Wish Upon A Star

Bring Me Back...I Need Someone.

Youngbae walked to go see YG and tell him the truth about the scandal.He was shaking at the thought of being called a "homo.." or "gay.." he supported it, but he just didn't know what to think if people  thought he was. he's an idol,he's someone kids look up to.he can't.he won't.

Youngbae reached YG's office door and turned the knob and saw the CEO at his desk working.YG looked up to see Youngbae. "Just the person I wanted to see.come in." Youngbae closed the door and walked towards YG and showed his vulnerability by shaking." are you afraid of something?" YG looked at the other contently and was looking for a response."No YG.."

"So why did you come to visit me?" Yg placed his papers in a stack. " The rumors.." YG looked up. "They aren't true right?" YG raised his brow at the others fidgeting." If they are true tell me DONG YOUNGBAE!" "They are true!" Youngbae covered his mouth and was scolding himself inside."So they are true.AIshh..I expected more out of you.." YG  showed a sad expression.

" they aren't true President.I accidently said that.sorry" YG looked at the other in an understanding way." so why are you nervous?"

AM I that obvious?..."because of things on my mind.It's okay though." "Oh...well.  We'll have a press conference stating the matter was untrue.and you have to bring that girl with you and apoligize to her on broadcast." 

"Yes YG, However,Can i apoligize through a song?" YG looked up."Umm..Yeah whatever makes you comfortable.Go know" Youngbae smiled and lifted himself up from the seat & Bowed."thank you." Youngbae left and started to walk towards the hallway." I'm sorry." he heard Daesung's voice come from a closet and walked towards it.

"let's go Seungri." Daesung grabbed Seungri's arm gently and pulled him down the corridor."~where are we going?~" Seungri was whining at the movement."Somewhere that's private"

"Aishh Hyung if you need to go somewhere private you might as well go in a closet." Seungri was being sarcastic but he saw Daesung smirk at his comment."we are not goi--" "oh yes we are" Daesung saw a closet and opened it and went in with the Maknae."Hyung! why are we in here.?!" Seungri stopped talking when he heard sniffling."h-hyung are you crying?" Seungri was surounded by a cast of pitch darkness around him and started to panic." h-hyung we need to g-get out.." Seungri sat on the floor because Deasung was just crying & was not hearing a word Seungri said.

"I-Im sorry Maknae..For saying all those things the other day.I was jealous of you.You are an amazing singer and your  talent is amazing. I was just having a bad day." Seungri looked up with tears in his eyes. Not from Daesung's apology but because of the dark."I-it's okay." Seungri's eyes were scarlet red and puffy. He was terrified of the midnight black color. "I'm sorry." Seungri put his head down and repeated it's okay so Daesung can feel reassured.Footsteps?

Seungri did not want to see anyone so he grabbed a laundry basket and stepped in it and suficated his body in blankets.

Youngbae opened the door and saw Daesung standing there crying to himself." Daesung?" Daesung looked up  and around and saw that the maknae left."Where did he go?" Youngbae thought Daesung was going crazy because he was the only one in the room."Who are you talking about Daesung"

"Maknae..the maknae was here." Youngbae looked at him as if he was crazy and Daesung went in Denial."It's true! he's back!" Youngbae knew that if the maknae was back that everybody would have been informed about it."Come one let's go get fresh air."  Daesung put his head down because he felt insane when he was the actual  sane one here. Daesung left with Youngbae out the door and  they shut the door close. Seungri heard the door click and got up from the pantry. and headed towards the door.He opened it slightly and saw if the hallway was clear  and walked out to his bedroom.

I hate this love song I hate this love song. Seungri woke up to his alarm clock and heard Youngbae's voice admitting from his radio.8:00 p.m! That's late. "knock Knock little maknae." he heard a voiceoat his bed side. He looked up  to see Seunghyun sitting there smiling."Hyung.."

Seungri sat up and smiled because right now Seunghyun was his proctector  & so was Jiyong hyung. "rise & shine ,you have to get ready" Seunghyung got up and smiled at the other's panda eyes."For what?" Seungri got up and was still dressed in the clothes he was in earlier."press conference." Seunghyun stood by the door know because he didnt want to explain what the confrence was for."why is there a press conference?" Seungri looked at the other but Seunghyun opened the door and left without saying a word.What the hell is wrong with that hyung?why cant he just tell me the reason for the conference?


Seungri was dressed in a black button down long sleeve.And over him was a white vest that showed his fit body.he was hearing checkered black,red and white skinny's that popped out & he did stand out. his hair was coiffed up and gelled.He had black chucks on & he was wearing some of his wrist bands from highschool that his brother gave him.

"Are you done?" Jiyong's voice was echoing behind the door."Yeah hyung." Jiyong came in  and was gaping at Seungri.Seungri looked up from fixing his sleeve and saw his hyung looking at him shocked"Is it that bad?" "n-no" Jiyong walked towards him "you look cute Maknae like a panda."

When Seungri heard that comment he was a about to take off all his clothes. "Dont listen to him." Seunghyun walked in the room and interrupted seungri's actions "You look adorable maknae." Seunghyun smiled because he saw Jiyong  getting jealous of the maknae & Seungri was blushing. "Jiyongie.You are not adorable You're beautiful." Jiyong smiled at the comment and pecked his boyfrineds lips. " O-Okay?Okay so what is this conference for?"

"It's a surprise maknae." Jiyong and Seunghyun started to walk out the door "come on Maknae we are late." Jiyong called out to the boy that was now mad at his hyungs.Seungri closed his door and trailed behind them.Aishh these hyungs.Seungri smiled to himself because he was happy how close the two of them are.

Youngbae was inside and all of the tables were set up for the confrence and the reporters were anxious of the conference news.Jiyong walked in the door and smiled at all of the reportes and all of the woman practically fell down from his beautiful smile

. "Hyung i'm going to go to get something from the car.You guys can start without me." Seungri was lost about the conference and needed fresh air from his new owned anxiety. "okay maknae but come in quietly okay" Seunghyun ruffled the maknae's hair and went inside to be greeted by screaming girl reporters. "where's the maknae?" Jiyong whispered to his boyfriend.

" he needed air.he said start without him.and YG doesnt even know that he's released so he can come in late." Jiyong smiled at the other's cat like smile. "okay let's go."

Everybody sat down in there seats" the seating arrangement:Daesung,Kim Joo,Taeyang,YG,Jiyong,Seunghyun,.

"We are here today to discuss the matter of Mr.Dong Youngbae and Kim Joo's relationship." YG started off. but looked at the reporters sincerly ."However,There is no relationship." As soon as he said that camera's started to go wild and the reporters started to go crazy."Kim Joo Is Youngbae's childhood friend and they were discussing on how she should ask a guy out.So I am Very sorry To Notify to you guys this news." YG Bowed and left leaving the rest of the group there to handle the matter.

"DONG YOUNGBAE! Is this true?"the reporter shouted out to the singer.Youngbae leaned in closer to the mic."yes it is and I'm here to apoligize to my Dear friend Kim Joo with her favorite song from us.sorry Joo"

Kim Joo Looked at Youngbae in suprisement and gleamed in joy."Let's start." Youngbae whispered in all of the members ears and told them the song.They all smiled and nodded.

"I wish please..that i don't have to live alone forever on this earth loathing myself.I just need someone that I can Love & that will love me back too."

Seungri was crying at his wish.He's never believed in wishing upon a star but it's the only chance he has know.

DAMN! all the tears came down but he had to wipe them off.What is this stupid conference for!?!

Seungri was mad at himself for acting like a BABO! .He started to fix himself and walked towards the opening of the hall. He heard a guy's voice and walked in the door and saw the hyung that hated him right now,

Music started to erupt the room and all of the reporters looked up front.

Seungri didnt want to be vulnerable anymore.


Youngbae looked at the his friend and smiled and started to sing to Joo "Ohhh… Lalala… Ohhh… Ohhh"

"I still remember very clearly just what it used to be like" Youngbae know turned towards the reporters and all of the woman were swooning.
"I just can’t seem to erase these images in my head
Can’t you tell me just what do I need to do

To let you find a way to my heart (my heart)?"[Youngbae]

Youngbae was going to sing Seungri's part but someone interrupted him.

"When I wake up each morning, I still see traces of you" Seungri  walked up on stage.Which suprised Youngbae.
"Every day, I still pray that I will see you once again"[Seungri]

Thump..Thump Youngbae felt his heartbeat increase at the other's presence 

"Am I in a dream? Should I let go? Should I keep this pain to myself?" [Seungri]

Seungri turned to his right to only to see Youngbae staring at him intently.

 Daesung saw the tension and walked towards seungri and started to try to make him laugh while he sang,

"My mind tells me what to do (what to do), but then my heart says (but then my heart says)
How can I give up just like that and not fight?
For something inside tells me if I…if I keep trying, you’ll come back one day"[Daesung]


Youngbae was just lost of what was happening and walked towards Kim joo and started to sing his next line.

"I just wanna hear your voice 
I miss how it used to call my name
I miss the music it once made
You are still the one in my heart" [Youngbae]

Seungri looked over his shoulder to see Youngbae singing to his...GIRLFRIEND!

"Just let me hear your voice" [Daesung's part]

Just one more time is all that I need[Youngbae]
Because I believe that you still care [Daesung]
If you just take one step, you’ll see there is still hope for us[Youngbae+ Daesung]

Seungri had tears pouring out of his eyes and he was in front of reporters which was bad .Daesung felt warm water on his jacket and saw the maknae crying. He grabbed the maknae's arm and hugged him.

"Thinking back to the first time that I had ever met you" [Seungri]

"My heart was pounding so hard, I thought I was going to faint

I was captured by you from merely one look
I wondered if you also felt the same way (same way)"[Seungri'] 

Seungri pulled away from the hug and was singing into Daesung's eyes now.And somehow Daesung understood the problem and took him To Jiyong and Seunghyun.

"I just don’t know what happened and what has come between us

But I will do my best to get back my one true love
I will not give up even though it will be tough because I still love you so much"[Youngbae]

Youngbae saw That Seungri was crying but he couldn't do anything.. all he could do was sing to the crowd. Even if he was looking at Seungri throughout his whole verse.

The performance was over & strangely the reporters were not suspicous of anything. 

"Hyung I'm Going To Take a taxi home okay." Seungri looked up at Jiyong and he nodded understandingly.

"Bye Hyung." Seungri left right when the performance was over and he called a taxi company.

The taxi pulled up and he got in.

"Where to Sir?" The taxi driver looked at Seungri reguraly & dully

"To the airport."Seungri felt stupid but he needed space from everyone & everything.

Seungri arrived at the airport & disguised himself and bought a ticket.He dint know where to go but he will go somewhere. Youngbae why?Why did you have to let me go...Please come Bring me back. with that Seungri boarded his plane.

"Bye Hyungs..& Bae.." a newly developed tear rolled across down his cheek bone and landed on his hand.he was in to much pain and he wanted to get rid of his heart wrenching life back in Seoul,Korea.

"Where's Seungri?" Youngbae ran up to Jiyong and was anxious and confused of the feeling he was recieving right now."He went hom in a taxi?" Jiyong smiled at the other "What.." Youngbae raised his brow and Jiyong began to laugh at his clulessness." Babo..You've got it bad." Youngbae felt his heart wrenching,and he usually got this feeling when something bad was happening."When did he leave?"  

"About an hour..ago.." Youngbae had wide eyes "Is Daesung at home yet?" Youngbae asked curiously. "Y-yeah." as Jiyong said that Youngbae pulled out his phone and called Daesung."

"Yeobeseyo? Yeah Is Seungri there?..." Youngbae shut his phone and looked at Jiyong with wide eyes." He's not there."

Jiyong's heart fell.He knew this would happen but he didnt know Seungri would do it unexpectedly.

"Jiyong Let's go!!" Youngbae was angry at the maknae's actions.He was going to apologize to Seungri but this happened.And he knew that it was his fault." wait Bae" Youngbae stopped panicking and looked at his now curious friend.

"Do you Love Him?"

"Do You Love Him Not -As a Sibling or  a Friend But more of a Lover?

"Do You?"


Thank You Guys For reading This I Will Update Later this Week!



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curvynicole #1
hoping there is an update soon :(
Chapter 22: Cool they finally together I wish gtop is back together I forgot in had this story until it show up that u updated it can't wait for the next chapter
Chapter 21: Awwww to cute baeri finally together and I want Gtop in the next chapter :(
hobuttlover #4
Chapter 21: I want GTOP!!!
Baravois #5
Chapter 20: I can see future Badeul getting back together again:)
Thanks author-nim for the update...can't wait to read about Sandeul and Jinyoung in Korea!!
Chapter 18: Wow this keeps getting silly and sad BaeRi is a no and Gtop broke up :(
but i hope baeri and gtop couples get together (:
Chapter 18: Jindeul is so cute! but I love Jinchan And BADEUL!.
Chapter 17: whaaa , i like the fact jinyoung was with sandeul i like jindeul , but i love badeul :) , i hate baro for being dumb and for hurting deulie, i hope jinyoung and sandeul will develop feelings towards each other
~ fighting hope you can update soon~
BaDeulcutie #9
Chapter 17: Im mooore curious to why baro act like that to sandeul??
Akuropanda #10
Chapter 17: i'm getting dizzy reading this...bae!!!!!what's wrong with you??!!and you too gong-chan!!!aswell as baro!!!!!