That Wooden Door

That Wooden Door

    She saw him kissing another girl, on his on will. He cheated on her, he lied

    After the girl went inside her, Dongwoo turned around and saw Hyemi. He was caught cheating on her. He knew cheating was wrong, but he could not help himself. He still loves Hyemi, no doubt. But he was just getting a little bored

    Every time Dongwoo stepped forward, Hyemi stepped backward. Dongwoo was the last person Hyemi thought would lie to her. Hyemi grew up with step parents that abused her since she was ten. She had never trust anyone until she met Dongwoo. But things change/

      "You cheater", Hyemi whispered, but loud enough for Dongwoo to catch what she said.

      With that, Hyemi turned around and sprinted off. Soon, Dongwoo chased after her and wrapped his arms around Hyemi. No, Hyemi was not going to cry. She knew that this day was going to happen. Everyone lies, everyone is a betrayer, including her. But it did hurt her badly when she saw Dongwoo kissing the other girl.

    "Let go of me," Hyemi said with a voice that was so calm that it hurt Dongwoo even more.

     "I love you. I'm really sorry. I won't do it again," Dongwoo whispered, he was going to cry soon.

     "If you love me, you will let me go," Hyemi's comeback was so strong that Dongwoo had no replies for her.

     Dongwoo unwrapped his arms slowly. Both of them stood there silently. Nothing could be heard except for Dongwoo's uneven breathing.

    "Goodbye" it was so soft that Dongwoo could barely hear her.

    Hyemi walked towards her house that was only 3 metres away,. Dongwoo watch as Hyemi unlocked her door. They made eye contcat for 5 seconds before Dongwoo looked away as his tears landed onto the ground.

   Hyemi closed the door and leaned against it while crying softly. Dongwoo ran towards her house and started banging on the door.

   "Hyemi! I'm sorry!! Forgive me, please...."

    Soon, the banging died down. Dongwoo slide down and leaned against the door, crying out loud. The only thing seperated the two lovers was a wooden door. Both of the were crying, but Hyemi knew that it was the best for both of them.


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hithere-- #1
Chapter 1: Aw~ Stupid Dongwoo! How dare you cheat on her! *points index finger at him and starts to poke his chest*
Seqeul, pls? *buing buing~*