Chapter 3

What Can Fate Bring?

First day of school... *Sigh* I straighten out my uniform and look in the mirror. This skirt is a little short... “Mi are you almost ready?” I grabbed my bag and came out of my room.

“Ya, I’m ready I guess. Shall we go now?” Eun nodded and we headed out to the campus.

“Omo, this campus is beautiful...” Eun was pretty much speechless as we made our way to our homeroom. It was still early and not much students were walking around yet. We entered the building that our homeroom was in. It was so pretty and clean. You could see your reflection in the floors and it smelt like the whole building had been drenched in flowers. I could tell that the staff and students here really take care of the school. We opened the the door and headed to the back of the room.

“Mi, this is going to be so much fun! You’re going to do great. I heard you have to do an audition and perform to the whole class.” Oh crap, now that she mentions it, I don’t have a dance made up yet... I’m gonna die... I quickly take out my Ipod and search through my playlist. What to choose, what to choose. I kept scrolling until I found the song that I wanted Super Junior’s Bonamana. I stood up from my desk and played the song so that I could practice. People slowly started to trickle into the classroom. That’s when I decided to sit back down and relax before class started. Just as everyone was getting settled, one of the girls screamed. “Oh my gosh! It’s Nu’est!” All the girls were busy making themselves look nice before they came into the classroom.

“Eun, wasn’t it one of the groups that you were telling me about?” I turn towards her and she is just looking at them in awe. There’s no point in bringing her back to her senses now. All the girls, I mean ALL the girls were gawking over them. I didn’t really want to pay attention to them so I took out my book and started to read. I had no interest in guys much. It’s just been me, Eun, my dancing, and my studies. I didn’t really have much time for it anyway.

“Mi, Oh my gosh look, it’s Aron, JR, Minhyun, Baekho, and Ren! Omo I can’t believe they're in our homeroom!” Eun was jumping up and down in her seat. *Sigh* I don’t know what I’m going to do with this girl.

“Do you think I could ask them to sign something for me?”

“Eun there always going to be in our class. You can always ask them later if you want.”

“Hmph... Fine.” She said while plopping herself back into her seat and folding her arms across her chest. She really is idol crazy.As they were making there way through the class room, Eun was just blabbering on about them. I’m guessing they're the fashion kingkas. I then noticed that they were sitting next to us. “Omo Mi, they’re sitting next to us!” Eun whispered, but I’m pretty sure that they heard her. I resumed back to reading my book as all the girls were whispering to each other about Nu’est. I just glad I’m not that obsessed with Korean groups.  

“So Eun, do you know what time our classes start?” I kept on reading my book without even looking at her.

“I think at 8:00... Ya they start at 8:00.”




I made my way through the classroom to my seat and I just love the attention... Well, some of the time. I saw two girls sitting in the back of the class. I guess they’re new here. I’ve never seen them before. Nu’est and I made it to our seats in the back. I sat down and leaned back on my chair just relaxing before our teacher came. I turned my head to the my left and noticed that one girl was not interested in talking to anyone. I was only about a seat away from her. She was sitting there reading her book. She had short, dark brown hair and no makeup whatsoever. She looked so peaceful just sitting there. I’m not the type of guy that believe love at first sight. I saw her smiling while talking to her friend, but as she turned to our direction, her smile dropped and she continued to read her book. I know it wasn’t me.

“So guys, what do you want to do after school? We don’t have a big schedule today so we have some free time.” Ren and Baekho were continuing their little debate about Pocky... *Sigh* Minhyun was the first to speak as I was waiting for Ren and Baekho to shut up. “Well, I need to do some things in the library for a while. I need to finish a report on Seoul. You guys go and have fun.”

“Alright man, if you say so.” I took out my phone and played my games.  Homeroom is usually boring anyway. Maybe I should get to know the new girl that caught my eye...


Aron’s POV:

Man school is so boring. I wish we could do something else other than sit in class all day. As soon as I walked into the classroom I noticed a girl sitting in the back I had never seen before. She was sitting by the window reading a book. Wow she’s pretty and she’s not like the others who go crazy over us. Just then I noticed another girl in in the back of her. I guess she is new too. She was smiling but then our eyes met and she looked away. Hmm whatever. I take my seat next to Minhyun and try to get another glance at the other girl with the short, dark brown hair but she just wouldn’t look up from her book. Just then that other new girl talked to her and she smiled. Whoa she’s got a pretty smile too, she’s almost perfect. I just got to know her name. I wonder if I should go ask her? No I couldn’t that would create a bunch of drama for the group and for her as well. I’ll just wait for a better time. I could hear Ren and Baekho arguing next to me. Ugh how will I ever sleep in this class with these two right next to me. I try to close my eyes but was interrupted by JR talking to Minhyun. I try to get one more glance of that new girl but she’s still reading away. Huh next time I think to myself as I am finally able to close my eyes and fall asleep.


Mi Young’s POV:

“Hey Eun, I gonna go to the restroom for a little bit.”

“Ok Mi, you want me to go with you?”

“Nah, I’ll be fine.” I put my book in my bag and head out of the classroom. I walk down the corridor observing everything. The clean shiny floors and the white walls that don’t even have the littlest stains on them. This is really different from Hawaii. I finally reach the restroom after what feels like 10 minutes I walk in. They restroom in huge and looks even more cleaner than the outside halls. Everything is so fancy at this school. I finish up in the restroom and walk out the door. I’m almost to the classroom when I feel a hand on my shoulder. It’s probably Eun. I turn around to see a boy I don’t know smiling at me.

“Hey you want to have some fun with us?” he said as two more boys emerge from behind him.

“No thank you” I say as I knock his hand away from my shoulder and start to walk away.

“Hey slow down lets go on a date or something.”

“I already said no so leave me alone.” I swear I’m going to kick their asses if they don’t leave me alone.

“Hey!” he said while grabbing my wrist and pulling me back. Just as I was about to turn around and kick his sorry I felt his hand leave my wrist. I turned around and saw the boy who grabbed me on the floor and another boy towering above him.

“So harassing girls are you now? Thats pretty low you know.”

“Hey mi-mind your own business. We were...” The boy stopped and looked around to see that his friends had run away and that he was alone.

“Haha... “we” who now?”


“Just get your off the ground and walk away before I change my mind.” The boy did as the other boy said and ran away until we could no longer see him in the hallway.

“You alright?”

“Yeah I’m fine thanks but I could have handled it myself. It’s not like I’m some helpless little girl you know.” I said as I brushed off my skirt and started to walk back to the classroom.

“Hey wait up!” the boy said while trying to catch up.

“My names Aron. What about you?”

“... It’s Mi Young.

“It’s nice to meet you Minny” he said with a smile.

“Only my close friends can call me that.” I turn to walk away in the direction of my homeroom. I’m sure he is in our class, but I’m not interested. I reached the classroom and sat back down in my chair.

“Took you awhile, did anything happen Mi?”

“Nah, just amazed by the campus, that’s all. Just bumped into someone, not that important.”

“Alright Minny, the teacher’s coming pretty soon. I think in like 2 minutes.” I nod my head and go back to reading my book. I put one of my headphones in my ear and listen to my Korean Playlist. I listen to their music, but I’m not like Eun; she likes to fangirl a lot. I mean A LOT. *Sigh* This is going to be a long day. The teacher came into the room and started class. He proceeded to introduce Eun and I.

“These two girls are new here and just came from Hawaii. They will be your new classmates so please take care of them if they have any questions about their class schedules. Girls please introduce yourselves.” EunHae stood up first and then I followed after her.

“Hi it’s nice to meet you all. My name is EunHae. Please think kindly of me” She bowed and then it was my turn. Uh oh I’m so nervous what should I do? I look to Eun and give her a face. She smiles and introduces me to the class.

“This is Mi Young. She’s a little shy but really nice. Please think kindly of her as well.” We both bowed to the class and took our seats.

“You okay Mi?” Eun asked while leaning over towards me.

“Yeah I’m fine. You know how nervous I get in front of a crowd. Thanks for introducing me. ”

“It’s all G” she said and then went back to her normal position. Then the teacher started to talk again. “All of you will be going to your classes in a short while, but I have a few announcements to make before you leave.” The teacher went on talking while I zoned out until I heard the teacher say my name.

“Mi Young you will be in the Advanced Choreography Class and EunHae will be in the Advanced Music Class.” The whole class gasped at what the teacher said.

“Only the best 10 of our school get into the advanced classes. You two must be very talented. Moving on today...” I zoned out again. What did he say? Advanced classes? I can’t take Advanced classes. Everyone else is probably really good! I look over at Eun and she doesn’t look worried at all. I know she’s been playing music all her life but I have been dancing all my life too. I should have more confidence in myself. I take a big breath and settle down. The bell rang and now it’s time to go off to my classes. I wonder what it will be like...


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Chapter 4: Yes ! Finally ! they met each other !!
Chapter 3: uwwoowww !! haha :D Author-nim .. i don't what to comment anymore /awkward/ hehe :)
anyway ,, the story is interesting !!
Update soon !
Chapter 1: yeay !! finally !
anyway ! update soon Author-nim ~~ ^_^
Hello Author-nim !! When will you update this story ?
WildBunny #5
Chapter 1: Update soon^^ I like you story very much
Can't wait <3