The Refusal of A Watermelon Smoothie

It Started With Ice Tea

January 23rd 6:00pm

There’s something I love about being on stage.

Truth is I’m yet to find out why. All I know is that it’s either the only time I feel loose from my confinements, the fact I’m entertaining people or maybe something else; maybe something hidden under the crevices of one’s sparkling eye.

I’m rather new to the music industry; I have only made my debut end of last year and here I am now; it really is a dream come true. Working my off for the last couple years really seemed to pay off.

“Let’s welcome on BOOM on stage!” The MC yelled and uproar was awoken immediately.

BOOM is our girl group owned under Cube Entertainment. We have 4 members and are like a “partner” to Beast, so we’re tight as ever. Beast are one of the closest friends I have in the music industry. We would hang out often and they were all so funny, kind, supportive and role-models to me.

“BOOM! BOOM!” Fans chanted, as I was standing on the side of the largesqueaky-clean floor, with helpers fixing my costume, and wiping away fall-outs of my makeup. My mind was blank, but I knew I was nervous. I could feel my veins pulsating through me, harder as the uproar grew.


The intro music began playing. Putting the bass guitar over my head and strapped onto my shoulder, I began to walk confidently onto stage along with the other 3 members.In attempt to hide my somewhat shy self, I didn’t dare look back. I exchanged smiles with the girl beside me, as we got into our positions. The audience were dark and all I could see were their waving glow sticks, swaying from side to side in unison. It was pretty; like a calm sea of waves, brushing gently side to side. All I could see were them, the members and scorching rays of light that blinded me from above. Looking into the lights was like looking into nothing; just an endless white tunnel.

Moments like those were special to me. It was those moments where all your problems disappear and all the good things meet at a point. As I rocked out on my guitar, flashbacks would enter in and out. Typically predebut days :D

“This flower is so pretty!” Kang Kyungsoon admired its diamond petals and leaned in to smell it. “Ah~ It smells so nice too!” She kneeled down beside it and took out her camera to take photos of it. The centre was a deep purple, fading to a faint pink when reaching the outside.
Junhyung on the other hand was smiling to himself of how adorable the girl in front of her was. He quietly knelt down beside her and picked one of them by the stem held out his hand.
“Hm?” Kyungsoon questioned.
“Get up for a sec?” Junhyung asked, with a huge smile on his face.
mmm…why? Okay”
After standing up, Junhyung
hastily hopped to her side. Gently, pulled her loose hair away from her face and entwined the stem of the flower into her hair next to her ear. That was the first time she saw his eye catch a ray of light and reflect it so dazzlingly.
Kyungsoon couldn’t believe this was happening. She was feeling hazy…Junhyung was so close to her that she could feel his warmth.
After sticking the flower in her hair he looked into the girl’s eyes and smirked.
“Just thought I’ll make you look more appealing” And laughed.
“YAH! ..bastard!” Kyungsoon joined in his laughter and picked a handful of grass and chucked it at him.

As I continue singing, my thoughts overtake my mind. I almost smirked at my baffled state. You are really going crazy, Kyungsoon. Why is Junhyung clouding up your mind! You have more important things to worry about like STUDY and WORK and REALLY BORING THINGS…

I had no idea why.

After the stage concert, I met up with Junhyung and the rest of Beast backstage standing as a crowd with their arms wide open and the most ecstatic grins plastered on their faces. They would wait after each of our Music Core performances, since their schedule was free and also since we’re newbies and all.

“They’re here, they’re here!” Kikwang yelled and danced around the crowd. “You did a great job!!! You’ll never know how much you mean to me. Ahhhhh~ You make my heart beat faster and faster!” He would sing over and over again, inviting the rest to join him. They even danced our moves and attempted to imitate our camera expressions.

I saw this tiny sparkle in Junhyung’s eyes. It was fast, and seemed to last only half a second, but it was there. That tiny glint of reflected light shone a little brighter to me as he joined in the mini-party held right in front of us. We exchanged glances several times throughout. He smiled and I smiled back.

Which comes back to my crazy extravagance. I like him; just not in that way…or atleast yet.

“I’m proud of you Kang Kyungsoon.” Junhyung said as the ratter slowly decreased and as everyone left to get smoothies from the nearby canteen behind the stage.

Conversations when it was just us two felt almost distant and as if there was an eerie air surrounding us but I knew perfectly well the reason why. My old teacher would say that caged emotions ruin everything. Maybe that wasn’t exactly true, but you get my drift. Actually this wasn’t true. There are no caged emotions. WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT!

There’s just this slight tinge of mysterious characteristic behind that Junhyung. It was something new to me; nothing felt like this predebut. I was so drowned in my own thoughts that I didn’t realise Junhyung was still standing in front of me holding a clueless expression.

“You thirsty? Do you want a smoothie from the canteen?” He asked running his hand through his hair awkwardly. “You must be from that performance!” He smiled and pulled me closer to him.

Stirring from my hazy thoughts, my eyes direct over to the busy 14 people queue all waiting to get the “famous” watermelon smoothie. As for me, watermelon had never floated my boat…EVER.  Since I knew that was the one we were to get, I had automatically refused.

Junhyung POV
YONG JUNHYUNG. Who are you?! Kang Kyungsoon’s DAD?! Who says I’m proud of you…really?! Well we are a 4 year , but 4 years doesn’t go to 40! Next time DON’T SAY SOMETHING EMBARRASSING! Because then you’ll ruin your too-cool reputation. And that is something Junhyung no likey! I HOPE SHE ISNT THINKING ABOUT HOW AWKS I AM RIGHT NOW. Time to bury my live hot bodaaaayyyyy- *LOLJKSOHjunhyungyoucomedian* >: )

Kyungsoon POV
“Oh Junhyungssi…I know this nice drink bar we can go to that’s just outside! It might be a good change~” I insisted, patting him slightly towards the exit. “It’s ok I’ll pay!!!”

“Oh, okay! Let’s go; it’s good to have a change once in a while but I’m paying!”

“Ah you’re so kind Junhyungssi…”I mumbled under my breath. I could never win arguments with him, no matter how much I tried.

As we opened the door, a rush of cold, dry wind greeted our noses as we deeply inhaled the fresh air. Looking around the dimly lit street, I spotted the bar and guided Junhyung towards it. The street was almost silent, with occasional cars driving past and our slow syncopated footsteps trudging in the snow. Surprisingly, the atmosphere was more than comfortable as we ambled towards the bright-lit window. Walking inside, I rubbed my hands together as I exhaled my last breath of warm steam. The bar was empty but a radio was playing in the background.

“Ahhh, Kyungsoon! How was today’s performance? Made the fan-boys drool?” A man appeared from under the counter. He was slightly plump, with balding hair and an apron too tightly on. His face was round and glowing as he continued to wipe down the cabinet behind him, breathing wearily. He scoffed at his own sense of humour looking up and down Junhyung.

“Who’s this lad here mm? Dating already?” He chuckled once again, awaiting replies from our speechless selves.

“Annyeong; Mr Kwon! Ahaha, I’m not sure about fanboys, but we all had tonnes of fun!” I began, nervously laughing. “This is Junhyung. He’s from BEAST and he’s been supporting us since the very beginning. We’re not dating ofcourse…” Trying to laugh off the heating atmosphere here…it’s getting hot...

“Junhyung this is Mr Kwon! I’ve known him since I was little and I used to always come to this place after school to get iced tea!” I smiled cheerfully at Junhyung, then looked over to Mr Kwon who looked flattered.

“Hah, yes you were tiny! Like a little bug! Haha!” He laughed once again and then changed the subject. “So anyway…you kids go take a seat. It’s alright, this place isn’t popular at after dark so don’t worry! I know exactly what Kyungsoon would choose! Do you eh…Jonghyun want the same?”

“Oh excuse me, I’m uhhh Junhyung!” Junhyung smiled sheepishly. “But sure, I’ll get the same”

“AHHHHH..okies Junhyung…Jonghyun…Junhyung. You kids just *CHILL* yes?” He gestured the gangster hand sign and walked towards the giant freezer.

“So what’s this iced tea you always get here?”

“Oh well, truth is I have no idea what it has either. It’s kind of like a secret recipe I guess? But you can taste so many different fruits in one mouthful!!!” I drooled just thinking about it.

“So you’d just let someone poison you if they were some creepy killer?!” He smirked, obviously mocking my naïve self. But Kang Kyungsoon is not as naïve as he thinks!

“PFFT NO…” My eyes wondered around the room and stopped at Junhyung’s eyes. “My mum used to bring me and she’d tell me that if I knew the ingredients it wouldn’t be special anymore!”

As we waited in silence we would occasionally meet eyes, but both of us would look away immediately. The room was chilly as I fiddled my legs friskily, trying to gain more heat. Wearing extremely thin tights, dark short shorts and a leathery jacket was not the best winter wear available.

“Here you go pals!” Mr Kwon broke the silence and served us two drinks on a large platter. Placing them down, I could see a thin film of water droplets hugging the glass.

“Thanks so much Mr Kwon!” I bowed my head slightly and smiled. “Kamsahmnida!”

“Thanks, sir” Junhyung was such a gentlemen around elders. PSH. What’s he like to me hm?!

I observed the icy glass wondering why I chose to come here on such a cool day. A pink straw floated on top of the cerise drink with a lemon slice fixed onto the cup’s edge. Stirring the drink with my straw and had to see what Junhyung thought of it.

“Sooo, what do you thi- BWOH?!” I looked up seeing half this glass already empty as he continued drinking. ALREADY?! Boy he must be thirsty… “It’s nice right?!” I flicked his forehead lightly. His hair was fluffy and soft…

Slurp slurp slurp~

“MMM! This is delicious! Beats watermelon smoothies anyday!” He looked up refreshed and his eyes in shapes of crescents. He. Is. Adorable. Four years difference and he acts like a little boy sometimes…I don’t even feel the difference.

“Well lets come here more often then!” I began to sip what seems to be the-best-drink-in-the-world.

February 2nd 7:10pm
Junhyung POV~

It’s been ages since we last hang out. Unfortunately, I couldn’t make BOOM’s performance. Sitting in the van, exhausted from CF filming I closed my eyes.

“Sleeping already, Junhyung hyung?” Yoseob exclaimed shaking his shoulders playfully.

“Just thinking…” Junhyung muttered in a drowsy voice.

“Who you thinking of then? Someone must be really special. ^hoot hoot^” Kikwang whistled as everyone laughed causing racket.
Ignoring Kikwangs questions I began. Truth is, I felt like quite a poet. Maybe I’d grow old to be a new modernised and awesome Shakespeare. With a stylish goatee.

“Do you young lads ever get this squeezing feeling like your heart is burning for her to know how you feel about her?!”
I actually thought I was pretty good at this until…

“Hyung, isn’t that what people call heartburn?” Yoseob questioned innocently. “Cause well I think you should get a checkup!”
OH. MI.GAWD. This isn’t how this is supposed to work. They were supposed to respond “oh yes, who’s the girl’s heart you yearn for?” This is ridiculous!

“So who’s the chick?!” Doojoon interrupted the soft quarrelling in the background. “She hot?” Oh thank god someone is sane here…in a way.

She’s really pretty. Like really pretty.

Ignoring questions once again, I attempted to begin once again. “So what do you guys think of Kang Kyungso-“

“OMGYOULIKEKYUNGSOONIKNEWIT” The whole van shook from everyone jumping up from their seats keen to hear more. “I KNEW IT I KNEW IT” They all chanted and gave each other hi5s. “GOOD JOB GUYS HE FINALLT ADMITED IT WOOOHOOOOOOOO” They cheered and cheered and cheered more more more more more…


“WHAT IS GOING ON!!!” My voice was raised a little too loud.

- dead silence couldn’t be more awkward -

Glancing at everyone’s ghosty stoned face…WHAT TO DO! Ah Junhyung…

“Well she is kinda cool, what do you think?” I did my signature nervous laugh and awkward hair groom.



“AND DID THEY LAST?” A demanding voice was heard from the very back seat of the can.



“…BUT WHO CARES THAT’S OVER 10 YEARS…4 years isn’t that much!”

“Sure thing, bro. 4 years is a billion in dating years. I doubt you’ll be together for more than a week. Actually I doubt she’ll even accept your confession.” Yoseob shook his head giving him a good pat on the shoulder.

“WHO SAID ANYTHING ABOUT UNVEILING SUCH A THING” I raised my voice wiggling my eyebrows.

“From that diary you keep under your pillow everynight? The one with the butterfly tattoos stuck on the inside?” Kikwang said sheepishly, turning a bright red. “It’s like a cookbook in there!”

“OH.MI.GAWD. You read my diary too?! CMON GUYS WHERES THE BEAST BRO CODE USAGE?!” I sighed face-palming and ruffling my hair. “Well…do you like my plan anyway?! Do you want a butterfly tattoo too? I have too many of them==”

“Hmmm..well we’re just gonna sit back and relax and watch you fall Junhyung. Into the deep seeping cracks of rejection~”
"I'm sorry i took them already hyung"

February 11th 3:00PM

Our schedules have been busy lately. Today was a rare day, where both me and Junhyung had a day off. These days it would only be us two. Were the rest of Beast avoiding us or something?! I raised my brow as I heard the doorbell ring at my dorm.

“Junhyungssi!” I jumped forward and hugged him. I’d missed him so much!

“Kyungsoon! Let’s go~” He greeted and shook his keys in front of my face.

Looking past Junhyung, I see his medium sized black sleek looking car with leather seats and all. WOAH… I gasped, gaping at the shiny vehicle.

“Promise we won’t kill it? I kinda rented it for a day” He smirked and took out his hand. “Come on~”

It felt like dejavu all over again. That sparkle in his eye and him holding out his hand felt so familiar to me. WAS THIS A DATE? NO WAY MAN. It was just a besties outing and chilling together. No. Big. Deal.

I actually felt like I was dirtying up his car seats. Wearing a warm red hoodie and thick warm-up pants, I felt like a hobo sitting in a 5 star hotel bed. I scanned Junhyung from head to toe. A cute extra-thick dark brown jacket, a white v-neck underneath and dark-blue wash skinny jeans completed his look. So cute ^o^

As I sat beside him in the front, I watched from the corner of my eye, him starting the engine and driving out of the parking space. Farewelling the BOOM dorm, I was ecstatic about the day ahead.

“Why’d you get such a pricey looking car?! You know we could of just taken a bus from opposite our dorms!” I questioned.

“Haha, well…” Speechless as predicted.

“Not trying to impress someone are you?” I laughed and gave the slightest wink.

“EH? OF COURSE NOT! No one’s really my type right now…”

We stopped beside somewhere where I heard water crashing along the sandy banks. The breeze was freezing! Why were we even here? We couldn’t even swim in this kind of weather. As we both fought the scratchy bushes we always had one had held. Reaching the opening of the tunnelling plants, I looked around. It was beautiful.

The sky was almost frosty looking, cloudless and never ending. Soft waves rolled onto shore as sea gulls fought for food. Luckily no one was there.

“Excuse my bad timing haha, I mean for bringing you here in winter…isn’t great.”

“Haha, no I think it’s great. It’s so pretty here…” I muttered, engaged by the scenery.

“Uhmm I have something to give you” His voice shook, sounding uneasy. He reached out from his pocket and took out a mobile phone charm dangling from his pointer finger.

Cheerily, “It says Junhyung<3Kyungsoon!” He continued after the speechless silence. “Well I thought it’d be cool since we’ve been friends for years and I never got you something…yeah? I hope you like it” He blushed lightly embarrassed by his sudden gesture.

I was dazed. My eyes fixed on the sparkling jewelled object held in front of me. It looked as if he made it himself. It was beaded with silver jewel letters and the heart was a silver pendant. It reminded me exactly of his eyes.

-jeone aldeon naega anya brand new sound, saero wojin nawa hamgge one more round-

“Yoboseyo?” Junhyung took out his phone, his face turning pale. “Oh…yah…I’ll be there...” He mumbled his smile turning upside down. So this somewhat manly guy has an SNSD ringtone, eh?!

“What’s up?” I looked up, feeling my heart sink slowly.

“I’m sorry, I forgot I had something on…I gotta go, I’m so sorry. I don’t think I can drive you home”

“But we’ve only been here for how long? Half an hour? An hour?” I felt my voice shake and a tear forming. What’s so important he had to go so urgently? His secret girlfriend?

“I’m sorry, please forgive by when we meet again. It’s important” His eyes turned cold. He looked vulnerable and…scared.

“Please don’t go…what’s so important?” I reached out and held onto his sleeve. Kyungsoon, what has gotten intoyou?

“I can’t tell you.” He said at last before turning his back on me, heading to the car.

As I watched him walk further and further away, something in my brain snapped.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON VALENTINES DAY!” I yelled out praying he would hear me. He continued to walk without any hesitation in his steps, still on the phone with this mysterious person.

I felt helpless. This was no good, stranded in this middle of nowhere. Atleast I knew what bus to take nearby. Tears began rolling down my cheeks, I picked my bag from the grainy sand and ambled slowly to the bus stop.

February 14th 7:40PM

The last couple days have been crazy, I didn’t dare call Junhyung. I had assumed he had Valentine’s day plans, so I headed for the practice room early in the morning and came home in the evening, exhausted but with a clear mind. Stop. Thinking. About. Junhyung. NOOWWW!!!

Ding dong~ The doorbell rang but I didn’t bother to go open it. I had expected someone else from BOOM to jump happily towards the door but I’d forgotten they were all out with Beast to celebrate and party.

Ding dong~

Ding dong~

Ding dong~

The doorbell continued spazzing obsessively still not stopping.

Ding dong~ Ding dong~ Ding dong~ Ding dong~

OH WHOEVER IS AT THE DOOR IS SO DAMN ANNOYING. I furrowed my brows, jumping off the bed and slowly leaning towards the door. Looking through the door hole…I saw


Is someone playing a prank on me…

I sat back onto the bed, in the meditation pose, humming softly.

Ding dong~

OhhhhhMyyyyGoooddd someone is really testing my nerves here. Once again, I strolled towards the door and this time, I opened it. Looking around, once again I saw no one but then soomething with a cerise on the floor caught my eye. It was in a large jug just sitting there at my door step.

SOMEONE IS POISONING ME AREN’T THEY…I bent down to pick up the heavy glass jug and found a card sitting next to it. “Drink me” It read in pretty cursive writing. “LOLJKS, you’re not trapped in Wonderland. It’s me. I hope you’re not mad at me right now. Remember when I asked you if you’d drink whatever was given? Maybe you really are naïve. Try some and before you know it, maybe I’d appear right in front of your eyes.”

At first I hesitated. Junhyung. Is he playing with me?! He wasn’t supposed to appear all of a sudden, after I had just kicked him out of his house in my mind.

I put the jug’s edge to my mouth as I tried some. Was this Mr Kwon’s iced tea? It sure smelt like it.

As I let the liquid pour down my throa-

“BOO” Some crazy man darted out from behind the wall, and hugged me from behind.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” I screamed standing as still as ever hoping this was a dream. With my face cringed and eyes closed I had no idea what was going on.

He continued to hug me as I slowly loosened up. “Junhyung? What are you doing here?”

“I came to see you…obviously haha. I hadn’t anyone to hang with…”

“Wheres this from?!” I shook the heavy jug swaying the red liquid almost over the edge.

“Well I have my ways…” He murmured in my ear. “Sooooooooo you forgiven me yet?”

“Hmmm…” I pouted playfully. “Nope.” I was in a smug and playful mood. “But let’s forget about that, I understand you have all your girl business and al-“
“GIRL BUSINESS?!” He interrupted, completely baffled. “I uhh…I uhhhh…”

“Can’t tell you? It’s ok Junhyung, I understand.”


“HUH?! What?!”

“I think you’re really cool Kang Kyungsoon.” He said blushing. “You still have the phone charm right?”

“Uhhh uhmm yeah” I replied, completely speechless. This isn’t happening right?

“Good. It explains me perfectly.” He smiled. Junhyung<3Kyungsoon?

Everything felt like a dream~

Everything felt…right. I didn’t need to know all the confusion.

He turned me around brushing my hair away from my face and stared at me. Today, his eyes looked happy. The insecure and relentless look had disappeared completely. I think I’d found out that his eyes looked extra charming when he was happy. And I knew he was over the moon right now.

Slowly and silently we learnt closer towards each other, until our lips met. He was so gentle and soft in his actions. Closing my eyes, I felt his warmth surrounding me.

I think I’ll join him over the moon.

I was sitting in bed smiling like a dork to myself at all that had happened today. Or at least that evening. With everyone else back and asleep, I turned my bed-side lamp on and reread the card. As I studied it, I saw a light engraving of rubbed out pencil that said “get recipe 4pm”, written on the end of the paper.

Ah Junhyung, I smirked, sipping a glass of now Junhyung-Iced-Tea. Maybe it was even better than Mr Kwon’s.

From such an eventful day, I flicked off the lamp and drowned in a deep sleep.

December 18th
I now knew why I liked the stage. It’s taken me ages, but I've finally got it right. I like the stage because I knew there was going to be the sweetest smile supporting me wherever I go. The cutest crescent eye. Wherever I was, I would occasionally take out my phone and glance at the phone charm still clung strongly onto my phone.

It never forgot to shine so brightly.

ahhaha so how was it?!
too time-taking to read?! once again apologies to such a freaking late post!! yeah and length was a little over 4000 which explains the dragginess! 

but i hope it's alright :)
^o^ happy late valentine's day!

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NappeunYeoja #1
Wowowowwo xD
hahahahah <br />
THIS IS SO CUTE OMG WHO KNEW YOU WERE SUCH A CUTE CORNY LIL GIRL!? (i sound so pedo there... but anyways)<br />
you should write more (y) ;P
bokchoi #3
dinomyte: :D :D :D party timmeee~!<br />
marshielisa12: your face is like *o* LOL<br />
purplehappystephie: GAHHHHHHH :3 np!!!!!!! thankyouu!!! *flattered flattered blush blush* >.< glad you liked it!!!! had fun writing ^o^ hhehe *partiesinhead* <br />
B1andB2 #4
marshielisa12 #5
dinomyte #6
ITS<br />
SO <br />
CUTE<br />
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />