Cold Cheeks

It's Not Your Fault

Sehun moved with sync to the beat of a random song playing in the practice room. His breaths were uneven as his heart beat raced and adrenaline ran through his body. Tears streamed down his face as the choreographer’s voice echoed in his head. From a far Luhan was worriedly glancing at him, with fear written on his face. Soon a bright smile appeared on Luhans face and he ran as quick as he could out of the building. He hummed and jogged out of the building making a quick stop across the street. The street was fairly empty so he didn’t make anything of it. As his mind was set on his boyfriend he didn’t expect anything else. Except a car.

As Luhan was distracted by his lover smiling in his head, he barely even noticed the car that racing down the street. From the corner of his eyes he saw the car; strangely he was pushed out of the way and onto the sidewalk. A soft gasp came out of Luhans mouth as he came to see the scene in front of him. Sehun was left in the middle of the empty street, he wasn’t happy nor sad. He was in pain, his heart barely gave as he turned his way to Luhan. When Luhan saw him he stood up as fast as he could to get to Sehun. Luhan couldn’t help but sob as he saw Sehun like that. He quickly put Sehun in his lap telling him everything would be okay.

 It took all of Sehuns strength to smile, but he did. “Hyung, don’t worry about me. Just please smile for me always, okay? It’s not your fault” He croaked. “No don’t say that, you’ll be okay” He said but there was a thin line between disbelief and the truth. “I love you” Sehun finally said with that same smile. Second by second Sehuns eyes started to droop and droop until his eyes were shut. “I love you too” Luhan sobbed loudly into Sehuns lifeless body. He planted one last kiss on Sehuns cold cheek.

Maybe it was or wasn’t his fault. Maybe he shouldn’t have been so worried, maybe he should’ve been. Maybe it was destined, maybe it wasn’t. Without any precaution and without a trace of apprehension he lost his everything.

 Even though there would only be traces left of Oh Sehun, Sehun wouldn’t exist anymore. But to Luahn he would, he would exist deep in his mind, in his dreams and especially in his heart.


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Chapter 1: This made my heart ache...T-T