The Monsters and The Princess



It's 2050 and the world isn't the same as it used to be. What used to be such a beautiful world is now split in half. If you take a look on the left, you'll see a beautiful and prosperous world. On the right, though, you'll see that the land is overcasted with a never ending sky of darkness. There is no light and it's filled with the craziest, most terrifying monster you'll ever see ... Or so it is said by mankind.

Nobody has ever crossed the border before that separated mankind from monsters. That is ... until one a day a girl runs away from her home. Her name is Sun Ri and she plays an important role in the future of these two race. Upon running away from her home, she is saved by a man who turns out to be no one other then the terrifying king of the monsters who is known by his alias: G-Dragon. What will happen when he brings her to his house? Will she survive, or will she bring peace to the kings?

φMain Character/You:φ

Park Sun Ri:

She's a bright and positive girl who is always trying to look on the better side of things and doesn't judge someone without getting to know them. Doesn't like showing emotions besides happiness and is always considering herself a tough girl. Doesn't like to depend on others most of the time and can be quite hard-headed. Also stubborn and loud who can be very curious.

φThe Kings:φ

(Monster Form | Human Form)


The leader of the kings and is considered to be a very cold guy. Doesn't like to interact with others much and is either really quiet or really loud ... not in a good way. Inside, though, he's very caring, sensitive and nice. But his monster side conflicts with his human side and he often cannot show it. Can be cocky and irritating.


Second in command and like G-Dragon, but the nicer version. He's really quiet but he doesn't hesitate to show his feelings. Probably the only one who will stand up to G-Dragon until Sunny. Doesn't interact with other sometimes, but he doesn't mind talking either. Curious, nice, kind and can be playful at times. Although, he can also be shy.


He can be in between sometimes. One day he'll be very happy and the next he'll be really quiet. Onh his happy days he's quite playful and jokes around a lot but on his depressing days he's very quiet and mopes around a lot. He's really tight on his feelings and won't let it ever betray him. The romantic one and won't hesitate to chase after his feelings.


The one with the tough appearance but he's the one who's most likely to smile and laugh. Weird, can be adorable, teasing, outgoing, talkative and fun. He's often the victim of teasing and bullying in the house, but has a light heart. Doesn't let a bad comment ruin his day.


The youngest  and the one who likes to act cute. But he's the one with the worst temper when he gets angry.  He rarely ever gets mad now because of Sunny. Easygoing, talkative and caring.  Likes to make challenges and he often thinks he's the best.


Author: NekoReyn

Genre: Comedy, Angst, Supernatural, Romance

A/N: I don't own any of these characters, pictures, gifs. but I do own my own character. Please don't plagiarize. I'm pretty sure you guys won't, though. Enjoy! If you do though, the gif above is what will happen to you. /Jk ... Or am I/


You could hear someone panting as they ran across roots, grass and mud. Sunny didn’t dare look back as her sides clenched with pain from running too much. She knew she had crossed the border, but she was too afraid to go back.

When she thought she was safe from the place she was running from, she heard growling and dogs barking. Sunny gasped and picked up her speed. When she finally turned her head to look back, she saw a pack of wolves chasing after her. Their eyes were red and showed signs of endless hunger, their jaws snapped and their skinny figures showed no signs of giving up their prey.

Sunny tried to continue on, but she could feel her energy depleting. Suddenly, she tripped over a root and tried to get back up to run, but it was too late. The wolves already started to circle her. She picked a stick nearby and tried to push them away, but one of them bit it and pulled it away.

Am I going to really die like this? Please, please somebody come and help me!

As if someone answered her prayer, the wolves all perked up and stood where they were. If she hadn’t seen them chasing her before, Sunny would’ve thought they were statues. Then she heard a loud ‘bang’ sound and the wolves scurried off into the darkness.

Sunny sat there, motionless. She couldn’t believe she was still alive.

“Are you okay?” A low voice asked from the darkness.

Sunny blinked, trying to find out where it came from, but it was too dark for her to see anything. “Y-yes, I am! Are you the person who saved me?”

“I wouldn’t exactly say I saved you…”

“But you did! Thank you, thank you so much!” Sunny sighed and bowed from where she was.

“No need for that, but what are you doing here? You shouldn’t be … on this side.”

“I was running away from my home.”

“Why, may I ask?”

Sunny bit her lip and shook her head. “Personal reasons.”

“I see … But I think it’s wise of you to go back. After all, who knows who or what will show up next. And it’s not a good idea to run into a ‘monster’ as well.”

She heard the footsteps of her savior retreating and she panicked. “Wait! Please, take me with you!”

“That’s not a wise idea.”

“I don’t care, I can’t go back home. I’m afraid to go back home.”

“There are other things you should be afraid of, girl.” The voice seethed.

“But not of you, I’m sure. You saved me so you’re definitely not a monster! So please, just for a while, can you take me with you?”

“If I do, you’re going to regret it.”

“No, no, no I won’t!”

Sunny’s savior didn’t say anything for awhile, so she thought that he left already until he agreed. “Okay, but don’t say I didn’t warn you. Here, take my hand.”

A hand emerged from the darkness and it didn’t look anything like a monster’s so Sunny decided it was safe to take it. When she placed her own in his, she suddenly felt safe yet cautious. The guy gently pulled and she followed.

As they walked, Sunny still couldn’t see her savior’s face but she could make a general outline of him. He was taller than her, she was sure, and he was somewhat slim but had muscles. His hand held gentleness in it, so she was sure that he wasn’t capable of hurting just anyone. But she still couldn’t shake off the feeling that she had to be cautious.

After what seemed like forever, they finally arrived at a Gothic mansion. Sunny waited for the guy to step forward but instead, he released her and said, “Go ahead first. I’ll be right behind you, and whatever you do, don’t look behind.”

Sunny thought that was a rather odd request but she complied anyway. She walked up the steps to the door and opened it. While the outside looked completely gloomy and scary, the inside was actually beautiful and … inviting for some reason.

“Wow …” Sunny gasped, taking in the view. She was glad she didn’t hesitate to take the chance to look inside.

She heard the door shut behind her and the same voice. “How does it look?”

“It looks so bea-,” Sunny had turned to see her savior but gasped at who it was. She was far off when she thought that he wasn’t a monster. In fact, he was the worst kind.

Her savior was no other than G-Dragon, one of the five kings of monsters. He had red hair with a horn sticking out from the top, pale skin, really bright light brown eyes, a thin dark rim around his eyes and a piercing on his lip.

Everybody knew of him and the other kings. The humans really never had the right picture painted out for him but he wasn’t hard to miss. G-Dragon had red hair and a red horn. That was the main way to tell who he was and Sunny knew that she couldn’t have mistaken the guy in front of her for him.

G-Dragon raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. “Are you starting to regret it now?”

Sunny let out a small scream and walked back until she bumped into someone’s chest. She turned and fell to the ground when she saw a guy with a two corn shape hairstyle.

“Who is this girl?” Taeyang asked, glancing at Sunny. “It’s unlike you to bring anyone home.”

Sunny almost fainted but she now had one goal in mind. To get out of there. She got up and ran into one of the doors on the side into the kitchen and spotted a door. Sunny didn’t hesitate to run over to it and open it, but it turned out to be locked.

“You need a key to get through there.” A voice said behind her. She whirled around and saw G-Dragon leaning against the door. “Unfortunately, only TOP has it.”

Sunny didn’t say anything and ran out the other door and was greeted with two monsters. One was blond and was really muscular while the other had black hair and wasn’t as built. They glanced at her and Sunny froze.

“Oh? A girl?” Seungri asked. “What’s she doing here?”

“I brought her over.” G-Dragon said from behind her.

“Really?” Daesung asked, surprised. “Well, nice to meet you. I’m Daesung!”

Sunny shook her head and ran across the room to another door, which led to a hallway. She ran down and tried to open the doors, but they wouldn’t budge. When Sunny tried all the locked doors she went through the exit which brought her back to the place where she was at the beginning.

Wait! I came in through the front, maybe I can get back out through the there!

Before she could make a move she heard someone with a rather deep voice talk. “Seems like we have a lost cat.”

Coming down from the stairs was a slim, handsome guy with a coat on. He looked gentle but Sunny was not fooled. She turned and ran for the front door but before she could reach it, G-Dragon appeared out of no where and stood in front of it. “Where do you think you’re going?”

Sunny fell down in surprise and tried to control her heavy breathing. The other kings came in and she suddenly found herself surrounded.

“Are you okay?” Seungri asked, kneeling down in front of her. Sunny flinched at how close he was and saw his eyes change to a shining brown color. “Who is she, hyung?”

“She’s a human who ran away from home.” G-Dragon said, smirking, all traces of his gentleness from earlier gone.

“A human!” Taeyang exclaimed. “Why did you bring a human home?”

“Hey, don’t blame me. She’s the one who begged me to take her.”

“W-who are you guys?” Sunny asked in a small voice.

G-Dragon leaned away from the door and stood up. “I think you already know that by now. But I haven’t really formally introduced myself.” G-Dragon kneeled down in front of her and smirked. “I’m G-Dragon, one of the five kings of monsters. Welcome to our home.”

Sunny gasped. So I was right. This guy … really was G-Dragon … What have I done?

Before anyone could introduce themselves Sunny fainted with one thought in mind. I’m in the presence of the kings of monsters…


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kpop_love0101 #1
nice ^^ like it
update please<3