Chapter 20

My Lovely Baby Daughter


Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep...


The machines surrounding her continue to beep in sync with her heartbeat, ever since she admitted herself into the hospital. To her, hospital is a terrifying place. The last time she step foot in one, was the time she watch her mother pass on. The bed she now sleeps in, looks exactly like her mother's deathbed.

Even so, now, the only place she wants to and needs to be in, is here. It doesn't matter anymore, not when little Hyuna's lying in her arms. Everything feels complete with her around. 

Little Hyuna squirm a little as she feeds on the bottle filled with milk, making Anna smile in a motherly way. The nurse standing beside them smile in content. This mother and daughter don't have the privilege to spend every moment together and whenever they do, it warms every hearts in the department. 

After Hyuna finish her bottle, the nurse hold out her hands for Hyuna. 


"Can I... Can I do it?" Anna ask weakly.

The nurse think for a moment, before nodding. "Okay, don't tell doctor I let you." 

Anna smile brightly, before she holds Hyuna up and gently pat her back. Hyuna then burp cutely and Anna choke with joy. She let Hyuna sit on her lap as she support her back. 

The nurse nervously hold on to Anna. "Are you okay? Is anything wrong?" She watches as tears flows down Anna's cheeks.

Anna shake her head. "No no.. I'm just happy." She smile to the nurse, "I'm happy." 


At such a sight, tears also starts to gather in the nurse's eyes. Hyuna's already 3 months old, yet Anna only get to hold her daughter for only a pathetic number of times. As time goes, the number and possibilities she get to hold her gets lesser and lesser, to the point that even at sight of Hyuna can bring Anna to tears.


Hyuna, the name given to the baby of Kyuhyun and Anna, was a combination of their names. The most meaningful and most wonderful thing that ever happen between them. 


"Anna, you have to go." Another nurse finally call out from the door, after watching the heartwarming scene. 

Anna nods and return her baby to the arms of the nurse. 

Before leaving with Hyuna, she turns to Anna. "You'll live, Anna. You'll survive through it all and spend the rest of your life happily with Hyuna. You will and you HAVE to live." Tears flow down her cheeks.

Anna smile gratefully. "Thank you."




She lie motionlessly on operating table, waiting anxiously for any news. Everyone was quiet and only the sounds of machine filled the room. What is going on? Is she okay? Is everything okay? Oh god, help me. Save my baby. Save my only hope. I pray to you, Lord!

Finally the doctor call out, "Kelly clamp." 

The nurses passes her what she wants, and they continue on.


More people gather to the front and Anna gets more and more anxious. 


"Anna! Calm down, your heart beating rising!" Another doctor monitoring the machines shout.

"What's happening? Is my baby alright?" She whimper softly, weaken by the anesthesia.


Like answering to her question, the baby cries fills the room and many sigh in relief. 


"It's a girl. Congratulations." One of the nurses behind the screen says. 


Without even letting Anna see her, they took away the baby and disappear into another door. 


"Where is she going? Why are they not letting me see her?" Anna anxiously look around, trying to get a glimpse behind the screen. 

"It's alright. She's premature and has to be rush to tests. You'll see her in a second." The doctors reassure. 


Then another doctor continue, "We'll increase the anesthesia now." 


And soon, her eyelids became heavier and heavier and she drift away from consciousness.



"Doctor! Her blood pressure is dropping!" 

"Raise the dopamine by 20 milligrams!"

"She just lost conscious!"


"ANNA! Wake up!"



Anna look at her obstetrician as she walks into her room. 

She smile immediately, putting a rest to Anna's anxiety. "She alright. Her lungs were fully grown and is working just well. She's doing great. After a few days in PICU, you'll get to see her."



"ANNA! Come back to us! You still has Hyuna waiting for you!" 



Anna holds tightly onto the little knitted yellow hat in her hands. She's going to see Hyuna for the first time and she's so nervous. She knitted that little hat herself when she was pregnant, with the help of some the nurses, of course. For endless times, she envision it on her baby. And today, she's gonna see her in it. 

When there's a little knock on her door, Anna's breath stop as she looks intently at it. All the 6-7 nurses who gathered to watch, held onto their breaths as well. Finally, little Hyuna arrives into her mommy's room and tears quickly gather in Anna's eyes. 

"Oh baby! I've waited for you for so long!" She cry, making the nurses in the room well up in tears.

Carefully, the nurse put Hyuna in Anna's arms, making sure Anna is doing it the right way. Hyuna's little arms rub her own face, before giving a big yawn. Her small little eyes slowly open up and look into her mother's eyes. 

"Oh baby.. My baby.." Anna continue to cry, even harder. 

She gently caress her little head and put a kiss onto her small forehead.



"Her heart rate dropped!"

"Come on, Anna! Hyuna needs you!" 

"She needs you! You have to live, remember!" 

"Wake up!!"


Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep.. Beep... Beep...



Kyuhyun quickly get onto the van as he's told and wait for his manager. He climb into the front seat after a phone call.

"Hyung, what's happening?" Kyuhyun ask.


His manager rub his head. "The company's in a mess right now, they're trying not to get any of these out." 

"What are 'these' about?"

His manager turn to look at him and laugh. "Yahh, Kyuhyun-ah. You're grown quite a bit, didn't you? You'll in the same situation as Justin Bieber right now!"

"Justin Bieber?" Kyuhyun just continue to ask. 

"Yeah, Justin Bieber is recently in a baby scandal. Some woman call Mariah Yeater claim her 3 month old baby is his."


"It must be the trend now.. The social service called the company and claim that you have a baby."

Kyuhyun laugh in respond.

"Funny, right?" His manager join in.


Stopping at Incheon Airport, Kyuhyun look his manager in wonder. 

"Just exactly, where are we going?" He ask as he put on his sunglasses.

His manager smile, "Ulsan." 



"Was your car followed by fans or something?" The SM staffs who was already here immediately run to the van when it stops outside the social service center. 

His manager tap Kyuhyun to wake him up. "Nope. I've checked." 

"Good. Go in by the back. Second floor, okay? There's quite a lot of people here so stay low." 

"Yes, sir." His manager politely say, before he drives to the back. 


After he parked the van, Kyuhyun's already in his hat, specs and hoodie, staring sleepily at him.


"Come, let's go."


When they arrive at the second floor, the SM staffs quickly usher him into a private room. Kyuhyun quickly and quietly sits on the chair in the room, while the staffs starts to bombard him with questions.


"Calm down, calm down. One by one." His manager defend.

"Honestly tell us, do you have a girlfriend?" One of the staff ask.

"No." Kyuhyun answer.

"Then did you hook up with anyone?"

His manager watch for awhile, before helping him. "He broke up with his girlfriend 6 months ago." 


"But did you hook up with anyone else?!" The angry staff shout. 

Kyuhyun look up at her. "No." He coldly and firmly reply, shocking his manager a little bit. 


His manager knew everything. His break up and how he's suffering because of it. But even after his break up, this is the first time he's this cold to someone.


"He said no." His manager repeat, making the staffs to leave the room.


He turn to Kyuhyun. "Relax."


Then suddenly, the door open again and a man walk in. He settle onto the chair opposite to Kyuhyun and look at him. 

He open up the file. "Cho Kyuhyun?"


"Security number 8802031XXXXXX?" 



He then take a document out of the file pocket and pass it to him. "Take a look, then." 


Before Kyuhyun could take it, his manager snatch it away and look the first glance. Kyuhyun didn't object and let him, waiting for his reaction. But he didn't react to it. He simply stare at it for one full minute.


"What is it?" Kyuhyun snatch it away from his hands and look at it. 



Dong gu Hospital, Ulsan.


Baby   | Female |    Hyuna    | 1104192XXXXXX | 

Father |        | Cho Kyuhyun | 8802031XXXXXX |



















Mother |        | Anna Allen | 



 Howwwwww's it going guys?

Sorry I haven't update for so long..

I just finish my major exam and finally got the time to write.

I saw the comments! The previous chapter was "Sad" and "Epic"?

Thank you @MiharuRaeJin, @ElfyPuhl and @queenandthelion for commenting!

Thank you for all the subscribers and readers too!

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See you guys soon!

- Claire



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15 streak #1
It was a nice story
Sallybahari #2
Chapter 30: Update pleaseeeeeeeee
matsumotoakira #3
Chapter 30: I hope you update soon
Nataluwechka #4
Will you finish this story???
I liked it so much:)
AEGYO92 #5
Chapter 30: update pleaseT_T
jade_sauquillo #6
Chapter 30: Please update..
I love this story..
Chapter 30: please update ASAP! I LOVE this story!
Chapter 30: MAH FEELS! TT.TT I'm actually tearing up! Kyuhyun you better raise that babeh with all yo' luv! Anna didn't give birth for nothing!
Agee3231 #9
Chapter 28: Please let Anna be alive TT
Chapter 30: is this the last chapter? please NO :) still waiting for an update :) FIGHTING!!~ :)