“She didn’t ask, I didn’t tell,” suddenly a bossy voice jumped in and I really didn’t need to my head to recognize the owner of annoying voice. I clenched my teeth, held my anger. But why… why I had to be upset? She’s right. It’s my reckless… I didn’t ask her about it at all. But… wait wait… why now even my own self on her side? Argh, this was unbelievable.

       I had no longer chance to argue with my own self as she had passed me by. Now she’s standing in front of me, displaying a dork smile, with both of her hand stuffed inside her pocket. I was about to be dumbfounded discovering her in my sight because her appearance really caught me off guard… I made a hard effort to stay poised, but deep inside my heart I had to admit… she’s successfully stunned me.

       In my sight, she’s kind of a small energetic beautiful girl with lotta confident reflected from her eyes. Her smile, in some way, was a combination between cocky and cute one. Her eyes beamed a smart and sharp sight, but in other way I could feel some hidden warm sensation. Her nonchalant attitude was initially seemed annoying, but I got the feeling, later, it would become one of her lovely character.

       “Why you stared at me?” she raised one eyebrow and smirked cockily. “Am I that stunning? Yeah, you don’t need to tell me. I’ve heard lotta compliments like that,” she continued and now crossing her arms while stood against the wall.


       I cleared my throat as I knew she caught me stared at her. I wouldn’t let her get the victory that easy. I pretended to be annoyed.

       “Who’s staring at you?” I asked back. “I should be mad at you… You… you even didn’t tell me it’s live…”

       “Owh, I think you forgot how to talk to me,” she smirked again, suddenly made me hushed. Damn! I lost control. She’s BIG BOSS. Don’t forget it, Fanny! Unwillingly, plastered my best fake smile, I did a halfhearted bow and said.

       “Jwesonghamnida, Sansangnim.

       She smiled complacently and I could see Yuri gazed toward us back and forth in confuse but didn’t ask anything.

       Okay, this was awkward and not right at all. I shook my head in disbelief and decided to leave this place as soon as possible. Moreover, I had done all the things I supposed to do. She didn’t have any reason to hold me any longer here.

       And the most important thing was… I had a date with Dong Hae this afternoon. I must not be late.

      I hastily grabbed my handbag and excused myself.

      “I think I’ve did what you wanted me to do. Now, I gotta go. Bye,” I quickly said and was about to pass through them.

       But the one named Taeyeon moved faster, blocking my way, still crossing her arms.

       “Hey, why so hurry?” she asked curiously.

       “I have to meet someone,” I replied briefly. She grinned again. I had no idea what did it mean.

       “Date?” she guessed.

       It’s irritating, you know? Asking something which was no one business in detail but…

       “Yes,” I replied unwillingly instead of saying “it’s not your business”… Fiuh…

       “But I’d like to treat you,” she smirked again, making me wonder.


       “You did great,” she said again. I didn’t know she gave the compliment sincerely or had another purpose behind it.

       “The rating is very high. I got lotta commercials because of your performance. I suppose to show some gratitude in well manner,” this time she said seriously, making me suddenly thought… was it a real side of her? Oops… Don’t… don’t be this easy trapped again, Tiffany!!!

       “Owh. I’m glad to hear that. But I don’t think it’s necessary…,” I trailed off and glanced at my watch again. If I didn’t leave now, I supposed to be late and it meant… another new disaster for me… So I improvised a reason.

       “Moreover… moreover… I had ordered a cab. It must be waiting for me outside now. I really got to go. Thank you and bye!”







(Fiuh… what a stupid girl… Why you seem losing your mind? How could you’re fond with a jerk like him? Didn’t your friend tell you that you’re such a babo???)

       The fact that she went for having a date with him, frankly, really agitated me. I didn’t really know what happened to me, but discovering Tiffany was about to have a date with that bad guy was really not a kind of news I’d like to hear.

       “Hi, what’s up?” suddenly Yuri popped in front of me.

       “What what’s up?” I acted stupid deliberately. She chuckled and knocked my head playfully.

       “Haish. The rating for the new program was very high, out of our expectation. But why your face is as gloom as the sky on the rainy day?” she giggled when asking me.

       “Nothing. Just thinking about the silly girl,” I replied. She snapped her fingers.

       “Aha! Tiffany?” she said. “She’s really beautiful, isn’t she?”

       “Beautiful but stupid,” I added indignantly.

       “Hey… why you seemed so upset about her?” Yuri asked curiously.

       “Nothing. I just couldn’t believe it, a beautiful girl like her didn’t attract any high criteria for a guy.”

       “Ha?” Yuri made a face. “What are you talking about?” she seemed dumbfounded.

       “Nothing. Never mind. I got to go,” I suddenly rose from my chair and grabbed my car key.

       “What are you going to do?” Yuri yelled as I already stepped outside.

       “Keep the girl from doing more idiotic thing,” I said nonchalantly and disappeared.







       Fiuh… For some moment I thought I would get some “peaceful period” as now I was standing outside the building… waiting for… the cab I’d never ordered yet… Yeah, I lie.

       I planned to hail some random cab accidentally passing by this building, but… hell, seemed today even the earth was bother to be on my side. Waiting for almost 20 minutes, there’s no vacant cab passed. Shoot… I really wouldn’t make it if I…

       “I thought someone had ordered cab,” suddenly the bossy voice was emerged again.

(Aish… Now you started to get hallucination, Tiffany)

       But as I realized the petite girl suddenly stood beside me I knew… it was real. What the hell she did here???? Didn’t she ever been bored on me?

       She grinned like a dork finding me already built a lie. Damn. I lost again. I tried to sound casual.

       “Hmmh, the cab I ordered seemed stuck in the middle of traffic jam…,” I almost bit my tongue and cursed myself afterward for making such an idiot lie.

       Traffic jam???

       Taeyeon made a move; pretended to tip toe and put her palm horizontally on her forehead like what people did to cover some sunlight from their face, while gazing around the street that strictly far cry from what was called “jam”.

       “Hmmmh…,” I heard she mumbled. In victory. I knew she just waited for me to confess my lie.

       “Okay, okay,” finally I gave up. “You won,” I said indignantly.

       She chuckled, but strangely she didn’t mock me either did another annoying thing. She gestured me with her head to follow her.

       “Come on, let me send you.” With that she just stepped forward, left me behind. She hummed some song I faintly heard while kept throwing up and catching her key car.

       WHAT???? I thought I really got caterpillars on my ears.

       Discovering me still be dumbfounded and didn’t even move for an inch, suddenly she stopped and turned away, looked at me again.

       “You wanna be late on your date?” she asked me in her typical arrogant tone, but strangely this time I didn’t found her irritating. Somehow… I felt… she’s cute enough, actually.

       “No,” quickly I moved my leg to approach her. She had already turned away again and walked toward a black Mazda sport car with two doors only and immediately got into the car. I briskly trailed her.

       “Where?” she asked briefly while kept looking on the road.

       I smiled secretly witnessing her cute action. I had to admit if only she didn’t that arbitrary she must be really sweet and nice… I might like her.

       “Sinchon,” I mentioned the district.

       “What time?” she asked again.

       “Ummm… it supposes to… six…”

       She glanced at the clock on the dashboard and we both tacitly knew it 15 minutes left. Without any remarks again, suddenly she increased the speed, making me jolted in surprise.

       “Sansangnim…,” I uttered. “You don’t need to…,” I was about to tell her that she didn’t need to speed in order to make me be able to “make it”… I meant… she really didn’t need to take any risk to save strangers like me from not being late on my date…

       “Uh-uh,” she gave a cue by shaking her head, still with her gaze on the road.

       “Remember, you don’t need to lecture me. I’d do what I want to do.”

       “Moreover, tell me that you’d just be okay if you don’t make it,” she dared me. I hang my head low, realizing she’s indeed right. How could… she knew me that well????

       “Hm,” she grinned again discovering me didn’t spill any words out.

       “He will be mad at you, rite?”

       I couldn’t help but nodded feebly.

       “How long?” she piped up again. I threw her a baffled look.

       “How long you had already been in relationship with him? And how long had he treated you that way?”

       I inhaled a long breath and released it hard.

       “Six months,” I uttered.

       “Hey, I gave you two questions,” she protested.

       “It answered the both question in a row,” I said feebly, making her finally looked at me.

       “WHAT?” Her expression made me felt like she already swallowed a lizard.

       “He treated you that bad even from the beginning??? And you kept holding on during 6 months? Oh God, if I were you I might have already killed him.”

       “I love him,” I said bluntly, making her shook her head even hard.

       “Oh God. I think I began to regret to send you there.”

       “Sorry… I… didn’t mean to bother you… I’m just fine if you just stop and drop me here…,” I felt guilty, thinking that I’d wasted her time. She might have something more important to do, apart from sending me to Sinchon.





       I suppressed my giggle hearing her innocent remarks. Yahhh Babo!!! How could you think that way??? I meant I regret to save you for not being late for your date. I thought it would be okay if you didn’t make it and eventually would bring you to break up with a jerk like him. But… I knew you’d be terribly sad afterward… How could I bear it? Sigh….

       After I heard that stupid remarks, I just knocked her forehead with my knuckles.

       “Ouch,” she yelled and rubbed her forehead for a moment before glaring at me.

       I grinned innocently.

       “What was that?”

       “Bring you back into soberness,” I said.

       “Babo,” I mumbled and chuckled. “You got me wrong,” I started to explain. This was my first time I explain something in a serious way to someone I just knew. You knew I wasn’t kind of patient person, including giving any explanation.

       “I meant I’d be glad if you don’t make it and finally you break up with him.”


       “Don’t get me wrong again,” I said calmly and looked at her without any cocky or arrogant expression. This time I looked at her with my best concern look.

       “You think how this kind of relationship eventually would bring you?”

        She remained silence for a moment. “I know exactly what you’re meaning.”

        I shrugged my shoulder. “So why you have to be adamant to maintain it when you knew it didn’t worth to try.”

       “Because…,” she trailed off. “I’m afraid I will not survive if I lost…”

       “You don’t even try.”

       “I’m not you,” she said defensively. “I’m not that brave to take the risk… What if after I break up with him I found myself so devastated and at that time it’s late to turn around everything???”

       I heaved a huge sigh. This girl was really blind, I thought.

       “Even if I fall in love so deep with someone,” I said solemnly. “I think I will not let my heart takes over my brain. It will not happen to me,” I stated firmly.

       Not long afterward I stopped my car as we’d already reached the place. I saw her unbuckled her seatbelt and smiled at me sincerely.

       “Thank you, Sansangnim,” she said and got out.

       I smiled back and mused for some moment.

       I really had no idea that later, I’d find that I was totally wrong about my last remarks.

       And it’s because of her.







       When I was standing near the café my cell-phone suddenly buzzed again.

       (Aishhhh… This big boss would never stop nagging me…)

       But as I opened up the message and read the text, I found myself drifted into disappointment. I frowned while reading it thoroughly.

       Baby, I’m sorry. Suddenly I got stomachache. I don’t think can make it. Would you just go home? I promise I’d make it up to you… Love you so much… Kiss :3

       Though it really a big disappointment to me, discovering her sweet remarks really already melted my heart again. I thought I would never be able to get upset toward him. He knew my weakness point; that’s the problem.

       Joha. Gwaenchana. Do you need I come to see you, Oppa?

       In a second I got the reply.

       Oh, aniya. I’d be just fine. Just back home soon, Darling. Don’t be too late. I won’t you get sick as well. Once again… neo-mu sa-rang-hae. <3







       My coffee glass was about to lose from my grip as I was taken aback about what I was witnessing.

       It was… him…???

       I saw Dong Hae walked along with a girl I never saw before. They talked and laughed together. And what stabbed my heart was they’re intertwining their fingers… and acted like an item… WHAT???

       I found myself dumbfounded, my jaw dropped open, my eyes were widened and kept following them entered a café.

       So… He just told another lie to me? He dated another girl???

       Oh, God… I really couldn’t bear it anymore… I really really want to end my relationship… But what… what if I later found myself regret it??? Oh God… why he couldn’t see that I loved him that much??? Maybe it wasn’t right… Maybe I didn’t love him that much, but… rather to I was too afraid to lose him because I wasn’t sure whether I’d just be okay or not after breaking up with him…


       Finally I decided to enter the café as well and planned to tell the girl that I was her girlfriend!!! I had to do that! He’s mine! Nobody could treat him like I did!

       I struggled hard to fight back my tears that were about to spill out from my eyes before I went in.

      But before I did it, a voice was heard behind me.


       A familiar voice I never expected before. What the??? Was it possible????

       The unmistakable bossy voice… but this time it sounded so calm and warm… I slowly turned away and…

       I saw her stood behind me, folded her arms on her chest while still gazing at me.

       She calmly stepped forward to approach me.

       “Neomu babo,” she repeated again and shook her head in disbelief.






to be continued...



Can you see the real side of Taeyeon?

What do you think Tiffany's impression about her?


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thinking about the role out from the bathroom. tell me who deserve to pair up with our beloved taetae...


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Chapter 1: please update soon
Chapter 21: Please, the grammar.
death_angel_l #3
Chapter 77: This indeed a great story!
milkymilk19 #4
Chapter 77: Weee~ more more!
Chapter 77: Yehey!! What a relief that no bad happen to Taeng :), author-ssi is this the end??
Update soon if not hehehe :))...
Chapter 67: WTH?? Omo!! I really wish that this story will have a happy ending i dont want to cry :(..
And i felt bad for Krys but... Aigoo!! I dont know anymore -__-..
Chapter 66: Aigoo!! Why i want this time that KrysTae should end up Together??
Chapter 49: Omo!! When im reading this chapter then a song popped out and out of the blue and the title is "why cant it be" by 3rd avenue, aigoo!!
This chapter is really heart-breaking :'( ...
Chapter 37: This is story is really great :).. Sorry for late knowing ur story author-ssi, so i guessed that the next chapter will be a new story?? Hehehe camt wait to read it :))... Thanks for the story author-ssi..
Niquee9 #10
Chapter 49: I crieddddd:(( It hurts!