You annoy me

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" You lack on plenty everything , i don't know what i should do with you " 





The boy felt the smack on his forehead but he stayed immobile not moving an inch neither the pain nor touching the red mark .



He was already used to this .



LuHan wasn't a failure , not like the others keep on telling him , he never really cared about their opinions but it hurts , sometimes when he's all alone , their words would keep on crossing his mind . That moment he'd feel  an horrible sorrow devouring his lonely heart .



He can't cry , he is a man after all .



In reality what made him even more lonely , were the days he spent attending school , watching his classmates interacting with each other and creating solid bonds .



He was like a lost puppy . The only one left behind . 



LuHan was the cutest and also  most handsome boy of his high school . But no one saw him smile ... never ever ... He never changes his cold expression like he is cursing every single one them under his breathe .



No one knows anything about him : His family problems , his intensive part time job , his great voice .. No one cared about his presence , and he never seemed interested in any one of them  . They are the same he muttered , faking smiles , asking you about your health , starting random and pathetic discussions . He was sick of it and preferred staying away of them until graduation . 



Time passes quickly . He is already packing his luggage , ready to leave for Korea , he didn't save up all those years for nothing . He wanted to attend a great college far away from this place . He left home alone heading to the airport . 



Then he was street casted . 



LuHan joy couldn't be expressed when he joined SM  . Then slowly it faded away when he realized that he had to stuck with other trainees .  He had that roommate , Oh SeHun , four years younger than him . He couldn't't stand him around , since the day he found him crying and he regretted very soon comforting him and giving him his bubble tea . 


" Hyung ~ ! " 



That annoying voice , he kept on hearing everyday but he couldn't reject him .... Pity maybe ? Among of all the members , SeHun was the most touchy , cute and ... stalking .  He had good friendship with others but he just felt uncomfortable with his roommate . 



" Hyung ~ ! " 



LuHan sighed as he heard the boy's voice from far away . He fell on his bed trying to ignore the noise then he felt someone's presence sitting next to him . LuHan hated when someone sits on hi

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kola__nim #1
Chapter 1: This ith good.the beth hunhan onethot i ever read