I'd Come For You [Jinki/OC (Fluff) Oneshot]


Yes, I like Nickelback. This fanfic has absolutely nothing to do with the song by Nickelback.

And I already have the next chapters to my other stories, so, no worries. 

Instead, this has to with me worrying so much about Jinki lately. Honestly, I think that I've been worrying about him since I became a Shawol. It hasn't been that long, but it's long enough to worry about someone that you don't even know. I've been extra worried about my Ontokki lately because of a video I saw of him crying and the tumblr post that was attached to it. If I can find it again, I'll share the link. I almost broke out in tears... 

Yeah, I love you, Jinki.


She'll forever be there for him, no matter how far he is.


Jinki-oppa, please, answer your phone. I know you're probably busy, but I'm really worried. I don't know what's going on with you, but I really, really need to talk to you. It's very important. Jinki, please...


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