Theme Park Adventure Pt.1

Where All Derpy Scenarios Meet

"Ready for the exhilirating roller coasters?" Your eldest brother spazzed, excited for the big day. 

He had just come home from college for the summer and you couldn't help but feel ecstatic. 

"Of course, as always." You pushed the front door open and barged out of the house.

"So, how many boys have asked you out?" Your brother had ask as you both entered a taxi.

You laugh at the 'rhetorical' question, not sure what your brother sees in you.

"Oppa, you know you're the only male in my heart."

"That's cute, but seriously. Did any propose their undying love for my gorgeous baby sister?"

"None have asked me out." You waved the unimportant question away, particularly thinking about something else.

"Why not?!" He wailed, startling the driver.

"They can't handle this bootay."


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09mion #1
it' funny... :D you should post more of this, even jst for fun.