



So this one is a little more heavier than other scenarios that I have written before. This was requested by someone Anonymous who's going through a bit of a rough patch in their life. I'm really sorry it took so long to get to, but I really hope this cheers you up and you are able to get back on your feet. Fighting! ~Admin Kelc

Chunji looked over at you, concern in his eyes as he watched you scarf down your dinner. He always knew you had a good appetite, but recently, it seemed to triple in size. He didn't think anything of it at first, he honestly thought you were just hungry. But now, he wasn't so sure.

"Hey, slow down," Chunji forced a laugh as he reached across the table to lower your hand that held a spoon full of rice.

"Sorry," you said with an embarrassed laugh but continued to bring the spoon to your mouth.

The two of you continued to eat in silence.

"Um Chunji?" you asked suddenly.


"Are you going to finish that?" you pointed to his plate with your chopsticks.

Chunji looked down at his plate to see that he only at a quarter of his food.

"Um, no. You can have it," he mumbled as he pushed the plate slightly towards you.

You smiled and your lips before digging in once again.

'Something's wrong,' Chunji thought as he watched you rapidly consume all the food that was once on his plate.

"Let's go," Chunji said and abruptly stood up.

"But I'm not done yet," you said through a mouth full of food.

"Come on, let's go," he muttered as he grabbed your wrist and pulled you up from you chair and towards the register.


You punched in the four digit code and opened the door to your apartment, going in with Chunji following closely behind you.

The walk home was silent. Not the comfortable silent like you were used to, but one that was tense and awkward.

"Do you want something to drink?" you asked as you threw your jacket and purse onto the couch.

"No, I'm fine," Chunji said quietly as he moved to sit on the couch.

"Well, okay then," you said and walked into the kitchen.

You pulled your phone out of your pocket when you felt it vibrate and leaned against the counter. You opened the text message that you received that felt your heart drop.

Stay away from Chunji! You don't deserve him!

You slammed your phone down on the counter and quickly opened your refrigerator.

Chunji looked towards the kitchen when he heard the sounds of drawers being opened and closed. He quietly stood up from the couch and walked over towards the kitchen. His eyes widened when he saw you hastily opening and closing random drawers and cabinets and half a cheesecake sitting on the counter.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Looking for a fork," you responded.

"Why? We just ate," he said, stepping into the kitchen.

"Well, I'm hungry, Chunji," you spat at him.  

You sighed in relief when you found a clean fork in one of you drawers. But when you turned around, you unexpectedly bumped into another body. You looked up to see Chunji staring back down at you. You tried to walk around him but he would just mirror your movement, blocking you from the dessert that was behind him.

"Chunji, move," you demanded.

"No," he said stubbornly and crossed his arms over his chest, "Not until you tell me why you're acting like this."

"Acting like what?" you asked harshly, narrowing your eyes.

"You're, you're just," Chunji sighed, "You're just eating so much."

"And what's wrong with that?" you challenged, "You know I like food."

"Yes, I do. But I've never seen you eat so much food in such a short amount of time," Chunji explained, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong," you insisted and tightened your grip on the fork in your hand.

"You're lying," Chunji sighed, "______, tell me the truth. Do you have a ... problem?"

"I'm sorry, okay?!" you exploded, "I'm sorry I'm not as pretty and stick-thin as those idol girls you're always around!" you looked away from your boyfriend as you felt tears spring to your eyes, "I'm sorry that you're still with me even though I don't deserve you."

"Hey," Chunji said in a soft voice as he held his arms open, "Come here."

You closed your eyes and ran into Chunji's arms.

"Shh, it's okay," Chunji whispered as you cried into his chest and he soothingly rubbed your back, gently rocking the two of you side to side.

He didn't say anything after that. He just held you until your tears stopped flowing and your breathing slowly turned back to normal. Chunji pulled you slightly away from him and tucked a few strands of your hair behind your ear.

"______, what -?" Chunji's words were cut off when he heard your phone vibrate against the countertop.

He quickly reached over and unlocked your phone as you wiped away your tears with the back of your hand.

"Is this why you've been acting like this?" he asked as he held your phone up, another hateful message in the screen, "How long has this been going on?"

"A few months," you whispered between hiccups and bowed your head as tears started to fill your eyes again.

"Hey, look at me," Chunji said after setting the phone back down on the counter and resting one hand on your shoulder, the other under your chin and lifting your head up towards his.

"Don't listen to those … haters," he said. He didn't even want to call whoever was sending you those messages a person, let alone a fan.

"Haters?" you asked with a shaky laugh.

"Yes, they are haters," Chunji smiled, "They're just jealous that they're not as perfect and beautiful as you."

"I'm not perfect or beautiful," you mumbled.

"Well, you are to me," Chunji insisted, "You always have been."

You gave Chunji a watery smile and swallowed the lump that formed in your throat as Chunji took the fork out of your hand and set it on the counter behind him.

"Okay, good," Chunji beamed and grabbed the plate with the dessert on it, "Let's put away this cheesecake," he said as he placed it back into the refrigerator.

"We'll get through this, together. Okay?" Chunji smiled as he took you back into his arms.

"Okay," you whispered.

"That's my girl," Chunji whispered back and pressed a kiss to your forehead.

"Chunji," you called.


"Thanks," you said with a soft smile.

Chunji looked into your eyes and grinned, "No problem."

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Chapter 1: WAAAHHHHHH WHY CAN'T THAT HAPPEN TO MEH. A guy still love me even if I'm fat
-xttran #2
Chapter 1: Aish -.- why cant be all have someone like this lovely guy? :3
Anyways, your oneshot was lovely :]
Chapter 1: Cute. I wish I had a sweet boyfie like that...T,T
Nice fic!^^
Chapter 1: Awh, this was so beautifully written :')
thanks author nim!~
Chapter 1: OMONA!Hater/basher/anti's so many to mention!Having a celebrity life is tough but that won't stop me dreaming to be one!
Chapter 1: awww~~ can i just say that you made my bias list waver because of him? oh my goodness~ is he is moving xDD
this was so super sweet~ thank you^^
Chapter 1: Oh wait. I've already fallen head over heels for him. ♥
great story author-nim! ♥
Chapter 1: Omg. I will fall head over heels for himm! ♥
Chapter 1: I put away... Myself?
NanaUrBaby #10
Chapter 1: Aww~ I love cheese cake, But I love Chunji More :P