other with the
aid of either a pot of honey or a pint of ice cream. But just the thought of having his child inside me
made me feel. . . extraordinarily special, if that make sense. Him and my Dad wants me to go back to
the city so it would be more easy to access the medical facilities for my needs but I still want to spend
more time with him, that’s why I protested a while ago.
“I guess we have to make the most of each other,” I heard him say. “Once you’re rounded, we won’t be
able to do the things we seemed to have fun doing.”
“Why not?” I demanded. “Pregnant women can still make love!”
“I don’t want to risk it,” he said.
“Well, you don’t have to be so damn caring and sweet.”
He smirked. “That’s why you love me so much, don’t you?”
“Pest,” I mumbled.
“Come here Kitten,” he said. “Let’s make the most out of each other because we’re going to go back to
the civilization by tomorrow.”
Months later, a baby boy was born. There were already signs of another spoiled brat in the making as
Mister Park was all for giving excessively to his grandson. Good thing the Kwon clan was there to
moderate it, to balance it. The boy was a uniquely combination of his mother and father when it comes
to looks. He was close to perfection when it comes to looks. He got his mother’s alluring eyes and his
father’s y mouth. His face was the shaped that of his father whilst his skin was that of his mother. A
potential heartbreaker, if you might add. He also got the shape of his father’s face and his mother’s
gentle and conniving face.
And years after that, the boy also proved that he inherited a combination traits of his mother and father.
It was an odd sort of combination. He was stubborn, more stubborn than her mother was truth be told,
making him a pain in the sometimes. But he was as intelligent as his father as well, maybe even
more than his father, bringing pride of both parents and grandfathers. He also showed signs of being a
gentle kitten, which proved to be fatal because when he’s being a gentle kitten, it meant that he’s in for
something that would make you scream for your dear life. On the other hand, he got his father’s pest’s
quality, teasing the hell out of everyone around him, especially his mother which made him adorably
lovable to her. He also inherited his father’s calmness and his mother’s loudness.
He never listens to his mother just for the fact that he enjoys seeing her looking pissed, but he was as
tamed as a dog when it comes to his father. The boy hero-worshipped Jiyong. “Don’t tease your mother
like that,” his father would say.
The boy would then say, “But Mom look so adorable when she’s pissed. She looks like a Kitten trying
to look like a fierce Tigress!”
And his father would then smile gently at him.
“And everytime she would dramatically cry that I don’t love and respect her as much as I love and
respect you is cute, too!”
“But you should show her that you love and respect her, too.”
“But I do love and respect Mom!” the boy would answer defiantly. “If it weren’t for her hard work in
giving birth to me, I would not be born into this world.”
The boy’s wit and charms proved to be fatally dangerous. But the most fatal and oddest combination of
all would be the last for at such a young age, he already showed signs of being mechanically .


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