



The ending is a little too rushed for my liking but I couldn't figure out another way to end this one. I know barely anything about photography, but I do know a lot about video production (I am applying to film school right now) so I'm sorry if my terminology sounds really lame. Hope you all enjoy! ~Admin Kelc

Myungsoo peeked into the living room and found you curled up on the couch, hugging a pillow and you watched another episode of a drama that you were following.

You paid no attention to him as he quietly shuffled his way over to the couch and sat down next you.

"______-ah," Myungsoo called as he lightly tapped you on the shoulder.

"Hm?" you responded, not taking your eyes off the TV.

Myungsoo looked down at the camera that was in his hands. He really wanted to show a picture that he had taken that morning. He would have shown it to s, but he knew that they wouldn't appreciate it as much as you would, being a photography major yourself.

"______-ah," he whined as he continued to tap on your shoulder.

"What? What?" you asked, swatting away his hand while keeping your eyes glued to the television.

"Look at this picture," he said as he lifted the camera in front of your face.

"Not now, Oppa," you said, gently pushing the camera back to him, "I'm trying to watch this drama."

"Can't just look at it for one second?" he mumbled.

"I will I promise," you said as you hooked your arm through his without looking at him, "Right after this is done. It's almost finished anyways."

"It's not almost finished," he muttered as he unhooked his arm from yours and scooted over to the other end of the couch, looking down at this camera with a pout.

You glanced over at your sulking boyfriend and let out a sigh as you rolled your eyes and shook your head. If your boyfriend was to ever have a fault, it would be that he is totally impatient. Whenever he wanted your attention, he needed it at that second.

Of course you felt a little bad for picking a drama over him, but you knew that the leads were about to finally get together. You've been waiting for this moment for six weeks and you were not going to miss it.

You turned back to the television and focused back on what was happening on the screen. You leaned forward in your seat and bit your lip in anticipation as the male lead chased after the female.

'This is it! This is -'

You thoughts were cut off when you head the soft sound of a beep and shutter. You turned your head to the side and came face to face with a camera lens. You jerked back when you heard the same beep and shutter.

"What are you doing?" you asked Myungsoo, knitting your eyebrows together.

"Taking pictures of you," he responded in a monotonous voice and pressed the shutter release again.

"I can see that. But why are you taking pictures of me?" you asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Because you hate it when I take pictures of you," he smirked and continued to snap more candids of you.

 "Yah! Kim Myungsoo!" you yelled, throwing the pillow you were hugging to the side.

Your boyfriend just laughed as he looked through the pictures that he just took of you.

"These are definitely keepers," he chuckled.

"Hey! Delete those!" you yelled as you tried to take the camera out of his hands.

"No! I like these," he said with a mocking smiled on his face and teased you by holding the camera just out of your reach.

You let out a small huff as you tried to reach the camera. It eventually came to the point where Myungsoo was laying on the couch, flat on his back with you on top of him, still struggling to get a hold of his camera. If someone were to walk in at that moment, it would appear that the two of you were in a very compromising position. But you didn’t even think about that and kept your sights on that camera that was dangling from your boyfriend's hand.

Myungsoo gently set the camera down on the floor on the other side of the armrest and wrapped his arms around your waist, immobilizing you from moving even a centimeter.

"That's not fair," you mumbled, internally cursing your boyfriend's upper body strength.

Myungsoo smiled and leaned his head up towards yours, placing a quick peck on the tip of your nose.

You scrunched up your nose as you rested your chin on your hands that were placed on Myungsoo's chest.

"Hey," Myungsoo chuckled as he patted your lower back, "Those pictures weren't that bad. You actually looked pretty in them."

"Geez, thanks," you muttered, rolling your eyes.

"I mean it!" he said before kissing away the pout that was on your lips.

"Yeah, whatever," you muttered as you hooked you arms under his shoulders and laid your head on his chest, trying to hide the embarrassed smile that suddenly appeared on your face.

You suddenly lifted your head off his chest when you heard a familiar song coming from the speakers of the television.

"No!" you yelled when you saw a freeze frame of the two leads kissing and the credits rolling on the screen.

Myungsoo threw his head back as he laughed at your misfortune.

"I hate you," you said as you slapped his chest and sat up, crossing your arms like a little kid.

Myungsoo tried to stifle his laughter as he sat up and picked his camera up off the ground.

"No you don't," he smiled.

"Well, I strongly dislike you at the moment."

"Well what can I do to make you not dislike me?" he asked in a sing song voice.

"Give me that camera," you said as you snatched the camera out of his hands and turned it on.

"You better not delete those pictures," he warned.

"I won't!" you threw back at him as you scrolled through the pictures that were on his memory card.

"It's a nice picture," you muttered and shoved the camera back at him, "It has nice depth of field."

Myungsoo beamed when he looked down at his camera and saw the picture that he was going to show you on the LCD screen.

"How did you know I wanted to show this picture?" he asked.

"I don't know," you mumbled, looking down at your lap, "I just know you that well."

Myungsoo eyes softened when he heard your comment, "Do you want to go to the park and take pictures with me?" he asked, "I just bought a new lens and I'll let you use it first to make up for making you miss your drama."

"Is it the 24mm lens?" you asked in a small voice.

Myungsoo smiled and nodded.

"Okay," you said with a small smile.

You both laughed as Myungsoo pulled you up from the couch by the hand and grabbed his backpack before the two of you left the apartment. 

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Chapter 1: so much cute!!! your oneshots are so freaking adorable XD
Chapter 1: This was really cute! I was expecting more of a story but this was good enough..:)
nicely-written! great job author-nim :)
Chapter 1: hahah..its too adorable!1
anyway you didn't screw up anything about the camera stuff..
flabbycow #5
Chapter 1: Oh my Myungsoo feels are coming.
Chapter 1: Author-nim, you gotta be my fav author. Thanks for all these awesome stories!♥
Harin_Park #7
Chapter 1: Write more pleaaaaaaseeee!!!!!!!! I like this story! Love it :D
Chapter 1: D'aww too adorable xD
Chapter 1: Aww! Its so adorable + technological! Awesome! Sequel pls! =D