Which Costume Should I Choose?

6 Ahjussis.

The next round started.







(14 years ago. Their hairstyles <3)


Music stopped and hyper Dongwan went to snatch the cushion immediately.

Rolling on the floor like a retard.

"He doesn't sit on it properly!"

Dongwan: "I am sitting on it!"

Dongwan: Aish. What does Eric hyung and all these dongsaengs want? I'm sure the cushion would get snatched away by them again and I'll have to wear the terrible costumes. Arghs.

He was dragged on the ground like some kind of animal or probably not even a living thing. Not exaggerating.


Dongwan was just dragged on the ground by Minwoo. His whole body was dragged and he kept on rolling and rolling, about 5 rolls by Minwoo. (He's the one in white shirt and Minwoo is in black)

In the end, Minwoo collapsed to the ground after dragging Dongwan on the ground for too long. Dongwan just curled up and couldn't do anything to stop the others from snatching the cushion from him.

Junjin: Keke. Dongwan hyung is suffering so much from rolling and being dragged on the ground.


Just as you thought his suffering was over, well its not.

As his face and body was facing the front, the top. The rest of the members took the chance to sat on the pillow, not caring about the pain Dongwan will feel, lying right at the botton. Its just like a wrestling match.

As you can see from the picture, his face is at the bottom and the members are just SITTING ON TOP OF THE CUSHION, which is on his body. 

Hyesung (in light blue) decided to give up and leave the place.

Hyesung: Aish, let Eric and Minwoo hyung fight with Dongwan for all they want. Can't be bothered anymore. Who cares about what I will wear in the end. Afterall, they're clothes. But still, Tarzan and Transaparent Man? AISH. Seriously.. I don't give a damn anymore.


Minwoo: "They need to call my name! They need to acknowledge me for winning!"

After the members gave up on trying to "sit on Dongwan", Dongwan got up and he still persisted on sitting on the cushion.

Dongwan: I MUST WIN THIS! I don't wanna wear the lousy and ugly costumes. NO MATTER WHAT I MUST WIN. My image is already bad enough, I don't wanna ruin it even more. And this is just the first recording. If I can't win this, how am I gonna survive for the rest of the episodes? NEVER GIVE UP KIM DONGWAN!

Well, too bad.


Dongwan survived for barely 2 seconds. Then Hyesung, Minwoo and Eric pulled the cushion away from him, causing him to fall on the ground once again.

Dongwan: "AHHH!"

Dongwan: These hyungs and dongsaengs are seriously so mean to me. Hmph.



After Dongwan's "never ever giving up" attitude, the PD said that he succeeded.

Dongwan: Well, my hard work paid off afterall. GREAT.

*sigh of relief, smiling, panting, sweating, tired*

Andy: "My stomach is hurting from laughing so much!"

Andy: Aigooooo yah, why are hyungs so funny. Thats why I love my Shinhwa hyungs so much <3 They're always so cute and funneh, never ever failing to make me smile or laugh.

Dongwan: "Are there pants for the Superman costume?"

Dongwan: WHAT IF, just what if there isn't. I DON'T WANNA BE BOTTOM THERE. EHEMS.

Dongwan decided to choose the superman costume.

Minwoo: "Why do you need to work so hard if you are gonna pick this costume afterall?"

Minwoo: He doesn't even need to fight so hard with us if wants to choose the Superman costume. It'll be left over anyways. AISH, CHINCHA!!


-sweating and panting-

Next round begins. However, the music started and ended immediately.

Eric, Junjin, Hyesung and Minwoo fought REALLY HARD for the cushion.

Minwoo: "AGHHHHH! IT HURTS IT HURTS! I'll leave I'll leave!"



Minwoo, not giving up (determined M STYLE), whereas SHY SHY Hyesung gave up once again.

Minwoo: MY ONE AND ONLY CHANCE TO WIN THIS. If I lose this round again, then I'm gonna die.

However, Eric was the successful one.

Minwoo: "We shouldn't do all this on a show. WHAT THE HELL ARE WE ACTUALLY DOING?!"

Minwoo: People just thinks that Shinhwa are just a bunch of 6 guys who HAS NO LIFE and is actually SNATCHING FOR A CUSHION. Oh wow, how great.


Junjin: "Pick the tarzan! The Tarzan costume suit you the most."


Eric hesitating or not to choose the six million dollar man costume, which looks something like this:



(Well, at least you don't need to show your skin like Tarzan or transparent man one.)

Minwoo: "If you pick that, there is no use in fighting for the remaining three costumes! YAHHHH!"

Minwoo: Eric Hyung CHINCHAAAAAAA. Whats the point of fighting so hard and hes gonna choose such a stupid costume. Might as well give up his chance to me. AISH.

Minwoo: "I hope the costume doesn't fall and it stays there. Then you will get into trouble!"


Andy: "If the other costumes fall accidentally, you with need to wear them instead!"

Everyone hopes that bad luck will happen on Eric and he has to wear the other ridiculous costumes. But Eric managed to get the right costume down.

Next round begins, with only Hyesung, Junjin and Minwoo left. 



After few seconds, mischievous Eric decided to play a prank on them. Well, smart Junjin saw through it and didn't got trolled by Eric.







(Credits to tumblr and the owner and creator of this gif ^^)

Next round began and



(Their epic hairstyles; kill me now)

Music stopped and obviously, Junjin and Minwoo, being the more COMPETITIVE (well, maybe not so) ones, snatched for it immediately. Hyesung, on the other hand, hit his tailbone against the floor so he gave up.. AGAINNN.


Well, but what's the point of winning. When the costumes are just left with Wonder Woman, Transparent Man, Tarzan.

Minwoo: "The back of the Wonder Woman costume will be covered right?"

Minwoo: Sighs. Whats the use of winning, AT THIS POINT OF TIME? Well, I guess the only choice is for me to be WonderMinwoo. At least being a wonderwoman is better than tarzan or transparent man, isn't it?

Dongwan: "Minwoo, your image has always been a tarzan, lets change it to a Wonder Woman!"

Dongwan: Keke, wonderminwoo is a brilliant image for hyung.

Dongwan: "You pick the wonder woman costume, Hyesung picks the Tarzan one and Jinnie the Transparent Man."


*Junjin just smiled and glared at him*

Minwoo: "Does that mean that I have to wear the feminine boots too?"

PD: Yesh.


-shocked Minwoo-

Hyesung: "You can insert your insoles in those boots."

(Hyesung trying to be sarcastic to Minwoo because Minwoo is the shortest member of Shinhwa.)

Everyone applaused for Minwoo when he took down the Wonder Woman costume.

Minwoo: Alright, I shall be brave just this once..


Minwoo pushed the costume aside out of anger and annoyance, cause he didnt know that its backless as all he saw was the front view of the costume.

Hyesung, telling Jun Jin: "Please pick the transparent man costume."

Jinnie just raised his eyebrows, as if he was saying yes.

Two TERRIBLE costumes left on top; Tarzan and Transparent Man.

Finally, last round began, with only Hyesung and Junjin left.



Music stopped and Jinnie & Hyesung fought for the cushion.

And it became obscene as....





Till the very end, Hyesung gave up. AGAINNNNN. (Aish, what should we do with him?)

Hyesung: "Do you think that makes us look dirty?"

Hyesung: Aish, Jinnie always does gags like this. I'm already so embarrassed and he still wants to do silly things like this to make things even worse. This dongsaeng.. What should we do with Jinnie?

Minwoo: "Jin ah, do I really have to wear this Wonder Woman costume?"

Minwoo: SIGHS, I regretted choosing this so much. (regretted choosing the wonder woman costume because its actually backless)

Junjin: "You have selected it yourself, I can't do anything to help you!"


Minwoo: "JIN AH JIN AH. Give that Transparent Man costume to me!"

Minwoo: I'll do anything right now to prevent myself from wearing the Wonder Woman costume.

Hyesung: "Choong Jae (Junjin's real name), be the TRANSPARENT MAN."

Junjin turned his head in surprise and said : "How can you order me?!"

Junjin: Its my own rights to choose what I wanna wear. Hmph.

Hyesung: "We have agreed on this earlier!"

Hyesung: Jinnie can't break his promise just like this..

Junjin saying jokingly: "There are people here, you should at least kneel down in front of me. Why would I pick this as you have ordered me to?"

Junjin: If hyung really kneels down, I might consider giving him the Tarzan costume. Kekeke.

Junjin picked the Tarzan costume and he gave it to Hyesung.

Junjin: "Hyung, wear the tarzan costume then."

-throws down the costume-

Junjin: "I didn't do it on purpose!"

Junjin scrutinising through the Transparent Man costume and realising that actually, THE WHOLE THING IS TRANSPARENT.

Junjin: "How about my underwear?! EVERYTHING WILL BE SEEN UP TO THE LOWER PARTS!"

Junjin: "Can this get aired? I don't think so."

Junjin: AIGO YAH. WHAT KIND OF COSTUME IS THIS. My ehem ehem parts will be seen. WHAT TO DO?! But afterall, my upper part is well built and trained. ;D

Junjin: "What should I do? I'M GOING CRAZY!"


And this was THE END OF CHAPTER 3. Have you guys enjoyed it? :) I'm really happy seeing more and more subscibers (though there's only 4 currently), its good enough. I'm really grateful. -bows bows- NOW LAST BUT NOT LEAST, THE AWESOME GIFS AND PICTURES TIMEEEEEE.






Eric & Minbong

All those adorkable Eric and Minwoo moments <3 Ricmin :3

Ermmmm, Hyesung are you trying to Eric? XD Hahas. Water and Oil <3


Dongwan mimicking how Eric looked like when he just woke up; lips quivering.


Eric shouting into Dongwan's ears, giving him a fright :)


Bored Eric.


"Burong Burong." Childish Dongwan playing with vehicle.


Dongwan pretending to get hit by Eric. Aigo yahh, how cute x3


Eric opening his mouth full of food, bad smell comes out, scaring Wannie. keke


Different people, different reactions. Andy is just like "Aish, childish hyung strikes again!"




And last but not least, this <3

shinhwaconfession:No. 20 Shinhwa Confession:People criticize us because we defend ”our” color, but for us it is not just a color:”The thing we want is to protect Shinhwa’s internship and orange color, not the number of fans we have.” By Kim DongwanThis is our symbol, which proves that we are still there even after 14 years, the symbol that shows part of our love for them.

The BEAUTIFUL & AMAZING orange fanbase that lasted for 14 years <3

Saranghae and look forward to chapter 4! :)

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nyinyid #1
Chapter 4: shinbang... miss it so much
have to be aired again on april... HAVE TO!!!
update author-nim :)
Chapter 4: he hee... <3 m here again...

update soon... <3
Chapter 4: cant stop laughing reading your story... brings back the memories...

aww Hyesung and Andy is... too attracted to each other... <3

and when Junjin walks out wearing the transparent suit with red taped over him niples... i couldnt stop laughing... <3

i hope you will update sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon... <3
Chapter 4: lol i read the comment i posted before and what was that????

have many typos... sorry about that...
i gotta tell you thins... i really loved your stoey... i watched ShinBang upto 22 episodes and loved every minute of it... <3

you should keep writing, i love your story... <3

update soon... m waiting... <3
Chapter 1: I love shinbang too ;A; hope it wont be ended at ep 30 ;A;
new reader here... <3 subscribed... <3