



Warning: I have never drank alcohol (well, besides church wine) in my life before. So please bare with me. But this is a scenario for definitelynotover featuring Kai. Hope you all enjoy! ~Admin Kelc

You looked around the small restaurant as your friends loudly chatted about their day and drank away their problems. You sighed and picked up your chopsticks, stabbing a piece of meat that was frying on the small stove in the middle of the table with a bored expression on your face.

You glanced around the table at your tipsy friends and shook your head. Drinking was never your thing, so you had no idea why your friends forced you to come with them.

"Come on!" one of your friends said to you as she threw her arm around your shoulder, "Lighten up! This is fun!"

You shrugged her arm off your shoulder and stabbed another piece of meat.

"Oh, Kai! Over here!"

You turned your head with the rest of your friends to see Kai, your ex-boyfriend, walking through the door, heading towards your table.

You quickly looked over to you side and internally groaned when you realized that the only open seat was right next to you. It wasn’t like you hated Kai, but it was still a little awkward between the two of you.

"Why didn't you tell me he was coming?" you whispered to your friend.

"It slipped my mind sorry," she whispered back with an apologetic shrug.

"Sorry I'm late," he smiled, pulling the chair that was next to you out so he could sit down.

You snuck a glance at Kai as he sat down. Catching your eye, Kai gave you a small smile which you returned before turning your head to look down at your plate, the smile instantly slipping off your face.

One of your friends stood up and clapped her hands together, getting everyone's attention, "Okay, now that everyone's here, we can start!"

A chorus of cheers was heard as everyone, except you, raised their glasses into the air.

"Yaaaaaay," you said in a monotone voice and pursed your lips, looking down at your plate.

"Why don't we start off with some shots?" another one of your friends suggested, holding a couple of bottles of Soju in his hands, "And everyone has to take a turn."

You looked up to see all of their eyes on you.

"Fine," you said with a sigh.

Your friend smiled as he started to pour the alcohol into a shot glass while everyone clapped their hands in approval.  But Kai just stared at you in concern.

'She hates alcohol,' he thought as he watched you give a forced smile to your friends, 'And she's a lightweight.'

You bit your lip as you watched your friends pass the bottle around the table, each taking a shot when it was their turn.

You started to feel uneasy when the bottle came to Kai and you knew that you were next. You watched as Kai filled the small glass cup in front of him and brought it up to his lips, swallowing the liquid with ease.

"______, your turn!" one of your friends announced.

You hesitantly took the bottle into your hands when Kai passed it to you. You poured the liquid into your glass and with shaky hands, picked up the glass. You looked around the table to see that all eyes were on you again.

'Come on, ______, just take one shot. It won't kill you," you thought.

You were just about to bring the glass up to your lips when it was suddenly ripped from your hands. You turned your head to the side to see Kai place the now empty shot glass onto to the table and let out a sigh.

Everyone at the table stared at the boy sitting next to you in confusion.

"______ obviously doesn't want to drink, so I'll just take her turn for her," he told them with a wry smile.

The rest of your friends didn't question him any further but you continued to stare at Kai. He turned his head and gave you a small smile, the same smile that would make the butterflies in your stomach flutter.

It continued on that way, every time the bottle would make its way around the table to you, Kai would take the shot that you poured in your glass.


"Ah! So refreshing!" Kai yelled to the sky as the two of you excited the restaurant.

You shook your head and started walking in the direction of Kai's apartment, the drunken boy trailing behind you. You knew that Kai had a pretty high tolerance when it came to alcohol, but with the amount that he drank earlier that night, even an alcoholic would have been totally slammed. And therefore, since you were the only sober one, your friends pinned you with the responsibility of taking Kai home.

"Hey, hey, hey," Kai said as he tapped you repeatedly on the shoulder.


"Shouldn't you be thanking me right now?" he asked with a childish pout.

"And why would I thank you?" you responded, using every ounce of patience you had to control your tone.

"Because if it wasn't for me," Kai said as he pointed to himself, "you would have had to drink all that alcohol! And I know you don't like drink," Kai whispered the last part into your ear.

"And how do you know that I don't like to drink?" you asked, stepping away from him to get away from the scent of alcohol that emitted off of his body.

"I know everything about you!" Kai said with a smile, "I know your favorite color, I know your favorite band, I know your favorite clothing store … "

You couldn't stop your heart from beating faster as you listened to Kai list all the little trivial things that he knew about you. You'd be lying to yourself if you said that you didn’t have feelings for Kai anymore and didn't hope that one day the two of you could be together again. But you pushed away the thought, trying to save yourself from the heartbreak that you already experienced once.

"Oh! I also know what your favorite holiday is!" Kai said proudly.

"Oh really? Then what is it?" you challenged, narrowing your eyes.

"Arbor Day! Because you want to save the Earth!" Kai responded automatically, "So every year, you plant a tree on Arbor Day and it's the only holiday that is actually for the planet so that 's why it’s your favorite."

You let out a sigh. He still knew you so well.

"Whoa!" Kai yelled as he lost his balance and tripped over his own feet.

"Be careful!" you scolded as your grabbed his hand while he regained his balance.

Kai suddenly let out a small giggle.

"What?" you asked, narrowing your eyes.

"You're holding my hand," he smiled, "You haven't held me hand in four months."

You instantly released Kai's hand and gripped onto the strap of your satchel that was slung over your shoulder.

"I haven't made you blush in three months," Kai said softly as he poked your red tinted cheek.

"Kai, stop," you muttered as you pushed his hand away and turned your head away from him.

"You haven't said my name in two," he whispered.

You stopped walking when you felt a hand grab onto your shoulder.

"I love you."

You turned to look at Kai who was staring back at you, a serious expression on his face.

"You drunk, Kai. You don't know what you're talking about," you sighed and removed his hand from your shoulder as you continued to walk down the sidewalk.

You were stopped once again when Kai grabbed your wrist, "I do know what I'm talking about. I do still love you."

"Then why did you end it?" you asked, whirling around to face the boy you once called your boyfriend.

Kai dropped his hand to side and looked down at the ground, "I thought didn't deserve you."

"What are you talking about?" you asked.

Kai let out a sigh and lifted his head, looking at anything but you, "I knew that you could do better. I don’t know why you picked me, but I knew that there was another guy out there that deserved you."

Your eyes softened and you walked up to Kai, placing a hand on each side of his face, forcing him to look at you, "Kai, there was never a moment when we were together that I thought there was another guy out there that was better for me than you."

"Really?" he asked.

You nodded your head and gave him a small smile, "And I still feel that way now."

"So if I were to ask you to take me back right now, you would?" he asked as he bit his bottom lip.

"Mmmm, I'd have to think about it," you said looking to the side with a thoughtful expression, "But probably," you smiled, looking back at Kai.

"I'll just take that as a yes," Kai smiled as he wrapped your arms around your waist, pulling you close to him and resting his chin on the top of your head.

You smiled and wrapped your arms around his waist as well.

"Come on, let's get you home," you said, pulling back to look up at Kai and motioning in the direction of his apartment with your head, "You should get some rest because you are going to have one heck of a hangover tomorrow."

"Great, I can't wait," Kai mumbled sarcastically, causing you to let out a laugh as two of you continued down the street, his arm wrapped around you and your arms hugging his waist. 

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Chapter 1: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Midnightstarr #2
I'm so glad they ended up together again.
Chapter 1: I can relate to the girl and you, author-nim♥
I never drank alcohol except church alcohol--well, that's only once a year xD This story is too sweet♥
Chapter 1: Can you please write a sequel for this? T.T
Chapter 1: N'aw. that was cute! ^^
Chapter 1: Awe...that was a cute reunite, like this story ♡(●^―^●)♥
minniscule #7
Chapter 1: I can really relate with the girl because I also don't drink. Hihi! I would really appreciate someone like Kai who took the drink for her. <3
Chapter 1: Cuteee! ;3
Chapter 1: sweet!